
-- $Id: Main.hs,v 1.45 2001/07/30 05:07:23 hallgren Exp $

-- Currently a test harness for the lexer/parser/pretty printer.

--ToDo: Are initial values for SrcLoc/current column correct?

module Main (testLexer, main) where

import IO
import Monad
import Lexer
import ParseMonad
import HsParser
import ParseUtil
import Syntax
import PrettyPrint
import System
import GetOpt
import IOExts
import List
import Rewrite(rewriteModule)
import HsAssoc(initEnv)
import TypeCheckTest 
import InferenceMonad
import Components
import Scope as SS
import qualified Scope2 as S2
import SCC
import ExampleScope(testD)

data Flag = LexOnlyLength          -- print number of tokens only
          | LexOnlyRev             -- print tokens in reverse order
          | LexOnly                -- print tokens
          | ParseLength            -- print number of declarations only
          | ParseInternal          -- print abstract syntax in internal format
          | ParsePretty PPLayout   -- pretty print in this style
          | TestStatic             -- test static checker
          | TestTypeCheck
          | ShowNames
          | Help                   -- give short usage info
          | BindingGroupTest

usage = "usage: hsparser [option] [filename]"

options =
   [ Option ['n']  ["numtokens"] (NoArg LexOnlyLength)
         "print number of tokens only",
     Option ['r']  ["revtokens"] (NoArg LexOnlyRev)
         "print tokens in reverse order",
     Option ['t']  ["tokens"]    (NoArg LexOnly)
         "print tokens",
     Option ['d']  ["numdecls"]  (NoArg ParseLength)
         "print number of declarations only",
     Option ['a']  ["abstract"]  (NoArg ParseInternal)
         "print abstract syntax in internal format",
     Option ['p']  ["pretty"]    (OptArg style "STYLE")
         "pretty print in STYLE[(o)ffside|(s)emicolon|(u)trecht|(i)nline|\
          \(n)one] (default = offside)",
     Option ['h','?'] ["help"]   (NoArg Help)
         "display this help and exit",
     Option ['s'] ["static"]     (NoArg TestStatic) 
         "run static checker",
     Option ['c'] ["typecheck"]  (NoArg TestTypeCheck)
         "run typechecker",
     Option ['m'] ["names"]      (NoArg ShowNames)
         "show all defined names",
     Option ['b'] ["groups"]     (NoArg BindingGroupTest)
         "show binding groups"

style :: Maybe String -> Flag
style Nothing  = ParsePretty PPOffsideRule
style (Just s) = ParsePretty $
         case s of
         "o"         -> PPOffsideRule
         "offside"   -> PPOffsideRule
         "s"         -> PPSemiColon
         "semicolon" -> PPSemiColon
         "u"         -> PPUtrecht
         "utrecht"   -> PPUtrecht
         "i"         -> PPInLine
         "inline"    -> PPInLine
         "n"         -> PPNoLayout
         "none"      -> PPNoLayout
         _           -> PPOffsideRule

main :: IO ()
main = do cmdline <- getArgs
          mainHugs cmdline

mainHugs :: [String] -> IO ()
mainHugs cmdline =
   case getOpt Permute options cmdline of
      (flags, args, [])    ->
       do (file, inp) <- case args of
             []  -> do inp <- getContents
                       return ("stdio", inp)
             [f] -> do inp <- readFile f
                       return (f, inp)
             _   -> error usage
          putStrLn (handleFlag (getFlag flags) file inp)
      (    _,   _, errors) ->
        error (concat errors ++ usageInfo usage options)

getFlag :: [Flag] -> Flag
getFlag []  = ParsePretty PPOffsideRule
getFlag [f] = f
getFlag _   = error usage

handleFlag :: Flag -> FilePath -> String -> String
handleFlag LexOnlyLength    f = show . numToks . testLexerRev f
handleFlag LexOnlyRev       f = show . testLexerRev f
handleFlag LexOnly          f = show . testLexer f
handleFlag ShowNames        f = show . getAllNames . testParser f
handleFlag ParseLength      f = show . allLengths . testParser f
   where allLengths (HsModule _ _ imp d) =
            length imp + length d
handleFlag ParseInternal    f = show . testParser f
handleFlag TestStatic       f = \s -> 
    unsafePerformIO $ 
    do { r <- testStatic $ testParser f s ;
         return "Done static checking." }
handleFlag TestTypeCheck    f = \s -> 
    unsafePerformIO $ 
    do  { let { m = testParser f s } ;
          r <- testStatic m ;
          print $ (typeCheckDecls . (\ (HsModule _ _ _ ds) -> ds)) m;
          return "Done static checking." }
handleFlag (ParsePretty lo) f
    = renderWithMode mode . ppi . testParser f
      where mode = defaultMode { layoutType = lo }

handleFlag BindingGroupTest f = \s -> 
          unsafePerformIO (return groups >>= \s ->  return " Done b.g. ")

handleFlag Help   f
    = const $
          ("A simple test program for *The Haskell Parser*" ++ usage)       options

numToks :: ParseResult () [Token] -> Int
numToks (Ok _ toks)  = length toks
numToks (Failed err) = error ("Huh? " ++ err)

testLexerRev :: FilePath -> String -> ParseResult () [Token]
testLexerRev f s =
    (unPM $ loop []) s (SrcLoc f 1 0) 1 (error "Initial environment", []) 
    where loop toks =
           lexer (\t -> case t of 
                           EOF -> returnPM toks
                           _   -> loop (t:toks))

testLexer :: FilePath -> String -> ParseResult () [Token]
testLexer f s = (unPM $ loop []) s  (SrcLoc f 1 0) 1 ((), [])
  where loop toks =
         lexer (\t -> case t of 
              EOF -> returnPM (reverse toks) -- space leak?
              _   -> loop (t:toks))

testParser :: FilePath -> String -> HsModuleR
testParser f s =
    case (unPM parse) s  (SrcLoc f 1 1) 0 ((), []) of
      Ok state mod -> rewriteModule initEnv mod
      Failed err -> error err

testStatic :: HsModuleR -> IO ()
testStatic (HsModule _ _ imp ds) = SS.test ds

start s = liftM (testParser s) (readFile s)
start s = do contents <- readFile s
             return $ testParser s contents

look s = unsafePerformIO $ start s

myTestTypeCheck f s =
    do { let { m = testParser f s } ;
     r <- testStatic m ;
         return $ (typeCheckDs . (\ (HsModule _ _ _ ds) -> ds)) m

t22 x =
    unsafePerformIO $
    do { putStrLn "\nEnter Haskell declarations.  Terminate with :q \
          \on a single line\n" ;
     ls <- getLines [] ;
     myTestTypeCheck "Stdio" ls

t34 x = 
    unsafePerformIO $ 
    do { putStrLn "\nEnter Haskell declarations.  Terminate with :q \
          \on a single line\n"
       ; text <- getLines []
       ; z @ (v, text, _) <- myTestTypeCheck "Stdio" text
       ; putStrLn "\n\n OUTPUT: \n"
       ; putStrLn text
       ; return v

testFreeV = 
    unsafePerformIO $
    do { putStrLn "\nEnter Haskell declarations.  Terminate with :q \
          \on a single line\n"
       ; text <- getLines []
       ; let HsModule _ _ _ ds = testParser "Stdio" text
       ; let (a, b, c) = tfv (SS.freeD ds, map (\x -> SS.freeD [x]) ds)
       ; print ( (map zap  a), map zap b)

tfv ((f1, f2), ds) = (f1 [], f2 [], map (\ (f1, f2) -> (f1 [], f2 [])) ds)

zap (UnQual x) = x

go () = 
     let (a,b,c) = tfv(testFreeV ())
         h (x,y) = (map zap x, map zap y)
     in (map zap a, map zap b, map h c)

getLines c = 
    do { l <- getLine
       ; if l == ":q" 
           then return c
           else getLines (c ++ "\n" ++ l)

z = testGeneral "test2.hs" SCC.tim

testGeneral fname f  = 
    do { text <- readFile fname
       ; let HsModule _ _ _ ds = testParser fname text
       ; return $ f ds 
w = do { testGeneral "test3.hs" SS.test
       ; testGeneral "test3.hs" performTC
       } >>= id

dfree = (testGeneral "test3.hs" (\ ds -> SS.makeSCC ds [])) >>= print

d2 = (testGeneral "test3.hs" (map (\ d -> ff [] d []))) >>= print

{- testD doesn't appear in Scope2 (imported qualified as S2) ...
d3 =  (testGeneral "test3.hs" (map (\ d -> S2.testD [d]))) >>= print

d4 =  (testGeneral "test3.hs" S2.testD) >>= print

HsModule _ _ _ ds = unsafePerformIO (start "test3.hs")

Dec(HsDataDecl _ cs1 tp1 t1 _) = ds !! 0
Dec(HsDataDecl _ cs2 tp2 t2 _) = ds !! 1
Dec(HsTypeDecl _ tp3 t3) = ds !! 2

fr xs y = let (bound,freef1) = SS.scopPatList [] (map SS.freeTP xs)
       in (bound ,SS.freeT y bound)

groups fname = 
    do { (bg,cyclic) <- testGeneral fname SCC.bindingGroups
       ; mapM_ (\ x -> do { putStrLn (pp x)
              ; putStrLn "-----------------"

-- testing the free variable analysis

HsModule _ _ _ freeds = unsafePerformIO (start "tests/freeVartests.hs")

test1 d = testD [d]
freetest _ = map test1 freeds

d5 = freeds !! 4

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