
Plain Haskell source file: HsIdent.hs

module HsIdent where
import PrettyPrint
import MUtils(( # ))

data HsIdentI i
    = HsVar i
    | HsCon i
      deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

getHSName = accHsIdent id

mapHsIdent nf (HsVar n) = HsVar $ nf n
mapHsIdent nf (HsCon n) = HsCon $ nf n

accHsIdent nf (HsVar n) = nf n
accHsIdent nf (HsCon n) = nf n

accHsIdent2 vf cf (HsVar n) = vf n
accHsIdent2 vf cf (HsCon n) = cf n

seqHsIdent (HsVar i)    = HsVar # i
seqHsIdent (HsCon i)    = HsCon # i

isHsVar (HsVar _) = True
isHsVar  _        = False

isHsCon (HsCon _) = True
isHsCon  _        = False

hsVarName (HsVar v) = Just v
hsVarName _ = Nothing

hsConName (HsCon c) = Just c
hsConName _ = Nothing

--- Pretty printing ------------------------------------------------------------

class Printable a => PrintableOp a where
    {- How to print operators "mod"   and "+":
         ppi   should produce "mod"   and "+".
         wrap  should produce "mod"   and "(+)".
	 ppiOp should produce "`mod`" and "+". -}
    ppiOp :: a -> Doc

instance Printable i => Printable (HsIdentI i) where
    ppi   = ppi   . getHSName
    wrap  = wrap  . getHSName

instance PrintableOp i => PrintableOp (HsIdentI i) where
    ppiOp = ppiOp . getHSName
