
This module defines type checking functions for generalizing inferred types and applying context reduction (generalise').

module TiGeneralize where
import TiMonad
import TiTypes
import TiUtil
import TiSolve(solve,TypeConstraint(..))
import Unification(isVar)
import TiNames(ValueId,TypeVar,dictName,dictName')
import TiClasses hiding (isVar)
import TiKinds
--import TiPrelude
import TiContextReduction
import TiDefault
import TiFunDeps(predDeps,closure,improvement)
import TiFresh
import HasBaseStruct
import HsConstants(mod_Prelude,tuple)
import BaseSyntax(srcLoc,TI(..))
import TypedIds(NameSpace(..))
import PrettyPrint hiding (var)
import List((\\),partition,nub)--,intersect
import MUtils

--import Debug.Trace(trace) -- debug

If there were polymorphic kinds, kgeneralise would produce kind schemes, but currently it just instantiates any remaining kind variables after kind inference to *, in accordance with the Haskell 98 report, section 4.6.

kgeneralise m =
  do (kbs,s) <- getKSubst m
     return $ (map.fmap) (fixkvars . ksubst s) kbs

As kgeneralise, but treat Pred as equal to *. Useful for kind checking after the dictionary translation.

kgeneraliseSloppy m =
  do (kbs,s) <- getKSubstSloppy m
     return $ (map.fmap) (apFst (fixkvars . ksubst s)) kbs

--generalise1 u = generalise' u id
--generalise u = generalise' u fmap

At the moment, checkKinds only keeps track of the kinds of type variables that remain after type inference. It could be improved to also check that all subsitutions performed were kind preserving.

checkKinds kpreds = return (tyvars kpreds)
    --tyvars :: Unifiable i => [Kinded (Type i)] -> [Kinded i]
    tyvars kpreds = nub [v:>:k|t:>:k<-kpreds,Just v<-[isVar t]] -- hmm
catchAmbiguity dicts =
    if null dicts
    then done
    else fail $ pp ("Unresolved overloading: "<+>ppDicts dicts)

Iterate context reduction and improvement until nothing changes

reduceAndImprove dicts0 = 
  do (dicts1,r1)  <- contextReduction dicts0
     subst1@(S s) <- errorContext "Applying functional dependencies" $
                     improvement [ p | d:>:p<-dicts1]
     if null s
	then return (dicts1,r1,subst1)
	else do --trace (pp $ "Improvement:"<+>vcat [ppi s,"of"<+>ppi dicts1]) $ done
                (dicts2,r2,subst2) <- reduceAndImprove (apply subst1 dicts1)
		return (dicts2,r2 . r1,compS subst2 subst1)

Generalize inferred types:

generalise' keepambig unrestricted fmap' m =
  do env <- getTEnv
     (x:>:t0,res@(dicts0,kpreds0,subst0)) <- getSubst m
     --trace (pp (t0,res)) $ return ()
     ((dicts,r,subst1),([],kpreds1,S [])) <- getSubst $ reduceAndImprove dicts0
     let subst@(S s) = compS subst1 subst0
     kpreds <- checkKinds (kpreds1++[apply subst1 t:>:k|t:>:k<-kpreds0])
     --trace (pp kpreds) $ return ()
     mono <- monomorphism # getEnv -- The monomorphism restriction is optional!
     fdeps <- predDeps [ p | d:>:p<-dicts]
     let t = apply subst t0
	 ngvs0 = tv env -- could probably be made more efficient...
         s' = [s1|s1@(v,_)<-s,v `elem` ngvs0]
         -- Non-generic variables by the usual Hindley-Milner rules:
	 hmngvs0 = ngvs0++tv (map snd s')
         -- Non-generic vars when taking functional dependencies into account:
	 hmngvs = closure fdeps hmngvs0
	 -- (deferred,retained) predicates:
         (ngdicts,gdicts0) = if not mono || unrestricted
			     then partition ng dicts
			     else (dicts,[]) -- monomorphism restriction applies
	   where ng = all (`elem` hmngvs) . tv
	 mrngvs = tv ngdicts
	 ngvs = hmngvs++  -- the usual Hindley-Milner restriction
                mrngvs    -- from the monomorphism restriction
         (ngkpreds,gkpreds0) = partition ng kpreds
	   where ng (v:>:k) = v `elem` ngvs -- mrngvs is not enough!
	 --(avs,(ambigdicts,gdicts)) = ambiguities ngvs gdicts0 t
     --catchAmbiguity ambigdicts; let subst' = idS; r' = id
     (gdicts,(subst',r')) <-
       let known = (if keepambig then tdom gkpreds0 else [])++{-hm-}ngvs
       in resolveAmbiguities fdeps known gdicts0 t
     gkpreds <- checkKinds [varSubst subst' v:>:k|v:>:k<-gkpreds0]
     let ds:>:ctx = unzipTyped gdicts
         gvs = tdom gkpreds
	 ks = map (emap HsVar) gkpreds
	 gen t = Forall ags (kinded ks gs) qt
	   where ags = filter (\ (v:>:_)->v `notElem` gs) gkpreds
		 qt = ctx:=>t
		 gs = tv qt \\ ngvs -- normal type scheme
		 --gs = gvs \\ ngvs -- keep "ambiguous" type variables
         sc = fmap' gen t
     mapM_ constrain [tyvar v:=:t|(v,t)<-s'] -- deferred equality constraints
     mapM_ addinst ngdicts -- deferred predicates
     --trace (pp $ "ngkpreds:"<+>ngkpreds) $ return ()
     mapM_ addkinst [tyvar v:>:k|v:>:k<-ngkpreds] -- what to propagate?
     --abstract ds (r (apply subst x))>:fmap' gen t
     (ds,r' $ apply subst' $ r $ apply subst x)>:sc

getSubst m = do env <- getKEnv ; getSubst' (solve env) m
getKSubst = getSubst' ksolve
getKSubstSloppy = getSubst' ksolveSloppy

getSubst' solve m =
  do (ans,cs) <- getConstraints m
     subst <- solve cs
     return (ans,subst)

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