
module TypeInfer where
  import MonadTransformers
  import StateMTRefs
  import InstsST
  import System(getArgs)

  data Type s = TyVar (TyVarName s) | Type s :-> Type s
  data Term = Var Id | Abs Id Term | App Term Term 

  type Id = String
  type TyVarName s = STRef s (Either Id (Type s))

  type TyEnv s = [(Id,Type s)]

  type TypeInfM s
    = WithEnv (TyEnv s)     -- typing environment
    ( WithState [Id]        -- identifier supply
    ( WithExcept String     -- error detection
    ( ST s

  newTyVar :: TypeInfM s (Type s)
  newTyVar = do
    x:_ <- updSt tail
    n <- newRef (Left x)
    return (TyVar n)

  -- lookupVar :: Id -> TypeInfM s (Type s)
  lookupVar x = do
    bindings <- getEnv
    case lookup x bindings of
        Nothing -> raise $ "Free variable: " ++ x
        Just t  -> return t 

  hasType :: Id -> Type s -> TyEnv s -> TyEnv s
  (x `hasType` t) bindings = (x,t) : bindings

  typeOf :: Term -> TypeInfM s (Type s)
  typeOf (Var x) = lookupVar x 
  typeOf (Abs x e) = do
    t  <- newTyVar
    t' <- inModEnv (x `hasType` t) (typeOf e) 
    return (t :-> t')
  typeOf (App e1 e2) = do
    t  <- typeOf e1
    t' <- typeOf e2
    x  <- newTyVar 
    unify t (t' :-> x)
    return x

  unify :: Type s -> Type s -> TypeInfM s ()
  unify (TyVar x) t = x |-> t
  unify t (TyVar x) = x |-> t
  unify (s :-> s') (t :-> t') = unify s t >> unify s' t'

  (|->) :: TyVarName s -> Type s -> TypeInfM s ()
  x |-> t = follow t >>= bindTo
    bindTo (TyVar y)
        | x == y = return ()
    bindTo t = do
        occurs <- x `occursIn` t
        if occurs then raise "Occurs check!" 
                  else writeRef x (Right t)

  follow it@(TyVar x) = readRef x >>= either (const (return it)) follow
  follow it = return it

  occursIn :: TyVarName s -> Type s -> TypeInfM s Bool
  x `occursIn` t = do
    t' <- follow t
    case t' of
        TyVar y -> return (x == y)
        a :-> b -> do
            inA <- x `occursIn` a
            inB <- x `occursIn` b
            return (inA || inB)

  test :: Term -> Either String String
  test t = runST
    ( removeExcept
    $ removeState_ names 
    $ removeEnv []
    $ typeOf t >>= showType      

  showType it = do
    t <- follow it 
    case t of
        TyVar x -> do Left x <- readRef x; return x
        a :-> b -> do
            a' <- showType a
            b' <- showType b
            return $ "(" ++ a' ++ ") -> (" ++ b' ++ ")"

  names :: [Id]
  names = concat [ map (:d) ['a'..'z'] | d <- ["", "'"] ++ map show [1..] ]

  tId = Abs "x" $ Var "x"
  tK  = Abs "x" $ Abs "y" $ Var "x"
  tApp = Abs "f" $ Abs "x" $ App (Var "f") (Var "x")
  tS  = Abs "f" $ Abs "g" $ Abs "x" $ App (App (Var "f") (Var "x"))
                                          (App (Var "g") (Var "x"))
  tSApp = Abs "x" $ App (Var "x" ) (Var "x")
  tO    = App tSApp tSApp

  tests = [tId, tK, tApp, tS, tSApp, tO]

  main = getArgs >>= putStrLn . show . test . (tests !!) . read . head

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