
{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internal state of the compiler used from need analysis until renaming
module ImportState
	(module ImportState
	,module Info 
--	,PackedString
        ,NewType,Pos(..)) where

import PackedString(PackedString,packString,unpackPS)
import NT
import IdKind
import Syntax(InfixClass,Decl)
import AssocTree
import Memo
import TokenId
import Extra(Pos(..))
import Info
import Tree234

data  ImportState =
        Bool			 -- visible
	Int			 -- unique
	PackedString		 -- modid of interface file
	PackedString		 -- modid of this section of the interface file
	(Memo (TokenId,IdKind))	 -- needI
	(AssocTree (TokenId,IdKind) (Either [Pos] [Int]))	
        -- ^ rename (name -> unique)
	(AssocTree (TokenId,IdKind) Info)			
        -- ^ symboltable (real name -> info)
        -- ^ [ (realClass, realData, free , Ctxs) ]
	(TokenId -> (InfixClass TokenId,Int))		
        -- fixity information (name -> fixity)
	[String]		 -- errors
#if !defined(__HASKELL98__)
    deriving (Eval)

{- initial import state -}
initIS :: Tree ((TokenId,IdKind),[Pos]) -> ImportState
initIS rt = 
  ImportState False 1 (packString "???") (packString "???") initM 
    (treeMap ( \ (k,v) -> (k,Left v)) rt) initAT [] (error "no fixity") []

{- put modid of interface file into import state -}
putModidIS :: ImportState -> PackedString -> ImportState
putModidIS (ImportState visible unique _ _ needI rt st insts fixity errors)
           rps =
  ImportState True unique rps rps needI {-initM-} rt st insts fixity errors

{- put modid of current section of interface file into import state -}
putModid2IS :: ImportState -> Bool -> PackedString -> ImportState
putModid2IS (ImportState _ unique orps _ needI rt st insts fixity errors) 
            visible rps =
  ImportState visible unique orps rps needI rt st insts fixity errors

  (ImportState visible unique orps rps needI rt st insts fixity errors) = 

  (ImportState visible unique orps rps needI rt st insts fixity errors) = st

  (ImportState visible unique orps rps needI rt st insts fixity errors) = rt

  (ImportState visible unique orps rps needI rt st insts fixity errors) =
  (ImportState visible unique orps rps needI rt st insts fixity [],errors)

importError :: String -> Int -> () -> ImportState -> (Int,ImportState)
importError err r _  
    (ImportState visible unique orps rps needI rt st insts fixity errors) =
  ,ImportState visible unique orps rps needI rt st insts fixity (err:errors))

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