HsLexer is imported by: HsParser, PropParser.
module HsLexer where import ParseMonad import HsTokens(Token(..)) --import MUtils --import IOExts(trace)
This module implements the part of the lexer that interacts with the Happy parser, i.e., the layout processing.
popContext, together with the error handling in the Happy parser, implements the equation dealing with parse-error(t) in the definition of the function L, in secion 9.3 in the revised Haskell 98 report.
popContext = do (ts,m:ms) <- get if m/=0 then set (ts,ms) -- redudant test else fail "Grammar bug? Unbalanced implicit braces?" token = uncurry l =<< get where -- Here is the rest of the function L in the report: -- The equations for cases when <n> is the first token: l ts0@((Indent n,(p,_)):ts) ms0@(m:ms) | m==n = ok (semi p) ts ms0 | n<m = ok (vrcurly p) ts0 ms l ((Indent _,_):ts) ms = l ts ms -- The equations for cases when {n} is the first token: l ((Open n,(p,_)):ts) (m:ms) | n>m = ok (vlcurly p) ts (n:m:ms) l ((Open n,(p,_)):ts) [] | n>0 = ok (vlcurly p) ts [n] l ((Open n,(p,_)):ts) ms = ok (vlcurly p) -- (1st of 2 tokens) (vrcurly p:(Indent n,(p,"")):ts) (0:ms) -- Equations for explicit braces: l (t1@(Special,(_,"}")):ts) (0:ms) = ok t1 ts ms l (t1@(Layout, (_,"}")):ts) (0:ms) = ok t1 ts ms -- (2nd of 2 tokens) -- Haskell 98 Report bug workaround: l ts0@(t1@(Special,(p,"}")):ts) (m:ms) = ok (vrcurly p) ts0 ms l (t1@(Special,(_,"}")):ts) ms = fail "unexpected }" l (t1@(Special,(p,"{")):ts) ms = ok t1 ts (0:ms) -- The equation for ordinary tokens: l (t:ts) ms = ok t ts ms -- Equations for end of file: l [] [] = return eoftoken l [] (m:ms) = if m/=0 then ok (vrcurly eof) [] ms else fail "missing } at eof" ok t ts ctx = --trace (show (t,ctx)) $ setreturn t (ts,ctx) vlcurly p = (Layout,(p,"{")) vrcurly p = (Layout,(p,"}")) semi p = (Special,(p,";"))
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