
-- $Id: HsExpMaps.hs,v 1.10 2001/10/09 02:10:28 hallgren Exp $


   Maps for the E functor.


module HsExpMaps where

import HsExpStruct
import HsIdent
import HsGuardsMaps(mapAlt, accAlt, seqAlt)
import AccList(accList)
import MUtils

mapEI ::(i1 -> i2) -> 
        (e1 -> e2) ->
        (p1 -> p2) ->
        (d1 -> d2) ->
        (t1 -> t2) ->
        (c1 -> c2) ->
        EI i1 e1 p1 d1 t1 c1 ->
        EI i2 e2 p2 d2 t2 c2
mapEI idf ef pf df tf cf exp =
    case exp of
    HsId n                 -> HsId (mapHsIdent idf n)
    HsLit l                -> HsLit l
    HsInfixApp x op z      -> HsInfixApp (ef x) (mapHsIdent idf op) (ef z)
    HsApp x y              -> HsApp (ef x) (ef y)
    HsNegApp x             -> HsNegApp (ef x)  
    HsLambda ps e          -> HsLambda (map pf ps) (ef e)
    HsLet ds e             -> HsLet (df ds) (ef e)
    HsIf x y z             -> HsIf (ef x) (ef y) (ef z) 
    HsCase e alts          -> HsCase (ef e) (map (mapAlt ef pf df) alts) 
    HsDo stmts             -> HsDo (mapStmt stmts)
    HsTuple xs             -> HsTuple (map ef xs)
    HsList xs              -> HsList (map ef xs)
    HsParen x              -> HsParen (ef x) 
    HsLeftSection x op     -> HsLeftSection (ef x) (mapHsIdent idf op)
    HsRightSection op y    -> HsRightSection (mapHsIdent idf op) (ef y) 
    HsRecConstr n upds     -> HsRecConstr (idf n)
                                (map mapFieldUpdateI upds)
    HsRecUpdate e upds     -> HsRecUpdate (ef e)
                                (map mapFieldUpdateI upds) 
    HsEnumFrom x           -> HsEnumFrom (ef x) 
    HsEnumFromTo x y       -> HsEnumFromTo (ef x) (ef y) 
    HsEnumFromThen x y     -> HsEnumFromThen (ef x) (ef y) 
    HsEnumFromThenTo x y z -> HsEnumFromThenTo (ef x) (ef y) (ef z)
    HsListComp stmts       -> HsListComp (mapStmt stmts)
    HsExpTypeSig s e c t   -> HsExpTypeSig s (ef e) (cf c) (tf t)
    HsAsPat n e            -> HsAsPat (idf n) (ef e)  -- pattern only
    HsWildCard             -> HsWildCard        -- ditto
    HsIrrPat e             -> HsIrrPat (ef e)   -- ditto
    mapFieldUpdateI (HsFieldBind n)     = HsFieldBind (idf n)
    mapFieldUpdateI (HsFieldUpdate n e) = HsFieldUpdate (idf n) (ef e) 

    mapStmt (HsGenerator p e s) = HsGenerator (pf p) (ef e) (mapStmt s)
    mapStmt (HsQualifier e s)   = HsQualifier (ef e) (mapStmt s)
    mapStmt (HsLetStmt ds s)    = HsLetStmt (df ds) (mapStmt s)
    mapStmt (HsLast e)          = HsLast (ef e)


   Accumulator for the E functor.


accEI ::(i -> b -> b) ->
        (e -> b -> b) ->
        (p -> b -> b) ->
        (d -> b -> b) ->
        (t -> b -> b) ->
        (c -> b -> b) ->
        EI i e p d t c ->
        b ->
accEI idf ef pf df tf cf exp =
    case exp of
    HsId n                 -> accHsIdent idf n 
    HsLit l                -> id
    HsInfixApp x op z      -> ef x . accHsIdent idf op . ef z 
    HsApp x y              -> ef x . ef y 
    HsNegApp x             -> ef x  
    HsLambda ps e          -> ef e . accList pf ps 
    HsLet ds e             -> ef e . df ds 
    HsIf x y z             -> ef x . ef y . ef z 
    HsCase e alts          -> ef e . accList (accAlt ef pf df) alts 
    HsDo stmts             -> accStmt df ef pf stmts 
    HsTuple xs             -> accList ef xs 
    HsList xs              -> accList ef xs 
    HsParen x              -> ef x  
    HsLeftSection x op     -> ef x . accHsIdent idf op  
    HsRightSection op y    -> accHsIdent idf op . ef y 
    HsRecConstr n upds     -> idf n . accList (accFieldUpdateI idf ef) upds 
    HsRecUpdate e upds     -> ef e . accList (accFieldUpdateI idf ef) upds   
    HsEnumFrom x           -> ef x 
    HsEnumFromTo x y       -> ef x . ef y  
    HsEnumFromThen x y     -> ef x . ef y  
    HsEnumFromThenTo x y z -> ef x . ef y . ef z 
    HsListComp stmts       -> accStmt df ef pf stmts 
    HsExpTypeSig s e c t   -> ef e . cf c . tf t 

    HsAsPat n e            -> idf n . ef e  -- pattern only
    HsWildCard             -> id            -- ditto
    HsIrrPat e             -> ef e          -- ditto

accFieldUpdateI idf ef (HsFieldBind n)      = idf n 
accFieldUpdateI idf ef (HsFieldUpdate n e)  = idf n . ef e 

accStmt df ef pf (HsGenerator p e s)    = pf p . ef e . accStmt df ef pf s
accStmt df ef pf (HsQualifier e s)      = ef e . accStmt df ef pf s
accStmt df ef pf (HsLetStmt ds s)       = df ds . accStmt df ef pf s
accStmt df ef pf (HsLast e)             = ef e 


seqEI :: (Monad m,Functor m) =>
        EI (m i) (m e) (m p) (m ds) (m t) (m c) ->
        m (EI i e p ds t c)
seqEI exp =
    case exp of
    HsId n                 -> HsId # seqHsIdent n
    HsLit l                -> return $ HsLit l
    HsInfixApp x op z      -> HsInfixApp # x <# seqHsIdent op <# z
    HsApp x y              -> HsApp # x <# y
    HsNegApp x             -> HsNegApp # x
    HsLambda ps e          -> HsLambda # sequence ps <# e
    HsLet ds e             -> HsLet # ds <# e
    HsIf x y z             -> HsIf # x <# y <# z
    HsCase e alts          -> HsCase # e <# mapM seqAlt alts
    HsDo stmts             -> HsDo # seqStmt stmts 
    HsTuple xs             -> HsTuple # sequence xs
    HsList xs              -> HsList # sequence xs
    HsParen x              -> HsParen # x
    HsLeftSection x op     -> HsLeftSection # x <# seqHsIdent op 
    HsRightSection op y    -> HsRightSection # seqHsIdent op <# y
    HsRecConstr n upds     -> HsRecConstr # n <# mapM seqFieldUpdate upds
    HsRecUpdate e upds     -> HsRecUpdate # e <# mapM seqFieldUpdate upds
    HsEnumFrom x           -> HsEnumFrom # x
    HsEnumFromTo x y       -> HsEnumFromTo # x <# y
    HsEnumFromThen x y     -> HsEnumFromThen # x <# y
    HsEnumFromThenTo x y z -> HsEnumFromThenTo # x <# y <# z
    HsListComp stmts       -> HsListComp # seqStmt stmts
    HsExpTypeSig s e c t   -> HsExpTypeSig s # e <# c <# t

    HsAsPat n e            -> HsAsPat # n <# e    -- pattern only
    HsWildCard             -> return HsWildCard   -- ditto
    HsIrrPat e             -> HsIrrPat # e        -- ditto

seqStmt (HsGenerator p e s) = HsGenerator # p <# e <# seqStmt s
seqStmt (HsQualifier e s)   = HsQualifier # e <# seqStmt s
seqStmt (HsLetStmt ds s)    = HsLetStmt # ds <# seqStmt s
seqStmt (HsLast e)          = HsLast # e

seqFieldUpdate (HsFieldBind n)     = HsFieldBind # n
seqFieldUpdate (HsFieldUpdate n e) = HsFieldUpdate # n <# e

seqE :: (Monad m,Functor m) =>
        E (m e) (m p) (m ds) (m t) (m c) ->
        m (E e p ds t c)
seqE exp =
    case exp of
    HsId n                 -> return $ HsId n
    HsLit l                -> return $ HsLit l
    HsInfixApp x op z      -> flip HsInfixApp op # x <# z
    HsApp x y              -> HsApp # x <# y
    HsNegApp x             -> HsNegApp # x
    HsLambda ps e          -> HsLambda # sequence ps <# e
    HsLet ds e             -> HsLet # ds <# e
    HsIf x y z             -> HsIf # x <# y <# z
    HsCase e alts          -> HsCase # e <# mapM seqAlt alts
    HsDo stmts             -> HsDo # seqStmt stmts 
    HsTuple xs             -> HsTuple # sequence xs
    HsList xs              -> HsList # sequence xs
    HsParen x              -> HsParen # x
    HsLeftSection x op     -> flip HsLeftSection op # x
    HsRightSection op y    -> HsRightSection op # y
    HsRecConstr n upds     -> HsRecConstr n # mapM seqFieldUpdate upds
    HsRecUpdate e upds     -> HsRecUpdate # e <# mapM seqFieldUpdate upds
    HsEnumFrom x           -> HsEnumFrom # x
    HsEnumFromTo x y       -> HsEnumFromTo # x <# y
    HsEnumFromThen x y     -> HsEnumFromThen # x <# y
    HsEnumFromThenTo x y z -> HsEnumFromThenTo # x <# y <# z
    HsListComp stmts       -> HsListComp # seqStmt stmts
    HsExpTypeSig s e c t   -> HsExpTypeSig s # e <# c <# t

    HsAsPat n e            -> HsAsPat n # e       -- pattern only
    HsWildCard             -> return HsWildCard   -- ditto
    HsIrrPat e             -> HsIrrPat # e        -- ditto
seqTypeId (TypeQual c t) = TypeQual # c <# t
seqTypeId (TypeUnQual t) = TypeUnQual # t

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