
This module defines instances for the identifier types PN and PNT in the classes needed by the type checker.

module TiPNT where
import PNT(PNT(..),PId)
import TiNames
import SrcLoc(loc0,SrcLoc(..))
import UniqueNames as U
import SpecialNames
import TypedIds
import MUtils
import TiFresh
import HsConstants as Hs(tuple,mod_Prelude)
import QualNames(getQualified)
import TiHsName

instance TypeCon i => TypeCon (PN i) where
  topType m n = PN (topType m n) (G m n noSrcLoc)

instance ValueId i => ValueId (PN i) where
  topName s m n ty = PN (topName s m n ty) (G m n (optSrcLoc s))
  localVal' n Nothing = PN (localVal n) (Sn n loc0) -- hmm
  localVal' n (Just s) = PN (localVal' (n++sh s) (Just s)) (Sn n s)
         where sh (SrcLoc f _ 0 0) = ""
	       sh (SrcLoc f _ r c) = "_"++show r++"_"++show c
--instName m s = PN (instName m s) (I m s)
  dictName' i s = PN (localVal' "d" s) (D i (optSrcLoc s))
  superName (PN n (G m n' s)) k = PN (superName n k) (G m ("super"++show k++"_"++n') s)
  defaultName (PN n (G m n' s)) = PN (defaultName n) (G m (defaultName n') s)

instance TypeVar i => TypeVar (PN i) where
  tvar n = PN (ltvar "t") (D n noSrcLoc)
  ltvar n = PN (ltvar n) P -- just for pretty printing

instance TypeId i => TypeId (PN i)

instance TypeVar i => Fresh (PN i) where
  fresh = tvar # fresh

instance TypeCon PNT where
   topType m n = PNT (topType m n) (Type blankTypeInfo) noSrcLoc

instance ValueId PNT where
  topName s m n ty = PNT (topName s m n ty) ty (optSrcLoc s)
  localVal' n s = PNT (localVal' n s) Value (optSrcLoc s)
--instName m s = PNT (instName m s) Value (U.srcLoc s)
  dictName' i s = PNT (dictName' i s) Value (N s)
  superName (PNT n (Class cnt ms) s) k = PNT (superName n k) (MethodOf (getQualified n) cnt ms) s
  defaultName (PNT n _ s) = PNT (defaultName n) Value s

instance TypeVar PNT where
   tvar n = PNT (tvar n) (Type blankTypeInfo) noSrcLoc
   ltvar n = PNT (ltvar n) (Type blankTypeInfo) noSrcLoc

instance Fresh PNT where fresh = tvar # fresh
instance TypeId PNT

instance TypedId PId PNT where
  idName (PNT n _ _) = getQualified n

instance IsSpecialName i => IsSpecialName (PN i) where
  -- Should probably use the original name instead!
  is_list_tycon_name (PN i _) = is_list_tycon_name i
  is_fun_tycon_name (PN i _) = is_fun_tycon_name i
  is_char_tycon_name (PN _ (G m "Char" _)) = m == mod_Prelude
  is_char_tycon_name _ = False
  is_tuple_tycon_name n (PN i _) = is_tuple_tycon_name n i

instance (TypeCon i,HasSpecialNames i) => HasSpecialNames (PN i) where
  list_tycon_name = prelType "[]"
  fun_tycon_name = prelType "->"
  char_tycon_name = prelType "Char"
  tuple_tycon_name = prelType . Hs.tuple

instance IsSpecialName PNT where
  is_list_tycon_name (PNT i _ _) = is_list_tycon_name i
  is_fun_tycon_name (PNT i _ _) = is_fun_tycon_name i
  is_char_tycon_name (PNT i _ _) = is_char_tycon_name i
  is_tuple_tycon_name n (PNT i _ _) = is_tuple_tycon_name n i

instance HasSpecialNames PNT where
  list_tycon_name = prelType "[]"
  fun_tycon_name = prelType "->"
  char_tycon_name = prelType "Char"
  tuple_tycon_name = prelType . Hs.tuple

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