The Fudget Library source code

Below is a list of links to the source code of the modules in the Fudget Library.


Directory Contrib - Contributed add-ons to the Fudget Library

  1. AuxShellF
  2. BitmapF
  3. CompletionStringF
  4. ConnectF
  5. ContribFudgets
  6. DynRadioGroupF
  7. EndButtonsF
  8. FilePickPopupF
  9. FileShellF
  10. HandleF
  11. HelpBubbleF
  12. HyperGraphicsF2
  13. KeyGfx
  14. LinearSplitP
  15. MenuBarF
  16. MeterF
  17. ReactionM
  18. ReactiveF
  19. ShapedButtonsF
  20. SmileyF
  21. SocketServer
  22. SplitF
  23. SuperMenuF
  24. TitleShellF
  25. TreeBrowser
  26. TypedSockets

Directory hsrc - the main Fudget Library Haskell source directory

  1. AllFudgets
  2. Fudgets

Directory hsrc/combinators

  1. BranchF
  2. Combinators
  3. CompF
  4. CompFfun
  5. ContDynF
  6. DynListF
  7. InputF
  8. ListF
  9. LoopCompF
  10. LoopLow
  11. Loops
  12. NullF
  13. ParF
  14. ProdF
  15. Route
  16. SerCompF
  17. StateMonads
  18. TreeF

Directory hsrc/containers

  1. BubbleF
  2. Containers
  3. Dlayout
  4. DragF
  5. DShellF
  6. FreeGroupF
  7. PopupF
  8. PopupGroupF
  9. PosPopupShellF
  10. RootWindowF
  11. ScrollF
  12. SelectionF
  13. Shells

Directory hsrc/debug

  1. Debug
  2. Maptrace
  3. ShowCommandF
  4. ShowFailure
  5. SpyF

Directory hsrc/defaults

  1. DefaultParams
  2. FDefaults

Directory hsrc/dialogue

  1. ContinuationIO
  2. DialogueIO
  3. P_IO_data

Directory hsrc/drawing

  1. BitmapDrawing
  2. Color
  3. Convgc
  4. Cursor
  5. Drawing
  6. DrawingModules
  7. DrawingOps
  8. DrawingUtils
  9. Expose
  10. FixedDrawing
  11. FlexibleDrawing
  12. Font
  13. FontProperty
  14. Gc
  15. GCAttrs
  16. GCtx
  17. Graphic
  18. Graphic2Pixmap
  19. LoadFont
  20. Pixmap
  21. PixmapGen
  22. TextExtents
  23. TransCoord

Directory hsrc/filters

  1. DoubleClickF
  2. Filters
  3. FocusMgr
  4. NewCache
  5. ShapeGroupMgr

Directory hsrc/fudgets - GUI elements

  1. BellF
  2. Border3dF
  3. ButtonBorderF
  4. ButtonF
  5. ButtonGroupF
  6. DButtonF
  7. DDisplayF
  8. DialogF
  9. DRadioF
  10. DStringF
  11. DToggleButtonF
  12. Edit
  13. Editor
  14. Edtypes
  15. FilePickF
  16. GcWarningF
  17. GraphicsF
  18. GuiElems
  19. HyperGraphicsF
  20. InputEditorF
  21. LabelF
  22. MenuButtonF
  23. MenuF
  24. MenuPopupF
  25. MoreF
  26. MoreFileF
  27. OnOffDispF
  28. PopupMenuF
  29. PushButtonF
  30. QuitButtonF
  31. QuitF
  32. RadioF
  33. StringF
  34. TerminalF
  35. TextF
  36. ToggleButtonF
  37. ToggleGroupF

Directory hsrc/ghc

  1. GetModificationTime
  2. HbcWord
  3. UnsafePerformIO

Directory hsrc/hbc_library

  1. FudUTF8

Directory hsrc/hugs - low-level stuff to load and type check (but not run) everything in Hugs

  1. DFudIO
  2. DialogueSpIO
  3. DoRequest
  4. FudIO
  5. GetTime
  6. IOUtil
  7. List2
  8. LowLevel
  9. PackedString
  10. ShowFun
  11. SpIO
  12. XCall

Directory hsrc/infix

  1. CompOps
  2. InfixOps
  3. LayoutOps
  4. OldLayoutOps

Directory hsrc/internals

  1. CompiledGraphics
  2. DLValue
  3. DrawCompiledGraphics
  4. DrawCompiledGraphics1
  5. Editfield
  6. IntMemo
  7. IsRequest
  8. MeasuredGraphics
  9. MGOps
  10. PathTree
  11. Queue
  12. StringEdit
  13. Table
  14. Tables
  15. Tables2
  16. Tree234
  17. UndoStack

Directory hsrc/io

  1. AppStorage
  2. AsyncTransmitter
  3. HaskellIO
  4. InOut
  5. IoF
  6. OpenSocket
  7. Process
  8. ReadFileF
  9. Socketio
  10. StdIoUtil
  11. TimerF
  12. Transceivers
  13. UnsafeGetDLValue
  14. WriteFile

Directory hsrc/kernelutils

  1. BgF
  2. GetVisual
  3. GetWindowProperty
  4. GreyBgF
  5. InternAtom
  6. KernelUtils
  7. MapstateK
  8. ParK
  9. QueryPointer
  10. QueryTree
  11. QuitK
  12. ShapeK
  13. SimpleF

Directory hsrc/layout

  1. Alignment
  2. AlignP
  3. AutoLayout
  4. AutoPlacer
  5. CondLayout
  6. DynListLF
  7. DynSpacerF
  8. HorizontalAlignP
  9. Layout
  10. LayoutDir
  11. LayoutDoNow
  12. LayoutF
  13. LayoutHints
  14. LayoutRequest
  15. LayoutSP
  16. Layoutspec
  17. MatrixP
  18. NameLayout
  19. ParagraphP
  20. Placer
  21. Placers
  22. Placers2
  23. Sizing
  24. SizingF
  25. Spacer
  26. Spacers
  27. TableP
  28. TryLayout
  29. UserLayoutF

Directory hsrc/lowlevel

  1. Cont
  2. Display
  3. FudgetIO
  4. Srequest
  5. TagEvents
  6. WindowF
  7. Xcommand
  8. Xrequest

Directory hsrc/sp - Stream Processors

  1. CompSP
  2. Dynforkmerge
  3. IdempotSP
  4. InputSP
  5. Loop
  6. Loopthrough
  7. ParSP
  8. SP
  9. SpEither
  10. Spinterp
  11. SPmonad
  12. Spops
  13. SPstateMonad
  14. StreamProc
  15. StreamProcIO

Directory hsrc/types

  1. Direction
  2. Drawcmd
  3. Fudget
  4. InputMsg
  5. ListRequest
  6. Message
  7. Path
  8. Popupmsg
  9. Rects
  10. Types

Directory hsrc/utils

  1. CmdLineEnv
  2. Defaults
  3. EitherUtils
  4. FilePaths
  5. FudUtilities
  6. FudVersion
  7. Geometry
  8. HbcUtils
  9. MapstateMsg
  10. StringUtils
  11. Utils

Directory hsrc/xtypes

  1. AuxTypes
  2. Command
  3. DrawInPixmap
  4. DrawInWindow
  5. DrawTypes
  6. Event
  7. EventMask
  8. FRequest
  9. Image
  10. ResourceIds
  11. Sockets
  12. Visual
  13. XDraw
  14. XStuff
  15. Xtypes
  16. XTypesModules