
{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Transforms all value definitions of a program 
to produce traces for debugging.
module DbgTrans(SRIDTable,debugTrans, dbgAddImport) where

import Extra(Pos, noPos, pair, fromPos, strPos, dropJust, trace)
import IdKind(IdKind(Con,Var,TCon))
import TokenId
import DbgId(t_R,tSR,tTrace,t_mkTRoot,t_mkTNm 
import IntState(IntState(IntState),addIS,arityIS,arityVI,lookupIS,strIS
import Syntax
import SyntaxPos
import NT
import State
import AssocTree
import PackedString(PackedString, unpackPS, packString)
import Id(Id)
import Info(typeSynonymBodyI,IE(IEsel))
import TypeSubst(substNT)
import Nice(niceNewType)
import Remove1_3(mkSel,translateExpRecord) -- for records
import Flags(Flags(sDbgTrusted))
import Remove1_3(mkSel)
import List  -- (zipWith3)

{- table for source references and identifiers refered to from the trace -}
type SRIDTable = Maybe ((Int,[Pos])        -- source reference table
                       ,[(Pos,Id)]         -- identifier table
                       ,[ImpDecl TokenId]  -- import declarations
                       ,String)            -- module name

-- newNameVar, nameArity, hsFromInt, addInt

data Inherited = Inherited 
                   ((TokenId, IdKind) -> Id) -- lookupPrel

data Threaded = Threaded 
                  (Int, [Pos]) -- source reference table, 
                               -- accumulated for SRIDTable
                               -- first is number of current source reference
                               -- second is list of encoded source references
                  [(Pos, Id)]  -- identifier table, accumulated for SRIDTable

type DbgTransMonad a = State Inherited Threaded a Threaded

type TraceExp = Exp Id    -- expression of type Trace
type NmTypeExp = Exp Id   -- expression of type NmType
type SRExp = Exp Id       -- expression of type SR

{- obtain the internal state -}

getIntState :: DbgTransMonad IntState

getIntState inherited threaded@(Threaded intState _ _) = (intState,threaded)
setIntState :: IntState -> Inherited -> Threaded -> Threaded

setIntState intState inherited threaded@(Threaded _ srt idt) = 
  Threaded intState srt idt

Used to add the special prelude for debugging to the import list.
Now it serves no purpose and is just the identity function.
dbgAddImport :: Bool -> Module a -> Module a

dbgAddImport dodbg m@(Module pos id exports imports fixities decls) =
    Module pos id exports (dbgAI dodbg imports) fixities decls
    where dbgAI True impdecls = 
              {-ImportQ (noPos, tDbgPrelude) (Hiding []) :-} impdecls
	  dbgAI True True impdecls = 
	      {-ImportQ (noPos, tDbgPreludeCore) (Hiding []) :-} impdecls
	  dbgAI False impdecls = impdecls

Transforms all value definitions for producing traces for debugging.
debugTrans :: Flags
           -> IntState 
           -> ((TokenId,IdKind) -> Id) 
           -> PackedString 
           -> b 
           -> [ImpDecl TokenId]  
           -> Decls Id 
           -> Maybe [(Pos,Id)] -- data constructors defined by data/newtype
           -> (Decls Id        -- transformed declarations

debugTrans flags istate lookupPrel modidl modid impdecls decls (Just constrs) =
  initDebugTranslate (dTopDecls (sDbgTrusted flags) root decls) istate 
  initDebugTranslate f istate lookupPrel = 
    case f (Inherited lookupPrel) 
           (Threaded istate (1, [0]) constrs) of
      (decls', Threaded istate' srt idt) -> 
        (decls', istate', Just (srt, idt, impdecls, reverse (unpackPS modidl)))
  root :: Exp Id
  root = ExpVar noPos (lookupPrel (t_mkTRoot, Var)) 
         -- data constructor Root of the R type 

dTopDecls :: Bool -> Exp Id -> Decls Int -> DbgTransMonad (Decls Int)

dTopDecls trusted root (DeclsParse ds) = 
  mapS (dTopDecl trusted root) ds >>>= \dss -> 
  unitS (DeclsParse (concat dss))

dTopDecl :: Bool -> Exp Id -> Decl Int -> DbgTransMonad [Decl Int]

dTopDecl trusted root (DeclClass pos ctx id1 id2 (DeclsParse decls)) =
  mapS ((if trusted then dTrustDecl else dSuspectDecl) root) decls 
    >>>= \decls' ->
  lookupName id1 >>>= \(Just (InfoClass i tid ie nt ms ds at)) ->
  mapS0 fixMethodArity (zip ms ds) >>>
  unitS (DeclClass pos ctx id1 id2 (DeclsParse (concatMap fst decls'))
        :concatMap snd decls')
  fixMethodArity (m, d) =
    lookupName d >>>= \(Just (InfoDMethod _ _ _ (Just arity) _)) ->
    setArity 2 {-arity-} m
dTopDecl trusted root d@(DeclInstance pos ctx id inst (DeclsParse decls)) = 
  mapS ((if trusted then dTrustDecl else dSuspectDecl) root) decls 
    >>>= \decls' ->
  unitS (DeclInstance pos ctx id inst (DeclsParse (concatMap fst decls'))
        :concatMap snd decls')
dTopDecl _ _ d@(DeclType id t) = unitS [d]
dTopDecl _ _ d@(DeclData mb ctx id contrs tycls) = unitS [d]
dTopDecl trusted root d@(DeclConstrs pos id constrids) = 
  -- derive field selector definitions as usual and subsequently transform them
  getIntState >>>= \intState ->
  case mapS mkSel constrids () ([],intState) of
    (selDecls,(_,intState')) -> 
      setIntState intState' >>>
      mapS ((if trusted then dTrustDecl else dSuspectDecl) root) selDecls 
        >>>= \selDeclss' ->
      unitS (DeclConstrs pos id [] 
            :concatMap (\(ds',ads') -> ds'++ads') selDeclss')
dTopDecl True root (DeclFun pos id [Fun [] rhs localDecls]) =
  -- for top-level trusted caf create a name node,
  -- because it might be called from suspected code;
  -- this is not expensive, because it is only done once per caf.
  addId (pos, id) >>>
  lookupName id >>>= \(Just info) ->
  lookupNameStr id >>>= \cafName ->
  getIntState >>>= \intState ->
  let nt = (unwrapNT intState 0 True True (ntI info)) in
  setArity 2 id >>>
  addNewName 0 True cafName nt >>>= \nid ->
  addNewName 0 True cafName nt >>>= \nid2 ->
  addNewName 0 True "nt" NoType >>>= \useParentId ->
  let useParent = ExpVar pos useParentId in
  addNewName 0 True "nt" NoType >>>= \hidUseParentId ->
  let hidUseParent = ExpVar pos hidUseParentId in
  lookupId Var t_otherwise >>>= \otherw ->
  lookupId Con tTrue >>>= \true ->
  dTrustRhs False useParent hidUseParent true otherw rhs >>>= \rhs' ->
  dTrustDecls hidUseParent localDecls >>>= \localDecls' ->
  makeSourceRef noPos >>>= \noSR ->
  makeNTId pos id >>>= \ntId ->
  makeNm pos root ntId noSR >>>= \nte ->
  lookupVar pos t_lazySat >>>= \lazySat ->
  lookupVar pos t_mkTHidden >>>= \mkTHidden ->
  unitS [-- id _ _ = nid
         DeclFun pos id 
           [Fun [PatWildcard pos, PatWildcard pos] 
              (Unguarded (ExpVar pos nid)) (DeclsParse [])]
        ,-- nid = lazySat nid2 t'
         DeclFun pos nid
           [Fun [] 
             (Unguarded (ExpApplication pos 
                           [lazySat, (ExpVar pos nid2), useParent]))
             (DeclsParse [])
          nid2 = rhs'
         DeclFun pos nid2
           [Fun [] rhs' localDecls']
        ,{- t' = Nm redex (NTId id) sr -}
         DeclFun pos useParentId
           [Fun [] (Unguarded nte) (DeclsParse [])]
        ,{- t'' = mkTHidden t' -}
         DeclFun pos hidUseParentId
           [Fun [] (Unguarded (ExpApplication pos [mkTHidden,useParent])) 
             (DeclsParse [])]
dTopDecl True root (DeclPat (Alt pat rhs decls)) =
  -- for top-level trusted pattern bindings create name node for
  -- each variable, because it might be called from suspected code.
  -- here no indirections, because the fact that the trusted variables
  -- are defined by pattern binding should not be visible.
  addNewName 0 True "_pv" NoType >>>= \patid ->
  --trace ("patid = " ++ show patid) $
  setArity 0 patid >>>
  patVars pat >>>= \(pat', bvsnvs) ->
  let bvsposids = map fst bvsnvs -- (pos,id)s of original var 
      (bvspos,bvsids) = unzip bvsposids 
      pos = head bvspos in
  mapS0 (setArity 2) bvsids >>>  
  mapS0 addId bvsposids >>>
  lookupId Var t_otherwise >>>= \otherw ->
  lookupId Con tTrue >>>= \true ->
  dTrustRhs True root root true otherw rhs >>>= \rhs' ->
  dPat root pat' >>>= \pat'' ->
  dTrustDecls root decls >>>= \decls' ->
  mkFailExpr pos root >>>= \fe ->
  let evars = map snd bvsnvs in 
  makeTuple noPos evars >>>= \etup ->
  zipWithS makeNTId bvspos bvsids >>>= \ntIds ->
  makeSourceRef noPos >>>= \noSR ->
  zipWithS (makeNm pos root) ntIds (repeat noSR) >>>= \nms ->
  addNewName 0 True "nt" NoType >>>= \t' ->
  lookupVar pos t_lazySat >>>= \lazySat ->
  addNewName 0 True "rhs" NoType >>>= \rhsId ->
    prhs = DeclFun noPos rhsId [Fun [] rhs' (DeclsParse [])]
    pcase = ExpCase noPos (ExpVar noPos rhsId)
                  [Alt pat'' (Unguarded etup) (DeclsParse [])
	          ,Alt (PatWildcard noPos) (Unguarded fe) (DeclsParse [])]
    pfun = DeclFun noPos patid [Fun [] (Unguarded pcase) decls']
    vpat p pv i = vcase p pv
    vcase p pv = ExpCase p (ExpVar p patid) 
                       [Alt etup (Unguarded pv) (DeclsParse [])]
    vfun ((p, i), pv) nte = 
          DeclFun p i 
            [Fun [PatWildcard p, PatWildcard p] 
               (Unguarded (ExpApplication pos 
                            [lazySat, (vpat p pv i), ExpVar p t'] )) 
                 [DeclFun p t' [Fun [] (Unguarded nte) (DeclsParse [])]])
  in unitS (zipWith vfun bvsnvs nms ++ [pfun,prhs])
dTopDecl trusted root d = 
  (if trusted then dTrustDecl else dSuspectDecl) root d >>>= \(ds',auxDs') ->
  unitS (ds' ++ auxDs') 

dSuspectDecls :: Exp Id -> Decls Id -> DbgTransMonad (Decls Id)

dSuspectDecls parent (DeclsParse ds) = 
  mapS (dSuspectDecl parent) ds >>>= \(dss) -> 
  unitS (DeclsParse (concatMap (\(ds',ads') -> ds'++ads') dss))
dSuspectDecls parent (DeclsScc []) = -- introduced by translateRecordExp
  unitS (DeclsParse [])

dTrustDecls :: Exp Id -> Decls Id -> DbgTransMonad (Decls Id)

dTrustDecls parent (DeclsParse ds) = 
  mapS (dTrustDecl parent) ds >>>= \dss -> 
  unitS (DeclsParse (concatMap (\(ds',ads') -> ds'++ads') dss))
dTrustDecls parent (DeclsScc []) =  -- introduced by translateRecordExp
  unitS (DeclsParse [])

A definition is transformed into definition(s) that define 
the same variable(s) as the original one, 
and possibly additional auxilary definitions
that are needed to enable sharing. The auxilary definitions are returned
in the second declaration list.
dSuspectDecl :: Exp Id -> Decl Id -> DbgTransMonad ([Decl Id],[Decl Id])

dSuspectDecl parent (DeclPat (Alt pat rhs decls)) =
  addNewName 0 True "_pv" NoType >>>= \patid ->
  --trace ("patid = " ++ show patid) $
  setArity 0 patid >>>
  patVars pat >>>= \(pat', bvsnvs) ->
  let bvsposids = map fst bvsnvs -- (pos,id)s of original var 
      (bvspos,bvsids) = unzip bvsposids 
      pos = head bvspos in
  mapS0 (setArity 2) bvsids >>>  
  mapS0 addId bvsposids >>>
  mapS makeSourceRef bvspos >>>= \srs ->
  dSuspectRhs True parent rhs failContinuation >>>= \rhs' ->
  dPat parent pat' >>>= \pat'' ->
  let ExpApplication _ [r,_,tresult] = pat'' in
  dSuspectDecls parent decls >>>= \decls' ->
  mkFailExpr pos parent >>>= \fe ->
  let evars = map snd bvsnvs in 
  makeTuple noPos evars >>>= \etup ->
  let wrapetup = ExpApplication noPos [r,etup,tresult] in
  zipWithS makeNTId bvspos bvsids >>>= \ntIds ->
  zipWithS (makeNm pos parent) ntIds srs >>>= \nms ->
  lookupVar pos t_lazySat >>>= \lazySat ->
  lookupVar pos t_indir >>>= \indir ->
  addNewName 0 True "nt" NoType >>>= \t' ->
    pcase = ExpCase noPos rhs' 
                  [Alt pat'' (Unguarded wrapetup) (DeclsParse [])
	          ,Alt (PatWildcard noPos)   (Unguarded fe)  (DeclsParse [])]
    pfun = DeclFun noPos patid [Fun [] (Unguarded pcase) decls']
    vcase p pv = ExpCase p (ExpVar p patid) 
                       [Alt wrapetup 
                         (Unguarded (ExpApplication noPos [indir,tresult,pv]))
                         (DeclsParse [])]
    vfun ((p, i), pv) sr nte = 
          DeclFun p i 
            [Fun [PatWildcard p, PatWildcard p] 
               (Unguarded (ExpApplication pos 
                            [lazySat, (vcase p pv), ExpVar p t'] )) 
                 [DeclFun p t' [Fun [] (Unguarded nte) (DeclsParse [])]])
  in unitS (zipWith3 vfun bvsnvs srs nms,[pfun])
dSuspectDecl parent d@(DeclFun pos id fundefs) = 
  addId (pos, id) >>>
  lookupName id >>>= \(Just info) ->
  lookupNameStr id >>>= \funName ->
  --trace ("DeclFun: funName = " ++ funName ++ ", arity " ++ show info) $
  if isCMethod info 
    then dMethod parent False info pos id funName fundefs
      getIntState >>>= \intState ->
      let arity = getArity fundefs
      in case arity of
           0 -> dSuspectCaf parent pos id funName fundefs 
                  (unwrapNT intState 0 True False (ntI info))
           _ -> dSuspectFun pos id funName arity fundefs 
                  (unwrapNT intState arity False False (ntI info))
dSuspectDecl parent d@(DeclForeignImp pos cname id' arity cast typ id) =
  addId (pos, id) >>>
  lookupName id' >>>= \(Just info) ->
--lookupNameStr id' >>>= \funName ->
--trace ("DeclForeignImp: " ++ funName ++", info=\n" ++ show info) $
  -- generate code for the wrapper
  dSuspectForeignImp pos id id' arity >>>= \code->
  -- get real cname from primed hname (f'), if needed
  let (InfoVar _ (Qualified _ f) _ _ _ _) = info
      cname' = if null cname then reverse (tail (unpackPS f)) else cname
  in unitS ([DeclFun pos id [code]]
           ,[ DeclForeignImp pos cname' id' arity cast typ id])
dSuspectDecl parent decl = dDecl decl

{- trusted version of dSuspectDecl -}
dTrustDecl :: Exp Id -> Decl Id -> DbgTransMonad ([Decl Id],[Decl Id])

dTrustDecl hidParent (DeclPat (Alt pat rhs decls)) =
  -- here no indirections, because the fact that the trusted variables
  -- are defined by pattern binding should not be visible.
  addNewName 0 True "_pv" NoType >>>= \patid ->
  --trace ("patid = " ++ show patid) $
  setArity 0 patid >>>
  patVars pat >>>= \(pat', bvsnvs) ->
  let bvsposids = map fst bvsnvs -- (pos,id)s of original var 
      (bvspos,bvsids) = unzip bvsposids 
      pos = head bvspos in
  mapS0 (setArity 2) bvsids >>>  
  mapS0 addId bvsposids >>>
  lookupId Var t_otherwise >>>= \otherw ->
  lookupId Con tTrue >>>= \true ->
  dTrustRhs True hidParent hidParent true otherw rhs >>>= \rhs' ->
  dPat hidParent pat' >>>= \pat'' ->
  dTrustDecls hidParent decls >>>= \decls' ->
  mkFailExpr pos hidParent >>>= \fe ->
  let evars = map snd bvsnvs in 
  makeTuple noPos evars >>>= \etup ->
  lookupVar pos t_lazySatLonely >>>= \lazySat ->
  addNewName 0 True "rhs" NoType >>>= \rhsId ->
    prhs = DeclFun noPos rhsId [Fun [] rhs' (DeclsParse [])]
    pcase = ExpCase noPos (ExpVar noPos rhsId)
                  [Alt pat'' (Unguarded etup) (DeclsParse [])
	          ,Alt (PatWildcard noPos) (Unguarded fe) (DeclsParse [])]
    pfun = DeclFun noPos patid [Fun [] (Unguarded pcase) decls']
    vpat p pv i = vcase p pv
    vcase p pv = ExpCase p (ExpVar p patid) 
                       [Alt etup (Unguarded pv) (DeclsParse [])]
    vfun ((p, i), pv) = 
          DeclFun p i 
            [Fun [PatWildcard p, PatWildcard p] 
               (Unguarded (ExpApplication pos 
                            [lazySat, (vpat p pv i), hidParent] )) 
               (DeclsParse [])
  in unitS (map vfun bvsnvs,[pfun,prhs])
dTrustDecl hidParent d@(DeclFun pos id fundefs) = 
  addId (pos, id) >>>
  lookupName id >>>= \(Just info) ->
  lookupNameStr id >>>= \funName ->
  --trace ("DeclFun: funName = " ++ funName ++ ", arity " ++ show info) $
  if isCMethod info 
    then dMethod hidParent True info pos id funName fundefs
      getIntState >>>= \intState ->
      lookupId Var t_undef >>>= \undefined ->
      let arity = getArity fundefs
      in case arity of
           0 | id /= undefined -> dTrustCaf hidParent pos id funName fundefs 
                                    (unwrapNT intState 0 True True (ntI info))
             -- don't consider `undefined' as caf to ensure that it
             -- has the caller as parent
             -- sharing not important anyway
           _ -> dTrustFun pos id funName arity fundefs 
                  (unwrapNT intState arity False True (ntI info))
dTrustDecl _ d@(DeclForeignImp pos cname id' arity cast typ id) =
  addId (pos, id) >>>
  lookupName id' >>>= \(Just info) ->
--lookupNameStr id' >>>= \funName ->
--trace ("DeclForeignImp: " ++ funName ++", info=\n" ++ show info) $
  -- generate code for the wrapper
  dTrustForeignImp pos id id' arity >>>= \code->
  -- get real cname from primed hname (f'), if needed
  let (InfoVar _ (Qualified _ f) _ _ _ _) = info
      cname' = if null cname then reverse (tail (unpackPS f)) else cname
  in unitS ([DeclFun pos id [code]]
           ,[DeclForeignImp pos cname' id' arity cast typ id])
dTrustDecl _ decl = dDecl decl

{- The common trivial cases: -}
dDecl :: Decl Id -> DbgTransMonad ([Decl Id],[Decl Id])

dDecl d@(DeclTypeRenamed _ _) = unitS ([d],[])
dDecl d@(DeclDefault tys) = unitS ([d],[])
dDecl d@(DeclVarsType vars ctx ty) = unitS ([d],[]) 
dDecl d@(DeclIgnore _) = unitS ([d],[])
dDecl d@(DeclError _) = unitS ([d],[])
dDecl d@(DeclAnnot _ _) = unitS ([d],[])
dDecl d@(DeclFixity _) = unitS ([d],[])
dDecl d@(DeclPrimitive pos id i ty) = unitS ([d],[])
dDecl d@(DeclForeignExp pos cname id typ) =
  error ("Can't trace foreign exports yet. "++strPos pos)

dMethod :: Exp Id -> Bool -> Info -> Pos -> Id -> String -> [Fun Id] 
        -> DbgTransMonad ([Decl Id],[Decl Id])

dMethod parent trusted info@(InfoIMethod _ tid nt (Just arity) _) pos id 
  funName [Fun [] (Unguarded (ExpVar p1 d)) (DeclsParse [])] = 
  -- This must(?) be a wrapper to the method of the superclass
  -- or default(?)
  -- you don't want to see the explicit call in the trace
  -- this pattern matching is definitly dangerous:
  -- it may succeed even for user defined methods
    setArity 2 id >>>
    newVars pos 2 >>>= \[sr, useParent] ->
    unitS ([DeclFun pos id [Fun [sr, useParent]
                                 (ExpApplication p1 
                                   [ExpVar p1 d, sr, useParent]))
           		       (DeclsParse [])]]
dMethod parent trusted info pos id funName fundefs = 
  let arity = getArity fundefs
  in case arity of
       0 -> (if trusted then dTrustCaf else dSuspectCaf)
              parent pos id funName fundefs NoType
       _ -> (if trusted then dTrustFun else dSuspectFun) 
              pos id funName (getArity fundefs) fundefs NoType

dSuspectCaf :: Exp Id -> Pos -> Id -> String -> [Fun Id] -> NewType 
            -> DbgTransMonad ([Decl Id],[Decl Id])

dSuspectCaf parent pos id cafName [Fun [] rhs localDecls] nt =
  setArity 2 id >>>
  addNewName 0 True "nt" NoType >>>= \useParentId ->
  let useParent = ExpVar pos useParentId in
  addNewName 0 True cafName nt >>>= \nid ->
  dSuspectRhs False useParent rhs failContinuation >>>= \rhs' ->
  dSuspectDecls useParent localDecls >>>= \(DeclsParse localDeclsList') ->
  makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr ->
  makeNTId pos id >>>= \ntId ->
  makeNm pos parent ntId sr >>>= \nte ->
  lookupVar pos t_lazySat >>>= \lazySat ->
  unitS (-- id _ _ = nid
         [DeclFun pos id 
           [Fun [PatWildcard pos, PatWildcard pos] 
              (Unguarded (ExpVar pos nid)) (DeclsParse [])
         id = lazySat e t'
           t' = Nm redex (NTId id) sr
         [DeclFun pos nid 
            [Fun [] 
              (Unguarded (ExpApplication pos [lazySat, rhs', useParent]))
	         (DeclFun pos useParentId 
                    [Fun [] (Unguarded nte) (DeclsParse [])] 
dSuspectCaf parent pos id cafName _ nt =
  error ("Variable " ++ cafName ++ " multiple defined.")
  -- actually nhc should produce such an error already before;
  -- however, currently accepts such definitions. 

dTrustCaf :: Exp Id -> Pos -> Id -> String -> [Fun Id] -> NewType 
          -> DbgTransMonad ([Decl Id],[Decl Id])

dTrustCaf hidParent pos id cafName [Fun [] rhs localDecls] nt =
  setArity 2 id >>>
  addNewName 0 True cafName nt >>>= \nid ->
  addNewName 0 True cafName nt >>>= \nid2 ->
  lookupId Var t_otherwise >>>= \otherw ->
  lookupId Con tTrue >>>= \true ->
  dTrustRhs False hidParent hidParent true otherw rhs >>>= \rhs' ->
  dTrustDecls hidParent localDecls >>>= \localDecls' ->
  lookupVar pos t_lazySatLonely >>>= \lazySat ->
  unitS (-- id _ _ = nid
         [DeclFun pos id 
           [Fun [PatWildcard pos, PatWildcard pos] 
              (Unguarded (ExpVar pos nid)) (DeclsParse [])
        ,-- nid = lazySat nid2 t'
         [DeclFun pos nid
           [Fun [] 
             (Unguarded (ExpApplication pos 
                           [lazySat, (ExpVar pos nid2), hidParent]))
             (DeclsParse [])
          nid2 = rhs'
          DeclFun pos nid2
           [Fun [] rhs' localDecls']
dTrustCaf hidParent pos id cafName _ nt =
  error ("Variable " ++ cafName ++ " multiple defined.")
  -- actually nhc should produce such an error already before;
  -- however, currently accepts such definitions. 

dSuspectFun :: Pos -> Id -> String -> Int -> [Fun Id] -> NewType
            -> DbgTransMonad ([Decl Id],[Decl Id])

dSuspectFun pos id funName arity fundefs nt =
  lookupVar pos (t_fun arity) >>>= \fun ->
  setArity 2 id >>>
  newVar pos >>>= \parent ->
  newVar pos >>>= \sr ->
  addNewName (arity+1) True funName nt >>>= \wrappedfun ->	    
  newVars pos (arity+1) >>>= \(newParent:fp) ->
  makeNTId pos id >>>= \ntid ->
  lookupId Var t_otherwise >>>= \otherw ->
  lookupId Con tTrue >>>= \true ->
  checkSuspectPrimitive newParent fundefs >>>= \prim ->
  (case prim of
    Nothing -> dSuspectFunClauses newParent funName arity true otherw
    Just fundefs -> unitS (fundefs, [])
  ) >>>= \(fundefs', newdecls) ->
  getIntState >>>= \intState ->
  unitS ([DeclFun pos id [Fun [sr, parent]
             (ExpApplication pos 
               [fun, ntid, ExpVar pos wrappedfun, sr, parent]
             (prependTypeSigIfExists intState pos wrappedfun
               (DeclFun pos wrappedfun fundefs' : newdecls)))
  --prependTypeSigIfExists :: IntState -> Pos -> Id -> ([Decl Id] -> [Decl Id])
  prependTypeSigIfExists intState pos wrappedFun =
    case nt of
      NoType -> \x->x
      _      -> ( DeclIgnore ("Type signature " ++ niceNewType intState nt) :)
                -- a bit of a hack
                -- type signatures do not exist any more in this phase in
                -- the syntax tree, but the information is useful for
                -- debugging (also necessary for polymorphic recursion?)

dTrustFun :: Pos -> Id -> String -> Int -> [Fun Id] -> NewType
            -> DbgTransMonad ([Decl Id],[Decl Id])

dTrustFun pos id funName arity fundefs nt =
  lookupVar pos (t_tfun arity) >>>= \fun ->
  setArity 2 id >>>
  newVar pos >>>= \parent ->
  newVar pos >>>= \sr ->
  addNewName (arity+2) True funName nt >>>= \wrappedfun ->	    
  newVars pos (arity+2) >>>= \(useParent:hidUseParent:fp) ->
  makeNTId pos id >>>= \ntid ->
  lookupId Con tTrue >>>= \true ->
  lookupId Var t_otherwise >>>= \otherwise ->
  checkTrustPrimitive useParent hidUseParent fundefs >>>= \prim ->
  (case prim of
    Nothing -> 
      dTrustFunClauses useParent hidUseParent arity true otherwise fundefs
    Just fundefs -> unitS fundefs
  ) >>>= \fundefs' ->
  getIntState >>>= \intState ->
  unitS ([DeclFun pos id [Fun [sr, parent]
      (ExpApplication pos 
        [fun, ntid, ExpVar pos wrappedfun, sr, parent]
        (prependTypeSigIfExists intState pos wrappedfun
          [DeclFun pos wrappedfun fundefs']))
  --prependTypeSigIfExists :: IntState -> Pos -> Id -> ([Decl Id] -> [Decl Id])
  prependTypeSigIfExists intState pos wrappedFun =
    case nt of
      NoType -> \x->x
      _      -> ( DeclIgnore ("Type signature " ++ niceNewType intState nt) :)
                -- a bit of a hack
                -- type signatures do not exist any more in this phase in
                -- the syntax tree, but the information is useful for
                -- debugging (also necessary for polymorphic recursion?)

dTrustFunClauses :: Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Int -> Id -> Id -> [Fun Id] 
                 -> DbgTransMonad [Fun Id]

dTrustFunClauses parent hidParent arity true otherw funs =
  mapS dTrustFun funs >>>= \funs' ->
  let vars = parent : hidParent : replicate arity (PatWildcard noPos) in
  mkFailExpr noPos parent >>>= \fpexp ->
  unitS (funs' ++ [Fun vars (Unguarded fpexp) (DeclsParse [])])
  dTrustFun (Fun pats rhs decls) =
    dPats hidParent pats >>>= \pats' ->
    dTrustRhs False parent hidParent true otherw rhs >>>= \rhs' ->
    dTrustDecls hidParent decls >>>= \decls' ->
    unitS (Fun (parent:hidParent:pats') rhs' decls') 

For each clause of the function definition e, return a transformed
definition e', and possibly declare a new auxiliary function to handle
failure across guards.
Note, the parent trace is slightly misused for passing a variable.
dSuspectFunClauses :: Exp Id -> String -> Int -> Id -> Id -> [Fun Id] 
                   -> DbgTransMonad ([Fun Id],[Decl Id])

dSuspectFunClauses parent funName arity true otherw [] = 
  -- catch the case that all patterns and guards fail
  let vars = parent : replicate arity (PatWildcard noPos) in
  mkFailExpr noPos parent >>>= \fpexp ->
  unitS ([Fun vars (Unguarded fpexp) (DeclsParse [])],[])
-- No guards is the easiest case.
--     f pat1 pat2 ... = e  where decls
-- ==>
--     f t pat1' pat2' ... = e' where decls'
dSuspectFunClauses parent funName arity true otherw
  (Fun pats (Unguarded e) decls : fcs) =
    dPats parent pats >>>= \pats' ->
    dSuspectExp False parent e >>>= \e' ->
    dSuspectDecls parent decls >>>= \decls' ->
    dSuspectFunClauses parent funName arity true otherw fcs 
      >>>= \(mfs, nfs) ->
    unitS (Fun (parent:pats') (Unguarded e') decls' : mfs, nfs)
dSuspectFunClauses parent funName arity true otherw 
  (Fun pats (Guarded ges) decls : fcs)
  | not (null fcs) && canFail true otherw ges =
    -- for the remaining clauses a new function has to be defined
    -- which is called if all guards fail;
    -- necessary, because the trace which registers all failed guards
    -- has to be passed to this function to not to lose this information
    mapS namePat pats >>>= \namedpats ->
    let (patnames, pats') = unzip namedpats in
    addNewName (arity + 1) True funName NoType >>>= \f ->
    newVar noPos >>>= \newParent ->
    dPats newParent pats' >>>= \pats'' ->
    let continuation = functionContinuation f patnames in
    continuationToExp continuation newParent >>>= \contExp ->
    dSuspectGuardedExprs False newParent ges continuation >>>= \expr ->
    dSuspectDecls newParent decls >>>= \decls' ->
    let failclause = Fun (newParent:patnames) (Unguarded contExp) 
                         (DeclsParse []) in
    dSuspectFunClauses parent funName arity true otherw fcs >>>= \(mfs, nfs) ->
    unitS ([Fun (newParent:pats'') 
            (Unguarded expr) decls'
            , failclause]
          , DeclFun noPos f mfs:nfs)
  | otherwise =
    -- guards cannot fail or last clause
    dPats parent pats >>>= \pats' ->
    dSuspectGuardedExprs False parent ges failContinuation >>>= \e ->
    dSuspectDecls parent decls >>>= \decls' ->
    dSuspectFunClauses parent funName arity true otherw fcs >>>= \(mfs, nfs) ->
    let fs = Fun (parent:pats') 
               (Unguarded e) decls' in
    unitS (fs:mfs, nfs)

To correctly create the trace within guards, a continuation is used.
The type ContExp should be abstract. Its implementation is only used in 
the following three functions.
data ContExp = Fail | Function Id [Exp Id]

failContinuation :: ContExp

failContinuation = Fail

functionContinuation :: Id -> [Exp Id] -> ContExp

functionContinuation = Function

continuationToExp :: ContExp -> TraceExp -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

continuationToExp Fail t =
  lookupVar noPos t_fatal >>>= \fail ->
  unitS $ ExpApplication noPos [fail, t]
continuationToExp (Function fun args) t =
  unitS $ ExpApplication noPos (ExpVar noPos fun : t : args)

Create body of wrapper for imported foreign function.
id is the new function we are declaring; id' is the real foreign function
dSuspectForeignImp :: Pos -> Id -> Id -> Int -> DbgTransMonad (Fun Id)

dSuspectForeignImp pos id id' arity =
  lookupVar pos (t_primn arity) >>>= \primn ->
  makeNTId pos id >>>= \ntid ->
  setArity 2 id >>>
  newVar pos >>>= \useParent ->
  newVar pos >>>= \sr ->
  unitS (Fun [sr, useParent]
               (ExpApplication pos 
                 [primn, ntid, ExpVar pos id', sr, useParent]))
             (DeclsParse []))

dTrustForeignImp :: Pos -> Id -> Id -> Int -> DbgTransMonad (Fun Id)

dTrustForeignImp pos id id' arity =
  lookupVar pos (t_tprimn arity) >>>= \primn ->
  makeNTId pos id >>>= \ntid ->
  setArity 2 id >>>
  newVar pos >>>= \useParent ->
  newVar pos >>>= \sr ->
  unitS (Fun [sr, useParent]
               (ExpApplication pos 
                 [primn, ntid, ExpVar pos id', sr, useParent]))
             (DeclsParse []))

The continuation is used if all guards fail.
dSuspectGuardedExprs :: Bool -> Exp Id -> [(Exp Id,Exp Id)] -> ContExp 
                     -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

dSuspectGuardedExprs cr parent [] cont = 
  continuationToExp cont parent
dSuspectGuardedExprs cr parent ((g, e):ges) cont = 
  let pos = getPos g in
  newVar pos >>>= \newParent ->
  let ExpVar _ newParentId = newParent in
  dSuspectGuardedExprs cr newParent ges cont >>>= \ges' -> 
  -- newParent good? probably conditions should have function app as parent
  dSuspectExp True parent g >>>= \g' ->
  dSuspectExp cr newParent e >>>= \e' ->
  makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr ->
  lookupCon pos t_R >>>= \r ->
  newVar pos >>>= \gr ->
  newVar pos >>>= \gt ->
  lookupVar pos (t_mkTAp 2) >>>= \mkTAp2 ->
  lookupVar pos t_mkTNm >>>= \mkTNm ->
  lookupVar pos t_mkNTGuard >>>= \mkNTGuard ->
  lookupVar pos t_myseq >>>= \myseq ->
  unitS (ExpCase pos g' 
          [Alt (ExpApplication pos [r,gr,gt])
              (ExpLet pos 
                  [DeclFun pos newParentId 
                    [Fun [] 
                        (ExpApplication pos 
                          ,ExpApplication pos [mkTNm,parent,mkNTGuard,sr]
                      (DeclsParse [])]])
                (ExpApplication pos [myseq,newParent,ExpIf pos gr e' ges'])))
            (DeclsParse [])])
  -- case [[g]]^True_parent of
  --   R gr gt -> 
  --     let newParent = mkTAp2 parent (mkTNm parent mkNTGuard sr) gt parent sr
  --     in newParent `myseq` if gr 
  --                             then [[e]]^cr_newParent 
  --                             else [[ges]]^cont_newParent

{- Used for combining fail continuation with a trace -}
addAppTrace :: Exp Id -> TraceExp -> Exp Id

addAppTrace (ExpApplication pos (f:es)) t = ExpApplication pos (f:t:es)
addAppTrace f t = ExpApplication noPos [f, t]

obtain a variable that names the given pattern;
easy for variable pattern or as pattern; otherwise produces as pattern
namePat :: Pat Id -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id,Pat Id)

namePat e@(ExpVar p v) = unitS (e, e)
namePat e@(PatAs p v pat) = unitS (ExpVar p v, e)
namePat pat = 
    newVar noPos >>>= \e@(ExpVar _ v) -> unitS (e, PatAs noPos v pat)

Returns False only if the one of the guards definitely has value True.
canFail :: Id  -- of constructor True
        -> Id  -- of variable otherwise
        -> [(Exp Id, Exp Id)] -- guarded expressions
        -> Bool

canFail true otherwise [] = True
canFail true otherwise ((ExpCon _ cid, _):gdes) = 
    (true /= cid) && canFail true otherwise gdes
canFail true otherwise ((ExpVar _ cid, _):gdes) = 
    (otherwise /= cid) && canFail true otherwise gdes
canFail true otherwise (_:gdes) = canFail true otherwise gdes

{- call of a C function which is of wrapped type -}

checkSuspectPrimitive :: Exp Id -> [Fun Id] -> DbgTransMonad (Maybe [Fun Id])

checkSuspectPrimitive parent
  [Fun ps (Unguarded (ExpApplication pos (ExpVar p id:f:es))) decls] =
    lookupId Var t_prim >>>= \primid ->
    -- does this really refer to "_prim" in DebugPrelude ?
    if id == primid then
	lookupVar pos t_rseq >>>= \rseq ->
--	let expr = ExpApplication pos (f:redex:es)
	let expr = foldr (\n e -> ExpApplication pos [rseq, n, e]) 
	                 (ExpApplication pos (f:parent:es))
        in unitS (Just [Fun (parent:ps) (Unguarded expr) decls])
        unitS Nothing
checkSuspectPrimitive _ _ = unitS Nothing

checkTrustPrimitive :: Exp Id -> Exp Id -> [Fun Id] 
                    -> DbgTransMonad (Maybe [Fun Id])

checkTrustPrimitive parent hidParent
  [Fun ps (Unguarded (ExpApplication pos (ExpVar p id:f:es))) decls] =
    lookupId Var t_prim >>>= \primid ->
    -- refers to "_prim" in DebugPrelude
    if id == primid then
	lookupVar pos t_rseq >>>= \rseq ->
	let expr = foldr (\n e -> ExpApplication pos [rseq, n, e]) 
	                 (ExpApplication pos (f:parent:es))
        in unitS (Just [Fun (parent:hidParent:ps) (Unguarded expr) decls])
        unitS Nothing
checkTrustPrimitive _ _ _ = unitS Nothing

mkFailExpr :: Pos -> Exp Id -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

mkFailExpr pos parent =
  lookupVar pos t_fatal >>>= \fatal ->
  unitS (ExpApplication pos [fatal, parent])

dSuspectRhs :: Bool -> Exp Id -> Rhs Id -> ContExp -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

dSuspectRhs cr parent (Unguarded exp) cont = dSuspectExp cr parent exp
dSuspectRhs cr parent (Guarded gdExps) cont = 
  dSuspectGuardedExprs cr parent gdExps cont

First argument False iff the parent is equal to this expression, i.e.,
the result of this expression is the same as the result of the parent.

dSuspectExp :: Bool -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

dSuspectExp cr parent (ExpLambda pos pats e) = 
  newVar pos >>>= \lambdaParent ->
  newVars pos (length pats) >>>= \npats ->
  dSuspectExp False lambdaParent e >>>= \e' ->
  lookupVar pos (t_fun (length pats)) >>>= \fun ->
  makeNTLambda pos >>>= \lambda ->
  dPats lambdaParent pats >>>= \pats' ->
  newVar pos >>>= \fpat ->
  mkFailExpr pos lambdaParent
    {-Wrong or misleading error message -} >>>= \fpexp ->
  makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr ->
  makeTuple pos npats >>>= \npatstup ->
  makeTuple pos pats' >>>= \patstup ->
  let lamexp = 
        if neverFailingPats pats 
          then ExpLambda pos (lambdaParent:pats') e'
          else ExpLambda pos (lambdaParent:npats) (ExpCase pos npatstup alts)
      alts = [Alt patstup (Unguarded e') (DeclsParse []),
              Alt fpat (Unguarded fpexp) (DeclsParse [])] 
  in unitS (ExpApplication pos [fun, lambda, lamexp, sr, parent])
dSuspectExp cr parent (ExpLet pos decls e) = 
  unitS (ExpLet pos) =>>> 
    dSuspectDecls parent decls =>>> 
    dSuspectExp cr parent e
dSuspectExp cr parent (ExpCase pos e alts) =  
  lookupId Con tTrue >>>= \true ->
  lookupId Var t_otherwise >>>= \otherw ->
  lookupVar pos ((if cr then t_ap else t_rap) 1) >>>= \apply ->
  lookupVar pos (t_fun 1) >>>= \fun ->
  makeNTCase pos >>>= \casenm ->
  dSuspectExp True parent e >>>= \e' ->
  newVar noPos >>>= \caseParent ->
  makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr ->
  dSuspectFunClauses caseParent "case" 1 true otherw 
    (map alt2Fun alts) >>>= \(fun', defs') ->
  addNewName 2 True "case" NoType >>>= \fid ->
  unitS $
    ExpApplication pos 
      [apply, sr, parent
      ,ExpApplication pos 
        ,ExpLet pos (DeclsParse (DeclFun pos fid fun' : defs')) 
          (ExpVar pos fid)
dSuspectExp cr parent (ExpIf pos co e1 e2) = 
  dSuspectExp True parent co >>>= \co' ->
  newVar pos >>>= \ifParent ->
  let ExpVar _ ifParentId = ifParent in
  dSuspectExp False ifParent e1 >>>= \e1' ->
  dSuspectExp False ifParent e2 >>>= \e2' ->
  makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr ->
  lookupCon pos t_R >>>= \r ->
  newVar pos >>>= \cor ->
  newVar pos >>>= \cot ->
  lookupVar pos (t_mkTAp 2) >>>= \mkTAp2 ->
  lookupVar pos t_mkTNm >>>= \mkTNm ->
  lookupVar pos t_mkNTIf >>>= \mkNTIf ->
  lookupVar pos (if cr then t_lazySat else t_eagerSat) >>>= \makeSat ->
  unitS (ExpCase pos co' 
          [Alt (ExpApplication pos [r,cor,cot])
              (ExpLet pos 
                  [DeclFun pos ifParentId 
                    [Fun [] 
                        (ExpApplication pos 
                          ,ExpApplication pos [mkTNm,parent,mkNTIf,sr]
                      (DeclsParse [])]])
                (ExpApplication pos [makeSat,ExpIf pos cor e1' e2',ifParent])))
            (DeclsParse [])])
  -- case [[g]]^True_parent of
  --   R gr gt -> 
  --     let ifParent = mkTAp2 parent (mkTNm parent mkNTGuard sr) gt parent sr
  --     in makeSat 
  --          (if gr 
  --             then [[e1]]^False_ifParent 
  --             else [[e2]]^False_ifParent)
  --          ifParent
dSuspectExp cr parent (ExpType pos e ctx t) = 
  unitS (\e' -> ExpType pos e' ctx t) =>>> dSuspectExp cr parent e
dSuspectExp cr parent (ExpApplication pos (f:es)) = 
  case f of
    ExpCon _ _ ->            
      dSuspectExps parent es >>>= \es' ->
      saturateSuspectConstr parent f es'
    _ ->
      lookupVar pos ((if cr then t_ap else t_rap) (length es)) >>>= \apply ->
      makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr -> 
      dSuspectExps parent (f:es) >>>= \fes ->
      unitS (ExpApplication pos (apply:sr:parent:fes))
dSuspectExp cr parent (ExpList pos es) = 
  lookupCon pos t_Colon >>>= \consid ->
  dSuspectExps parent es >>>= \es' ->
    (\e es -> wrapSuspectConst parent consid [e, es])
    (lookupCon pos t_List >>>= \nil -> wrapSuspectConst parent nil []) es'
dSuspectExp cr parent e@(ExpCon pos id) = saturateSuspectConstr parent e []
dSuspectExp cr parent e@(ExpVar pos id) = 
  getIdArity id >>>= \arity ->
  case arity of
    Nothing -> -- Must be a lambdabound variable
      if cr 
        then unitS e
	else -- the parent is a projection
	  lookupVar pos t_indir >>>= \indir ->
	  unitS (ExpApplication pos [indir, parent, e])
    Just n -> -- A letbound or global function
      patchFieldSelectorType id >>>
      makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr ->
      unitS (ExpApplication pos [e, sr, parent]) 
dSuspectExp cr parent (ExpRecord exp fields) =
  getIntState >>>= \state ->
  case translateExpRecord exp fields state of
    (Right transExp,state') -> setIntState state' >>> 
                               dSuspectExp cr parent transExp
    (Left errorMsg,state') -> error errorMsg  
dSuspectExp cr parent (PatWildcard pos) = 
  -- introduced by translateExpRecord (meaning = undefined)
  lookupVar pos t_undef >>>= \undefined ->
  dSuspectExp cr parent undefined
dSuspectExp cr parent e@(ExpLit pos (LitString _ s)) = 
  -- calling a combinator `litString pos s' impossible, because
  -- the list data type (s) cannot be used there.
  -- The following is somewhat expensive. But it works...
  -- At least the list constructor (:) is shared in the trace.
  lookupCon pos t_Colon >>>= \cons ->
  lookupCon pos t_List >>>= \nil ->
  lookupVar pos t_conCons >>>= \conCons ->
  makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr -> 
  let ExpCon _ consId = cons in
  makeNTConstr pos consId >>>= \ntconstr ->
  makeNm pos parent ntconstr sr >>>= \consName ->
  addNewName 0 True "consTrace" NoType >>>= \consTrId ->
  dSuspectExp cr parent nil >>>= \nil' ->
  let cons' :: Char -> Exp Id -> Exp Id
      cons' c rs = ExpApplication pos [conCons, sr, parent, cons
                                      ,ExpVar pos consTrId
                                      ,ExpLit pos (LitChar Boxed c), rs]
  in unitS $ ExpLet pos 
               (DeclsParse [DeclFun pos consTrId 
                             [Fun [] (Unguarded consName) (DeclsParse []) ]]) 
               (foldr cons' nil' s)
{- old: Simpler, but leads to slightly larger expressions.
    lookupCon pos t_Colon >>>= \consid ->
    lookupCon pos t_List >>>= \nilid ->
    let rs = (map (ExpLit pos . LitChar Boxed) s) in
    dExp True (foldr (\c cs -> ExpApplication pos [consid, c, cs]) nilid rs)
dSuspectExp cr parent e@(ExpLit pos (LitInteger b i)) = 
    -- Remove this after typechecking
    lookupVar pos t_fromConInteger >>>= \fci ->
    makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr -> 
    unitS (ExpApplication pos [fci, sr, parent, e])
dSuspectExp cr parent e@(ExpLit pos (LitRational b i)) = 
    -- Remove this after typechecking
    lookupVar pos t_fromConRational >>>= \fcr ->
    makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr -> 
    unitS (ExpApplication pos [fcr, sr, parent, e])
dSuspectExp cr parent e@(ExpLit pos lit) = 
    dLit lit >>>= \constr ->
    makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr -> 
    unitS (ExpApplication pos [constr, sr, parent, e])
    where dLit (LitInt _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conInt
          dLit (LitChar _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conChar
          dLit (LitInteger _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conInteger
	  dLit (LitRational _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conRational
	  dLit (LitDouble _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conDouble
	  dLit (LitFloat _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conFloat
dSuspectExp cr parent e = error ("dExp: no match")

dSuspectExps :: Exp Id -> [Exp Id] -> DbgTransMonad [Exp Id]

dSuspectExps parent es = mapS (dSuspectExp True parent) es

First argument False, if the unevaluated expression never appears as an argument in the trace. Hence not Sat needs to be created.
False does not imply that the expression is equal to its parent expression, unlike for the suspected case.

dTrustExp :: Bool -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

dTrustExp cr parent hidParent (ExpLambda pos pats e) = 
  newVar pos >>>= \lambdaParent ->
  newVar pos >>>= \lambdaHidParent ->
  newVars pos (length pats) >>>= \npats ->
  dTrustExp False lambdaParent lambdaHidParent e >>>= \e' ->
  lookupVar pos (t_tfun (length pats)) >>>= \fun ->
  makeNTLambda pos >>>= \lambda ->
  dPats lambdaHidParent pats >>>= \pats' ->
  newVar pos >>>= \fpat ->
  mkFailExpr pos lambdaParent 
    {-Wrong or misleading error message -} >>>= \fpexp ->
  makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr ->
  makeTuple pos npats >>>= \npatstup ->
  makeTuple pos pats' >>>= \patstup ->
  let lamexp = 
        if neverFailingPats pats 
          then ExpLambda pos (lambdaParent:lambdaHidParent:pats') e'
          else ExpLambda pos (lambdaParent:lambdaHidParent:npats) 
                 (ExpCase pos npatstup alts)
      alts = [Alt patstup (Unguarded e') (DeclsParse []),
              Alt fpat (Unguarded fpexp) (DeclsParse [])] 
  in unitS (ExpApplication pos [fun, lambda, lamexp, sr
                               ,if cr then hidParent else parent])
     {- actually know that lambda expr appears in trusted code and
        hence no name has to be created; however, would need another
        set of combinators t_ttfun that do not test trustedness of parent -}
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent (ExpLet pos decls e) = 
  unitS (ExpLet pos) =>>> 
    dTrustDecls hidParent decls =>>> 
    dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent (ExpCase pos e alts) = 
  dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e >>>= \e' ->
  lookupId Con tTrue >>>= \true ->
  lookupId Var t_otherwise >>>= \otherw ->
  mapS (dTrustAlt cr parent hidParent true otherw) alts >>>= \alts' ->
  mkFailExpr pos (if cr then hidParent else parent)
    {-Wrong or misleading error message -} >>>= \fpexp ->
  unitS $ ExpCase pos e' (alts' ++ [Alt (PatWildcard pos) 
                                     (Unguarded fpexp) (DeclsParse [])])
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent (ExpIf pos c e1 e2) = 
  dTrustExp cr parent hidParent c >>>= \c' ->
  dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e1 >>>= \e1' ->
  dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e2 >>>= \e2' ->
  lookupCon pos tTrue >>>= \true ->
  lookupCon pos tFalse >>>= \false ->
  lookupCon pos t_R >>>= \r ->
  let expCase = ExpCase pos c' 
                  [Alt (ExpApplication pos [r,true,PatWildcard pos]) 
                       (Unguarded e1') (DeclsParse [])
                  ,Alt (ExpApplication pos [r,false,PatWildcard pos])
                       (Unguarded e2') (DeclsParse [])] in
  lookupVar pos t_lazySatLonely >>>= \lazySat ->
    (if cr then (ExpApplication pos [lazySat,expCase,hidParent]) else expCase)
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent (ExpType pos e ctx t) = 
  unitS (\e' -> ExpType pos e' ctx t) =>>> dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent (ExpApplication pos (f:es)) = 
  case f of
    ExpCon _ _ ->            
      dTrustExps parent hidParent es >>>= \es' ->
      saturateTrustConstr (if cr then hidParent else parent) f es'
    _ ->
      lookupVar pos ((if cr then t_tap else t_trap) (length es)) >>>= \apply ->
      dTrustExps parent hidParent (f:es) >>>= \fes ->
      unitS (ExpApplication pos 
               (apply:(if cr then hidParent else parent):fes))
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent (ExpList pos es) = 
  lookupCon pos t_Colon >>>= \consid ->
  dTrustExps parent hidParent es >>>= \es' ->
    (\e es -> wrapTrustConst hidParent consid [e, es])
    (lookupCon pos t_List >>>= \nil -> wrapTrustConst hidParent nil []) es'
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e@(ExpCon pos id) = 
  saturateTrustConstr (if cr then hidParent else parent) e []
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e@(ExpVar pos id) = 
  getIdArity id >>>= \arity ->
  case arity of
    Nothing -> -- Must be a lambdabound variable
      if cr 
        then unitS e
	  lookupVar pos t_indir >>>= \indir ->
	  unitS (ExpApplication pos [indir, parent, e])
    Just n -> -- A letbound or global function
      patchFieldSelectorType id >>>
      makeSourceRef noPos >>>= \noSR ->
      unitS (ExpApplication pos 
              [e, noSR, if cr then hidParent else parent]) 
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent (ExpRecord exp fields) =
  getIntState >>>= \state ->
  case translateExpRecord exp fields state of
    (Right transExp,state') -> setIntState state' >>> 
                               dTrustExp cr parent hidParent transExp
    (Left errorMsg,state') -> error errorMsg  
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent (PatWildcard pos) = 
  -- introduced by translateExpRecord (meaning = undefined)
  lookupVar pos t_undef >>>= \undefined ->
  dTrustExp cr parent hidParent undefined
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e@(ExpLit pos (LitString _ s)) = 
  -- calling a combinator `litString pos s' impossible, because
  -- the list data type (s) cannot be used there.
  -- The following is somewhat expensive. But it works...
  -- At least the list constructor (:) is shared in the trace.
  lookupCon pos t_Colon >>>= \cons ->
  lookupCon pos t_List >>>= \nil ->
  lookupVar pos t_conCons >>>= \conCons ->
  let ExpCon _ consId = cons in
  makeNTConstr pos consId >>>= \ntconstr ->
  makeSourceRef noPos >>>= \noSR ->
  let tParent = if cr then hidParent else parent in
  makeNm pos tParent ntconstr noSR >>>= \consName ->
  addNewName 0 True "consTrace" NoType >>>= \consTrId ->
  dTrustExp cr parent hidParent nil >>>= \nil' ->
  let cons' :: Char -> Exp Id -> Exp Id
      cons' c rs = ExpApplication pos [conCons, noSR, tParent, cons
                                      ,ExpVar pos consTrId
                                      ,ExpLit pos (LitChar Boxed c), rs]
  in unitS $ ExpLet pos 
               (DeclsParse [DeclFun pos consTrId 
                             [Fun [] (Unguarded consName) (DeclsParse []) ]]) 
               (foldr cons' nil' s)
{- old: Simpler, but leads to slightly larger expressions.
    lookupCon pos t_Colon >>>= \consid ->
    lookupCon pos t_List >>>= \nilid ->
    let rs = (map (ExpLit pos . LitChar Boxed) s) in
    dExp True (foldr (\c cs -> ExpApplication pos [consid, c, cs]) nilid rs)
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e@(ExpLit pos (LitInteger b i)) = 
  -- Remove this after typechecking
  lookupVar pos t_fromConInteger >>>= \fci ->
  makeSourceRef noPos >>>= \noSR ->
  unitS (ExpApplication pos [fci, noSR, if cr then hidParent else parent, e])
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e@(ExpLit pos (LitRational b i)) = 
  -- Remove this after typechecking
  lookupVar pos t_fromConRational >>>= \fcr ->
  makeSourceRef noPos >>>= \noSR ->
  unitS (ExpApplication pos [fcr, noSR, if cr then hidParent else parent, e])
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e@(ExpLit pos lit) = 
    dLit lit >>>= \constr ->
    makeSourceRef noPos >>>= \noSR ->
    unitS (ExpApplication pos 
             [constr, noSR, if cr then hidParent else parent, e])
    where dLit (LitInt _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conInt
          dLit (LitChar _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conChar
          dLit (LitInteger _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conInteger
	  dLit (LitRational _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conRational
	  dLit (LitDouble _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conDouble
	  dLit (LitFloat _ _) = lookupVar pos t_conFloat
dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e = error ("dExp: no match")

dTrustExps :: Exp Id -> Exp Id -> [Exp Id] -> DbgTransMonad [Exp Id]

dTrustExps parent hidParent es = mapS (dTrustExp True parent hidParent) es

dTrustAlt :: Bool -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Id -> Id -> Alt Id
                -> DbgTransMonad (Alt Id)

dTrustAlt cr parent hidParent true otherw (Alt pat rhs decls) =
  dPat hidParent pat >>>= \pat' ->
  dTrustRhs cr parent hidParent true otherw rhs >>>= \rhs' ->
  dTrustDecls hidParent decls >>>= \decls' ->
  unitS (Alt pat' rhs' decls')

dTrustRhs :: Bool -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Id -> Id -> Rhs Id 
          -> DbgTransMonad (Rhs Id)

dTrustRhs cr parent hidParent true otherw (Unguarded exp) = 
  dTrustExp cr parent hidParent exp >>>= \exp' ->
  unitS (Unguarded exp')
dTrustRhs cr parent hidParent true otherw (Guarded gdExps) = 
  mapS dTrustGuardedExpr gdExps >>>= \gdExps' ->
  unitS (Guarded gdExps')
  dTrustGuardedExpr :: (Exp Id, Exp Id) -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id, Exp Id)
  dTrustGuardedExpr (cond@(ExpCon _ id), e) | id == true =
    dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e >>>= \e' ->
    unitS (cond, e')
  dTrustGuardedExpr (cond@(ExpVar pos id), e) | id == otherw =
    dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e >>>= \e' ->
    unitS (ExpCon pos true, e')  -- transformed "otherwise" has different type
  dTrustGuardedExpr (cond,e) =
    dTrustExp cr parent hidParent cond >>>= \cond' ->
    dTrustExp cr parent hidParent e >>>= \e' ->
    lookupVar noPos t_rPatBool >>>= \rPatBool ->
    unitS (ExpApplication noPos [rPatBool,cond'],e')

{- conversion of case alternative into function definition alternative -}
alt2Fun :: Alt a -> Fun a
alt2Fun (Alt pat rhs decls) = Fun [pat] rhs decls 

Transform data constructor application.
Number of arguments may be smaller than arity of the data constructor.
saturateSuspectConstr :: 
                  Exp Id      -- parent
               -> Exp Id      -- data constructor
               -> [Exp Id]    -- arguments (already transformed)
               -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id) -- transformed constructor application

saturateSuspectConstr parent c@(ExpCon pos id) args =
  --trace ("<<< " ++ show id' ++ " -> " ++ show id) $
  getConArity id >>>= \arity ->
  --trace ("Arity for " ++ show id ++ " is " ++ show arity) $
  if arity > length args then -- Unsaturated constructor
    makeNTConstr pos id >>>= \ntconstr ->
    lookupVar pos (t_cn (arity - length args)) >>>= \cn ->
    lookupVar pos (t_pa (length args)) >>>= \pan ->
    makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr ->
    unitS (ExpApplication pos (pan:c:cn:sr:parent:ntconstr:args))
    wrapSuspectConst parent c args

saturateTrustConstr :: 
                  Exp Id      -- parent
               -> Exp Id      -- data constructor
               -> [Exp Id]    -- arguments (already transformed)
               -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id) -- transformed constructor application

saturateTrustConstr parent c@(ExpCon pos id) args =
  --trace ("<<< " ++ show id' ++ " -> " ++ show id) $
  getConArity id >>>= \arity ->
  --trace ("Arity for " ++ show id ++ " is " ++ show arity) $
  if arity > length args then -- Unsaturated constructor
    makeNTConstr pos id >>>= \ntconstr ->
    lookupVar pos (t_cn (arity - length args)) >>>= \cn ->
    lookupVar pos (t_tpa (length args)) >>>= \pan ->
    unitS (ExpApplication pos (pan:c:cn:parent:ntconstr:args))
    wrapTrustConst parent c args

Transform constructor application where number of arguments
equals arity of constructor. The arguments have already been transformed.
wrapSuspectConst :: Exp Id -> Exp Id -> [Exp Id] -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

wrapSuspectConst parent c@(ExpCon pos cid) args =
  lookupVar pos (t_con (length args)) >>>= \con ->
  makeNTConstr pos cid >>>= \ntconstr ->
  makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr ->
  unitS (ExpApplication pos (con:sr:parent:c:ntconstr:args))

wrapTrustConst :: Exp Id -> Exp Id -> [Exp Id] -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

wrapTrustConst parent c@(ExpCon pos cid) args =
  lookupVar pos (t_tcon (length args)) >>>= \con ->
  makeNTConstr pos cid >>>= \ntconstr ->
  unitS (ExpApplication pos (con:parent:c:ntconstr:args))

{- Unused, string is transformed on a per character basis 
mkLitString :: Pos -> Exp Id -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

mkLitString pos s =
    getD >>>= \d ->
    lookupVar pos t_stringConst >>>= \stringConst  ->
    makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr ->
    unitS (ExpApplication pos [stringConst, sr, d, s])

dPats :: Exp Id -> [Pat Id] -> DbgTransMonad [Pat Id] 

dPats parent ps = mapS (dPat parent) ps

dPat :: Exp Id -> Pat Id -> DbgTransMonad (Pat Id)

dPat parent (ExpApplication pos (c:ps)) = 
  wrapR pos =>>> 
  (unitS (ExpApplication pos) =>>> (unitS (c:) =>>> dPats parent ps))
dPat _ p@(ExpCon pos id)              = wrapR pos =>>> unitS p
dPat _ p@(ExpVar pos id)              = unitS p 
dPat parent p@(ExpLit pos (LitInteger b i))= 
    -- Remove this after typechecking
    lookupVar pos t_patFromConInteger >>>= \pfci ->
    makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr -> 
    unitS (ExpApplication pos [pfci, sr, parent, p])
dPat parent p@(ExpLit pos (LitRational b i))= 
    -- Remove this after typechecking
    lookupVar pos t_patFromConRational >>>= \pfcr ->
    makeSourceRef pos >>>= \sr -> 
    unitS (ExpApplication pos [pfcr, sr, parent, p])
dPat parent p@(ExpLit pos (LitString _ s)) = 
    foldPatList parent pos (map (ExpLit pos . LitChar Boxed) s)
dPat _ p@(ExpLit pos lit)           = wrapR pos =>>> unitS p
dPat _ p@(ExpList pos [])           = wrapR pos =>>> unitS p
dPat parent (ExpList pos ps)        = foldPatList parent pos ps
dPat parent (PatAs pos id p)        = unitS (PatAs pos id) =>>> dPat parent p
dPat _ p@(PatWildcard pos)          = unitS p 
dPat parent (PatIrrefutable pos p)  = 
  unitS (PatIrrefutable pos) =>>> dPat parent p
dPat parent (ExpRecord con@(ExpCon pos id) fieldPats) =
  wrapR pos =>>> (unitS (ExpRecord con) =>>> mapS dField fieldPats)
  dField :: Field Id -> DbgTransMonad (Field Id)
  dField (FieldExp pos id pat) = unitS (FieldExp pos id) =>>> dPat parent pat
dPat _ e                            = error ("dPat: no match ")

foldS f z []     = z 
foldS f z (x:xs) = foldS f z xs >>>= f x 
---f x =>>> foldS f z xs

Replace all list constructors in a list expression
by the constructors of the wrapped list and wrap it.
foldPatList :: Exp Id -> Pos -> [Exp Id] -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

foldPatList _ pos [] =  wrapR pos =>>> lookupCon pos t_List
foldPatList parent pos (p:ps) = 
  lookupCon pos t_Colon >>>= \cons ->
  wrapR pos =>>> 
  (unitS (\c cs -> ExpApplication pos [cons, c, cs]) 
         =>>> dPat parent p =>>> foldPatList parent pos ps) 

{- Wrap a pattern with R constructor and new variable as trace argument -}
wrapR :: Pos -> DbgTransMonad (Pat Id -> Pat Id)

wrapR pos =
  lookupCon pos t_R >>>= \r ->
  newVar pos >>>= \wc ->
  unitS (\p -> ExpApplication pos [r, p, wc])

-- Rename the variables in a pattern. Return the new pattern
-- and an association list from the old names to the new ones.
-- Used in transformation of pattern bindings.
patVars :: Pat Id -> DbgTransMonad (Pat Id, [((Pos,Id),Pat Id)])

patVars (ExpApplication pos ps) = unzipConc (ExpApplication pos) ps
patVars p@(ExpCon pos id)       = unitS (p, [])
patVars (ExpVar pos id)         = newVar pos >>>= \nide -> 
                                  unitS (nide, [((pos, id), nide)])
patVars p@(ExpLit pos lit)      = unitS (p, [])
patVars (ExpList pos ps)        = unzipConc (ExpList pos) ps
patVars (PatAs pos id p)        = newVar pos >>>= \nide@(ExpVar _ nid) ->
                                  patVars p >>>= \(p', vs) ->
				  unitS (PatAs pos nid p', ((pos, id), nide):vs)
patVars p@(PatWildcard pos)     = unitS (p, []) 
patVars (PatIrrefutable pos p)  = unzipConc (PatIrrefutable pos . head) [p]
patVars e                       = error ("patVars: no match")

unzipConc :: ([Exp Id] -> a) -> [Exp Id] 
          -> DbgTransMonad (a,[((Pos,Id),Pat Id)])
unzipConc f ps = 
    mapS patVars ps >>>= \psvss ->
    let (ps', vss) = unzip psvss
    in unitS (f ps', concat vss)

neverFailingPat :: Pat Id -> Bool
neverFailingPat (ExpVar _ _) = True
neverFailingPat (PatAs _ _ pat) = neverFailingPat pat
neverFailingPat (PatIrrefutable _ _) = True
neverFailingPat (PatWildcard _ ) = True
neverFailingPat _ = False

neverFailingPats :: [Pat Id] -> Bool
neverFailingPats = all neverFailingPat

{- Utility functions --------------------------------------------------------}

makeTuple pos [e] = unitS e
makeTuple pos es = 
    lookupId Con (t_Tuple (length es)) >>>= \tup ->
    unitS (ExpApplication pos (ExpCon pos tup : es))

lookupId kind ident = 
  \(Inherited lookupPrel) s -> (lookupPrel (ident, kind), s)
lookupVar pos ident =  
  \(Inherited lookupPrel) s -> (ExpVar pos (lookupPrel (ident, Var)), s)
lookupCon pos ident =  
  \(Inherited lookupPrel) s -> (ExpCon pos (lookupPrel (ident, Con)), s)
lookupName ident = 
  \_ s@(Threaded istate _ _) -> (lookupIS istate ident, s)
lookupNameStr ident = 
  \_ s@(Threaded istate _ _) -> (strIS istate ident, s)

{- Create a new variable with given position -}
newVar :: Pos -> DbgTransMonad (Exp Id)

newVar pos = \_ (Threaded istate srt idt) ->
                 case uniqueIS istate of
	             (i, istate') -> (ExpVar pos i, Threaded istate' srt idt)

{- Create a list of n new variables, all with the same given position -}
newVars :: Pos -> Int -> DbgTransMonad [Exp Id]

newVars pos n = \_ (Threaded istate srt idt) ->
                    case uniqueISs istate [1..n] of
	                (is, istate') -> (map (ExpVar pos . snd) is, 
			                  Threaded istate' srt idt)

Make info for a variable with given Id, name, arity and type.
Right Id: Id is added to name
Left Id: name used as given 
mkInfo :: Either Id Id -> String -> Int -> NewType -> Info

mkInfo (Right u) str arity nt = 
    InfoVar u (visImpRev (str ++ "_" ++ show u)) (InfixDef, 9) 
      IEnone nt (Just arity)

mkInfo (Left u) str arity nt = 
    InfoVar u (visImpRev str) (InfixDef, 9) IEnone nt (Just arity)

Wraps off most of the SRs, Traces and Rs.
unwrapNT 0 True  False (SR -> Trace -> R Bool) = R Bool
unwrapNT 0 False False (SR -> Trace -> R Bool) = Trace -> R Bool
unwrapNT 1 False False (SR -> Trace -> R(Trace -> R Int -> R Bool)) = 
  Trace -> R Int -> R Bool
unwrapNT 2 False False
  (SR -> Trace -> R(Trace -> R Int -> R(Trace -> R Char -> R Int))) =
  Trace -> R Int -> R Char -> R Int

Assumes that input type has form
  SR -> Trace -> R (tyn)
  tyn = Trace -> R (any type) -> R (ty(n-1))
  ty0 = any type
Expands type synonyms if necessary to obtain this type
unwrapNT :: IntState -> Int -> Bool -> Bool -> NewType -> NewType

unwrapNT intState arity isCaf trusted nt@NoType = nt
unwrapNT intState arity isCaf trusted
  (NewType free exist ctxs [NTcons arrow [sr, NTcons _ [t, rt]]]) = 
    NewType free exist ctxs 
      (if isCaf 
         then [dStripR arity rt] 
         else if trusted 
                then [NTcons arrow [t, NTcons arrow [t, dStripR arity rt]]]
                else [NTcons arrow [t, dStripR arity rt]])
  dStripR 0 t = t
  dStripR n (NTcons rt [NTcons a1 [t, NTcons a2 [a, b]]]) 
    | a1 == arrow && a1 == a2 = NTcons arrow [a, dStripR (n-1) b]
  dStripR n (NTcons rt [NTcons tysyn tys]) = 
    -- type may contain type synonym instead of the function arrow
    dStripR n (NTcons rt [expand nt tys])
    nt = dropJust . typeSynonymBodyI . dropJust . lookupIS intState $ tysyn

    -- the expand version in TypeUnify does not work here because it uses
    -- idempotent closure of the substitution
    expand :: NewType -> [NT] -> NT
    expand (NewType free [] ctxs [nt]) ts = substNT (zip free ts) nt
  dStripR n t = error ("dStripR: strange type: " ++ show t)
unwrapNT intState arity isCaf trusted nt = 
  error ("unwrapNT: strange type: " ++ show nt)

Create a new identifier with given arity, name and type.
Boolean argument decides if Id is appended to name.
addNewName :: Int -> Bool -> String -> NewType -> DbgTransMonad Id

addNewName arity addIdNr str nt = 
  \_ (Threaded istate srt idt) ->
    case uniqueIS istate of
      (i, istate') -> 
	let info = mkInfo (if addIdNr then Right i else Left i) str arity nt
	    istate'' = addIS i info istate'
	in (i, Threaded istate'' srt idt)

Create a new primitive identifier with given Info, changing just the
location in the table (i.e. the lookup key).
addNewPrim :: Info -> DbgTransMonad Id

addNewPrim (InfoVar _ (Qualified m nm) fix ie nt ar) = 
  \_ (Threaded istate srt idt) ->
    case uniqueIS istate of
      (i, istate') -> 
	let newNm = Qualified m (packString (unpackPS nm++"'"))
            info' = InfoVar i newNm fix IEnone NoType ar
	    istate'' = addIS i info' istate'
	in (i, Threaded istate'' srt idt)
addNewPrim (InfoVar _ nm fix ie nt ar) = 
  error ("In tracing transformation: foreign import has unqualified name?")

Create a new identifier for the prim-wrapper, given prim Info, in a fresh
location in the table
addNewWrapper :: Info -> DbgTransMonad Id

addNewWrapper (InfoVar _ nm fix ie nt ar) = 
  \_ (Threaded istate srt idt) ->
    case uniqueIS istate of
      (i, istate') -> 
	let info' = InfoVar i nm fix ie NoType (Just 2)
	    istate'' = addIS i info' istate'
	in (i, Threaded istate'' srt idt)

Overwrite the original primitive identifier with new Info, reflecting
the change in type and arity.
overwritePrim :: Id -> Inherited -> Threaded -> Threaded

overwritePrim i = 
  \_ (Threaded istate srt idt) ->
      let updI (InfoVar i nm fix ie _ _) = InfoVar i nm fix ie NoType (Just 2)
      in Threaded (updateIS istate i updI) srt idt

Overwrite the original primitive identifier with new name.
overwriteOrigName :: Id -> Inherited -> Threaded -> Threaded
overwriteOrigName i = 
  \_ (Threaded istate srt idt) ->
      let updI (InfoVar i (Qualified m f) fix ie nt ar) =
                InfoVar i (Qualified m (packString ('\'': unpackPS f)))
                                          fix ie nt ar
      in Threaded (updateIS istate i updI) srt idt

getConArity id = \_ s@(Threaded istate _ _) -> (arityIS istate id, s)

getIdArity id = 
    \_ s@(Threaded istate _ _) ->
    case lookupIS istate id of
        Nothing -> (Nothing, s)
	Just info -> (Just (arityVI info){-(arityIS istate id)-}, s)

A bit of a hack.
The type of an imported field selector is derived by nhc from the
data type definition. However, the transformed selector has a different
type. Hence we test if a used variable is a selector. If it is, then
we transform the type (only the first time we come across it).
patchFieldSelectorType :: Id -> Inherited -> Threaded -> Threaded
patchFieldSelectorType id =
  \(Inherited lookupPrel) s@(Threaded istate srt idt) ->
  case lookupIS istate id of
    Just info@(InfoVar un tok fix ie (NewType all ex ctx [rec,res]) _) ->
        -- id is field selector of record defined in imported module
        -- (IExtract.importField constructs the type of the selector
        --  in this form; there seem to be no types of other variables
        --  of this form)
      let arrow = lookupPrel (t_Arrow,TCon)
          sr = lookupPrel (tSR,TCon)
          trace = lookupPrel (tTrace,TCon)
          r = lookupPrel (t_R,TCon)
        (updateIS istate id 
          (\_ -> InfoVar un tok fix ie
                   (NewType all ex ctx 
                     [NTcons arrow 
                       [NTcons sr [],NTcons arrow 
                         [NTcons trace [], NTcons r 
                           [NTcons arrow [NTcons trace [],NTcons arrow 
                             [NTcons r [rec],res]]]]]]) 
                    (Just 2))) srt idt
    _ -> s

getArity :: [Fun a] -> Int

getArity (Fun pats _ _ : _) = length pats

setArity :: Int -> Int -> a -> Threaded -> Threaded

setArity arity id  = \inh (Threaded (IntState unique rps st errors) srt idt) ->
  let newid = case lookupAT st id of
                Just (InfoMethod u tid fix nt _ cls) ->
                      InfoMethod u tid fix nt (Just arity) cls
                Just (InfoDMethod u tid nt _ cls) ->
                      InfoDMethod u tid nt (Just arity) cls
       	        Just (InfoIMethod u tid nt _ cls) ->
	              InfoIMethod u tid nt (Just arity) cls
	        Just (InfoVar u tid fix exp nt _) ->
	             InfoVar u tid fix exp nt (Just arity)
  in Threaded (IntState unique rps (updateAT st id (\_ -> newid)) errors) 
       srt idt
setArity arity id = \_ (Threaded istate srs) ->
                        Threaded (updVarArity noPos id arity istate) srs

getPositions :: DbgTransMonad (Int,[Int])
getPositions = \_ s@(Threaded _ srt _) -> (srt, s)

setPositions :: (Int,[Int]) -> a -> Threaded -> Threaded
setPositions srt = \_ s@(Threaded istate _ idt) -> Threaded istate srt idt

Make a node expression of type Trace, NmType or SR.

makeSourceRef :: Pos -> DbgTransMonad (SRExp)

makeSourceRef p i@(Inherited lookupPrel) s@(Threaded is (nsr, srs) idt) 
  | p == noPos = lookupVar noPos t_mkNoSR i s
  | rowcol == head srs =
    (ExpApplication p [ExpVar p sr3, ExpLit p (LitInt Boxed nsr)], s)
  | otherwise =
    let nsr' = nsr+1
    in seq nsr' (ExpApplication p [ExpVar p sr3, ExpLit p (LitInt Boxed nsr')],
                 Threaded is (nsr', rowcol:srs) idt)
  (row, col) = fromPos p 
  rowcol = 10000*row + col -- this should probably be done by some function
                           -- mkSR :: Int -> Int -> SR
  sr3 = lookupPrel (t_mkSR', Var)

makeNTId :: Pos -> Id -> DbgTransMonad (NmTypeExp)

makeNTId pos id = 
  lookupVar pos t_mkNTId' >>>= \mkNTId' ->
  unitS $ ExpApplication pos [mkNTId',ExpLit pos (LitInt Boxed id)]

makeNTConstr :: Pos -> Id -> DbgTransMonad (NmTypeExp)

makeNTConstr pos id =
  lookupVar pos t_mkNTConstr' >>>= \mkNTConstr' ->
  unitS $ ExpApplication pos [mkNTConstr',ExpLit pos (LitInt Boxed id)]

makeNTLambda :: Pos -> DbgTransMonad (NmTypeExp)

makeNTLambda pos = lookupVar pos t_mkNTLambda

makeNTCase :: Pos -> DbgTransMonad (NmTypeExp)

makeNTCase pos = lookupVar pos t_mkNTCase

makeNm :: Pos -> TraceExp -> NmTypeExp -> SRExp -> DbgTransMonad (TraceExp)

makeNm p parent name sr =
  lookupVar noPos t_mkTNm >>>= \nm ->
  unitS $ ExpApplication p [nm, parent, name, sr] 

Add identifier with position to threaded list.
addId :: (Pos,Id) -> a -> Threaded -> Threaded

addId pid inh (Threaded is srt idt) = Threaded is srt (pid:idt)

{- is it a class method? -}
isCMethod :: Info -> Bool

isCMethod (InfoIMethod _ _ _ _ _) = True
isCMethod (InfoDMethod _ _ _ _ _) = True
isCMethod _ = False

{- End Module DbgTrans ------------------------------------------------------}

The following code is an experiment to create useful redex trails
for pattern bindings. Unfortunately viewing an unevaluted pattern
variable in the browser leads to a segmentation fault of the program.
It seems that Sats sometimes don't work correctly, when the expression
isn't yet evaluated. 

dDecl (DeclPat (Alt pat rhs decls)) =
--    lookupId Var t_lazySat >>>= \lazySat ->
--    lookupId Var t_patvar >>>= \pvid ->
--    lookupCon noPos tNTId >>>= \ntid ->
--    lookupCon noPos t_Nm >>>= \nm ->

    let epat = ExpApplication noPos [r,etup,tresult] in

    let orgPos = map (fst . fst) bvsnvs in
      (\p -> addNewName 0 True "const" NoType)
      >>>= \constIds ->

      (\p -> addNewName 0 True "share" NoType)
      >>>= \shareIds ->

    addNewName 0 True "local" NoType >>>= \local ->

    newVar noPos >>>= \test' ->
    let ExpVar _ test = test' in 

    let mkNTId p i = ExpApplication p [ntid,ExpLit p (LitInt Boxed i)]
        mkNm p nt sr = ExpApplication p [nm, redex, nt, sr] 

        mkLazySat a t = ExpCase noPos a
                          [Alt (PatIrrefutable noPos 
                                 (ExpApplication noPos [r,v,vt]))
                                 (ExpApplication noPos [r,v,
                                   ExpApplication noPos [sat,t,vt]]))
                               (DeclsParse [])]

        pcase = ExpCase noPos rhs' 
                  [Alt pat'' (Unguarded epat) (DeclsParse [])
	          ,Alt (PatWildcard noPos)   (Unguarded fe)  (DeclsParse [])]
	pfun = DeclFun noPos patid [Fun [] (Unguarded pcase) decls']

	vpat p pv i sr = 
          ExpApplication p [r, ExpLit p (LitChar Boxed 'c'), redex]
          ExpCase p (ExpVar p test) -- patid)
            [Alt epat (Unguarded $ fe)
--              ExpApplication p [ExpVar p pvid 
--	                       ,mkNTId p i
--			       ,pv
--                               ,sr
--                               ,tresult])
              (DeclsParse [])]

        vconst p i s c sr = DeclFun p c
                                 [Fun []
                                 (Unguarded $ ExpApplication p
                                   [ExpVar p lazySat
                                   ,ExpVar p s
--                                     ,fe
--                                   ,vpat p pv i sr
                                   ,ExpVar p local -- mkNm p (mkNTId p i) sr
                                 (DeclsParse [
                                   DeclFun p local
                                     [Fun []
                                     (Unguarded $ mkNm p (mkNTId p i) sr)
                                     (DeclsParse [])]

        vshare p s pv i sr = 
          DeclFun p s [Fun [] (Unguarded $ vpat p pv i sr) (DeclsParse [])]

        vfun p i c = 
          DeclFun p i [Fun [PatWildcard p, PatWildcard p] 
                        (Unguarded (ExpVar p c)) (DeclsParse [])] 

{- very old:
	vpat p pv i sr = ExpApplication p [ExpVar p pvid, 
	                                   ExpApplication p 
					     ,ExpLit p (LitInt Boxed i)],
					   vcase p pv{-, sr, redex-}]
        vcase p pv = ExpCase p (ExpVar p patid) 
                       [Alt etup (Unguarded pv) (DeclsParse [])]
        vfun ((p, i), pv) sr = DeclFun p i 
                                 [Fun [] (Unguarded (vpat p pv i sr)) 
                                 (DeclsParse [])]
    in unitS (pfun 
             : zipWith3 vfun orgPos bvsids constIds 
             ++ zipWith5 vshare orgPos shareIds evars bvsids srs
             ++ zipWith5 vconst orgPos bvsids shareIds constIds srs)

{- more comments about other stuff:
dMethod info@(InfoDMethod _ _ _ _ _) pos id funName fundefs = 
  dFun pos id funName (getArity fundefs) fundefs NoType
  -- only disadvantage of this simple transformation:
  -- if a method is called for which no (default) definition exists,
  -- then the trace shows a redex `error "no default ..."' which does
  -- not exist in the program.
{- old definition; problem:
   if a method is called for which no (default) definition exists,
   then the misleading error message: No match in pattern. is given.
   The trace is not correctly produced, because the call to fatal is
   not wrapped with R; hence use of such a method without evaluation
   even leads to segmentation fault.
dMethod info@(InfoDMethod _ tid nt (Just arity) _) pos id funName fundefs = 
    --trace ("InfoD: " ++show info) $
--    if arity == 0 then
--        dCaf pos id funName fundefs
-- dCaf does not work, 
-- because shared constants need to be defined outside class/instance
    if getArity fundefs == arity then
        dFun pos id funName arity fundefs NoType --(unwrapNT False nt)
        case fundefs of
            -- does this recognise compiler-produced undefined methods?
            -- you don't want to see the explicit call of error in the trace
            [Fun [] (Unguarded (ExpApplication p1 [ExpVar p2 te, emsg])) 
              (DeclsParse [])] ->
	        lookupId Var t_error >>>= \errorid ->
		if te == errorid then
		    setArity 2 id >>>
	            lookupId Var t_fatal >>>= \fatal ->
		    newVars pos 2 >>>= \[sr, redex] ->
		    unitS [DeclFun pos id [Fun [sr, redex]  
                                            (ExpApplication p1 
                                              [ExpVar p2 fatal, redex]))
					  (DeclsParse [])]]
		     dFun pos id funName arity fundefs NoType 
	    _ -> dFun pos id funName (getArity fundefs) fundefs NoType 
--	    _ -> dFun pos id funName arity fundefs NoType --(unwrapNT False nt)

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