
The plain source file for module Hugs.ConcBase is not available.
-- This implements Concurrent Haskell's "MVar"s as described in the paper
--   "Concurrent Haskell"
--   Simon Peyton Jones, Andrew Gordon and Sigbjorn Finne.
--   In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming
--   Languages,St Petersburg Beach, Florida, January 1996. 
-- except that we have made the following name changes for compatability
-- with GHC 2.05.
--   newMVar  -> newEmptyMVar
-- There is one significant difference between this implementation and
-- GHC 2.05: 
-- o GHC uses preemptive multitasking.
--   Context switches can occur at any time (except if you call a C
--   function (like "getchar") which blocks the entire process while
--   waiting for input.
-- o Hugs uses cooperative multitasking.  
--   Context switches only occur when you use one of the primitives
--   defined in this module.  This means that programs such as:
--     main = forkIO (write 'a') >> write 'b'
-- 	where
-- 	 write c = putChar c >> write c
--   will print either "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." or "bbbbbbbbbbbb..."
--   instead of some random interleaving of 'a's and 'b's.
-- Cooperative multitasking is sufficient for writing coroutines and simple
-- graphical user interfaces but the usual assumptions of fairness don't
-- apply and Channel.getChanContents cannot be implemented.
module Hugs.ConcBase(
	newEmptyMVar, newMVar, takeMVar, tryTakeMVar, putMVar, tryPutMVar,
	) where

import Hugs.Prelude(
	IO(..), IOResult(..), threadToIOResult,
	Exception(..), catchException, blockIO)
import Hugs.IORef

-- The interface

forkIO       :: IO () -> IO () -- Spawn a thread
yield        :: IO ()

newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar a)
newMVar      :: a -> IO (MVar a)
takeMVar     :: MVar a -> IO a
putMVar      :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
tryPutMVar   :: MVar a -> a -> IO Bool
tryTakeMVar  :: MVar a -> IO (Maybe a)

isEmptyMVar :: MVar a -> IO Bool

-- Implementation

kill :: IO a
kill = IO (\ s -> Hugs_DeadThread)

yield = IO (\ s -> Hugs_YieldThread (s ()))

-- add the continuation to the runnable list, and continue
continueIO :: IOResult -> IO ()
continueIO cc = IO (\ s -> Hugs_ForkThread (s ()) cc)

-- The thread is scheduled immediately and runs with its own success/error
-- continuations.
forkIO m = continueIO (threadToIOResult (m `catchException` forkExnHandler))

forkExnHandler :: Exception -> IO a
forkExnHandler e = do
    putStr "\nThread raised exception: "
    putStr (show e)
    putStr "\n"           

newtype MVar a = MkMVar (IORef (MVarState a)) deriving Eq
data MVarState a
  = Full a [(a,()->IOResult)]
	-- a value and a list of value-thread pairs blocked waiting
	-- to write to the MVar.
	-- The ()-> part of the thread is because blocked threads have
	-- to be functions. :-(
  | Empty [a -> IOResult]
	-- no value, just a list of threads waiting to receive a value

newEmptyMVar = fmap MkMVar (newIORef (Empty []))

newMVar x    = fmap MkMVar (newIORef (Full x []))

takeMVar (MkMVar v) = do
  state <- readIORef v
  case state of
    Full a [] -> do
      writeIORef v (Empty [])
      return a
    Full a ((a',t):ts) -> do
      writeIORef v (Full a' ts)
      continueIO (t ())		-- reschedule t
      return a
    Empty cs ->
      blockIO (\cc -> writeIORef v (Empty (cs ++ [cc])))

-- tryTakeMVar is a non-blocking takeMVar
tryTakeMVar (MkMVar v) = do
  state <- readIORef v
  case state of
    Full a [] -> do
      writeIORef v (Empty [])
      return (Just a)
    Full a ((a',t):ts) -> do
      writeIORef v (Full a' ts)
      continueIO (t ())		-- reschedule t
      return (Just a)
    Empty cs ->
      return Nothing

putMVar (MkMVar v) a = do
  state <- readIORef v
  case state of
    Full a' ts ->
      blockIO (\cc -> writeIORef v (Full a' (ts++[(a,cc)])))
    Empty [] ->
      writeIORef v (Full a [])
    Empty (c:cs) -> do
      writeIORef v (Empty cs)
      continueIO (c a)		-- reschedule the blocked thread

tryPutMVar (MkMVar v) a = do
  state <- readIORef v
  case state of
    Full _ _ ->
      return False
    Empty [] -> do
      writeIORef v (Full a [])
      return True
    Empty (c:cs) -> do
      writeIORef v (Empty cs)
      continueIO (c a)		-- reschedule the blocked thread
      return True

 Low-level op. for checking whether an MVar is filled-in or not.
 Notice that the boolean value returned  is just a snapshot of
 the state of the MVar. By the time you get to react on its result,
 the MVar may have been filled (or emptied) - so be extremely
 careful when using this operation.  

 Use tryTakeMVar instead if possible.

 If you can re-work your abstractions to avoid having to
 depend on isEmptyMVar, then you're encouraged to do so,
 i.e., consider yourself warned about the imprecision in
 general of isEmptyMVar :-)
isEmptyMVar (MkMVar v) = do
  state <- readIORef v
  case state of
    Full _ _ -> return False
    Empty _  -> return True



(HTML for this module was generated on 2006-08-12. About the conversion tool.)