
Plain source file: hs2stratego/Prop2Stratego2.hs (2005-10-11)

Prop2Stratego2 is imported by: StrategoCmds, TiProp2Stratego2.

Knot-tying definitions for the base+property syntax to Stratego translation.

module Prop2Stratego2 where
import BaseStruct2Stratego2(transP,transD,transE,transT,transTp,transTa,transId,not_supported)
import PropStruct2Stratego2(transPD,transPA,transPP,transQ)
import PropSyntax
import StrategoDecl
import Parentheses -- needed for pattern matching. Grr!!

--transPat :: PrintableOp i => HsPatI i -> P
transPat (Pat p) = transP transId transPat p

rmIgnored = filter notIgnored
    notIgnored (Ignored _) = False
    notIgnored _ = True

transDecs ds = concatMap transDec ds

--transDec :: (IsSpecialName i,PrintableOp i) => HsDeclI i -> D
transDec (Dec d) =
    prop (transD transId transExp transPat transLocalDecs transType transContext transTlhs)
         ((:[]) . transPD transId transAssertion transPredicate)

--transExp :: HsExp -> E
transExp (Exp e) =
    transE transId transExp transPat transLocalDecs transType transContext e

transAssertion (PA a) =
    transPA transId transExp transQType transAssertion transPredicate

transPredicate (PP p) =
    transPP transId transExp transPat transQType transAssertion transPredicate

transType (Typ t) = transT transId transType t
transContext ts = map transType ts

transQType qt = transQ transContext transType qt

--bad x = error "Base2Stratego: not yet"

transLocalDecs ds = concatMap transLocalDec ds
transLocalDec d = [def|Def (P def)<-transDec d]
                  -- silently ignores unimplemented things!!!

transTlhs (Typ t) = transTp transId transTlhs transTarg t
    transTarg (Typ t) = transTa transId t


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