
module Depend(depend) where

import Flags
import IntState
import Memo
import Tree234
import Extra
import OsOnly
import TokenId

-- Only the beginning, can probably do mych better

depend flags state rt =
  if sDepend flags then
      isUnix = sUnix flags
      sourcefile = sSourceFile flags
      (rootdir,filename) = fixRootDir isUnix sourcefile
    in writeFile (fixDependFile isUnix rootdir filename)
                 ((unlines . filter (not . null) . map (strId (sPrelude flags) state . head . dropRight . snd) . treeMapList (:)) rt)
    return ()

strId prelude state i =
  case lookupIS state i of
    Nothing -> ""
    Just info ->
      let tid = tidI info
        if (prelude || notPrelude tid) then
          case tidI info of
            TupleId 0 -> "()"
            TupleId n -> '(':take (n-1) (repeat ',') ++ ")"
            tid -> show tid

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