
module STGArity(stgArity) where

import Extra(pair,noPos)
import Syntax
import State
import IntState
import TokenId
import PosCode
import SyntaxPos
import PackedString(PackedString,packString,unpackPS)
import Memo
import Tree234

stgArity state code = 
  case mapS arityBinding code () (state,[],()) of
    (bs,(state,_,_)) -> (bs,state)
arityBinding (fun,PosLambda pos env args exp) =
    pushEnv (map snd args) >>>
    arityExp exp >>>= \ exp ->
    popEnv >>>
    unitS (fun,PosLambda pos env args exp)
arityBinding b@(fun,PosPrimitive pos f) =
    unitS b
arityBinding b@(fun,PosForeign pos f t c ie) =
    unitS b

arityExp (PosExpLambda pos envs args exp)  =
  pushEnv (map snd args) >>>
  arityExp exp >>>= \ exp ->
  popEnv >>>
  unitS (PosExpLambda pos envs args exp)
arityExp (PosExpLet pos bindings exp) =  
  pushEnv (map fst bindings) >>>
  mapS arityBinding bindings >>>= \ bindings ->
  arityExp exp >>>= \ exp ->
  popEnv >>>
  unitS (PosExpLet pos bindings exp)
arityExp (PosExpCase pos exp alts) =
  mapS arityAlt alts >>>= \ alts ->
  arityExp exp >>>= \ exp ->
  unitS (PosExpCase pos exp alts)
arityExp (PosExpFatBar b exp1 exp2) =
  arityExp exp2 >>>= \ exp2 ->
  arityExp exp1 >>>= \ exp1 ->
  unitS (PosExpFatBar b exp1 exp2)
arityExp (PosExpFail) =
  unitS (PosExpFail)
arityExp (PosExpIf  pos exp1 exp2 exp3) =
  arityExp exp2 >>>= \ exp2 ->
  arityExp exp3 >>>= \ exp3 ->
  arityExp exp1 >>>= \ exp1 ->
  unitS (PosExpIf pos exp1 exp2 exp3)
arityExp (PosExpApp pos (PosExpApp _ es1:es2)) = -- Can be  be created in lift
  arityExp (PosExpApp pos (es1++es2))
arityExp (PosExpApp epos (atom@(PosVar pos i):atoms)) =
  mapS arityExp atoms >>>= \ atoms ->
  arityArity i >>>= \ qarity ->
  case qarity of 
    Nothing ->  -- assume it alway is strict (we lift _everything_ :-)
      unitS  (PosExpApp epos (atom:atoms))
    Just arity ->
      if length atoms <= arity then
        unitS (PosExpThunk epos (atom:atoms))
        case splitAt arity atoms of
	  (args,eargs) ->
	    unitS (PosExpApp epos (PosExpThunk pos (atom:args):eargs))
arityExp (PosExpApp pos es) = -- complicated function
  mapS arityExp es >>>= \ es ->
  unitS (PosExpApp pos es)
arityExp (PosExpThunk pos es) = -- prim/con
  mapS arityExp es >>>= \ es ->
  unitS (PosExpThunk pos es)
arityExp e = unitS e

arityAlt (PosAltCon pos con args exp) = 
  pushEnv (map snd args) >>>
  arityExp exp >>>= \ (exp) ->
  popEnv >>>
  unitS (PosAltCon pos con args exp)
arityAlt (PosAltInt pos int      exp) =
  arityExp exp >>>= \ (exp) ->
  unitS (PosAltInt pos int exp)


pushEnv args down up@(state,env,bs) =

popEnv down up@(state,(_:env),bs) =
arityArity i down up@(state,env,bs) =
  if any (i `elem`) env then
    (Just (arityIS state i),up)

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