
The plain source file for module Numeric is not available.
module Numeric(fromRat,
               showSigned, showInt,
               readSigned, readInt,
               readDec, readOct, readHex,
               showEFloat, showFFloat, showGFloat, showFloat, 
               readFloat, lexDigits) where

import Prelude
import Char
import Ratio
import Array


-- This converts a rational to a floating.  This should be used in the
-- Fractional instances of Float and Double.

fromRat :: (RealFloat a) => Rational -> a
fromRat x = 
    if x == 0 then encodeFloat 0 0              -- Handle exceptional cases
    else if x < 0 then - fromRat' (-x)          -- first.
    else fromRat' x

-- Conversion process:
-- Scale the rational number by the RealFloat base until
-- it lies in the range of the mantissa (as used by decodeFloat/encodeFloat).
-- Then round the rational to an Integer and encode it with the exponent
-- that we got from the scaling.
-- To speed up the scaling process we compute the log2 of the number to get
-- a first guess of the exponent.
fromRat' :: (RealFloat a) => Rational -> a
fromRat' x = undefined{-r
  where b = floatRadix r
        p = floatDigits r
        (minExp0, _) = floatRange r
        minExp = minExp0 - p            -- the real minimum exponent
        xMin = toRational (expt b (p-1))
        xMax = toRational (expt b p)
        p0 = (integerLogBase b (numerator x) -
              integerLogBase b (denominator x) - p) `max` minExp
        f = if p0 < 0 then 1 % expt b (-p0) else expt b p0 % 1
        (x', p') = scaleRat (toRational b) minExp xMin xMax p0 (x / f)
        r = encodeFloat (round x') p'-}

-- Scale x until xMin &lt;= x &lt; xMax, or p (the exponent) &lt;= minExp.
scaleRat :: Rational -> Int -> Rational -> Rational -> 
             Int -> Rational -> (Rational, Int)
scaleRat b minExp xMin xMax p x =
    if p <= minExp then
        (x, p)
    else if x >= xMax then
        scaleRat b minExp xMin xMax (p+1) (x/b)
    else if x < xMin  then
        scaleRat b minExp xMin xMax (p-1) (x*b)
        (x, p)

-- Exponentiation with a cache for the most common numbers.
minExpt = 0::Int
maxExpt = 1100::Int
expt :: Integer -> Int -> Integer
expt base n =
    if base == 2 && n >= minExpt && n <= maxExpt then

expts :: Array Int Integer
expts = array (minExpt,maxExpt) [(n,2^n) | n <- [minExpt .. maxExpt]]

-- Compute the (floor of the) log of i in base b.
-- Simplest way would be just divide i by b until it's smaller then b,
-- but that would be very slow!  We are just slightly more clever.
integerLogBase :: Integer -> Integer -> Int
integerLogBase b i =
     if i < b then
        -- Try squaring the base first to cut down the number of divisions.
        let l = 2 * integerLogBase (b*b) i
            doDiv :: Integer -> Int -> Int
            doDiv i l = if i < b then l else doDiv (i `div` b) (l+1)
        in  doDiv (i `div` (b^l)) l

-- Misc utilities to show integers and floats 

showSigned    :: Real a => (a -> ShowS) -> Int -> a -> ShowS
showSigned showPos p x | x < 0 = showParen (p > 6)
                                           (showChar '-' . showPos (-x))
                       | otherwise = showPos x

-- showInt is used for positive numbers only
showInt    :: Integral a => a -> ShowS
--showInt    :: Integral a => a -> String->String -- for hs2alfa
showInt n r | n < 0 = error "Numeric.showInt: can't show negative numbers"
            | otherwise =
              let (n',d) = quotRem n 10
                  r'     = chr (fromEnum '0' + fromIntegral d) : r
              in  if n' == 0 then r' else showInt n' r'

readSigned :: (Real a) => ReadS a -> ReadS a
readSigned readPos = readParen False read'
                     where read' r  = read'' r ++
                                      [(-x,t) | ("-",s) <- lex r,
                                                (x,t)   <- read'' s]
                           read'' r = [(n,s)  | (str,s) <- lex r,
                                                (n,"")  <- readPos str]

-- readInt reads a string of digits using an arbitrary base.  
-- Leading minus signs must be handled elsewhere.

readInt :: (Integral a) => a -> (Char -> Bool) -> (Char -> Int) -> ReadS a
readInt radix isDig digToInt s =
   [(foldl1 (\n d -> n * radix + d) (map (fromIntegral . digToInt) ds), r)
          | (ds,r) <- nonnull isDig s ]

-- Unsigned readers for various bases
readDec, readOct, readHex :: (Integral a) => ReadS a
readDec = readInt 10 isDigit digitToInt
readOct = readInt  8 isOctDigit digitToInt
readHex = readInt 16 isHexDigit digitToInt

showEFloat     :: (RealFloat a) => Maybe Int -> a -> ShowS
showFFloat     :: (RealFloat a) => Maybe Int -> a -> ShowS
showGFloat     :: (RealFloat a) => Maybe Int -> a -> ShowS
showFloat      :: (RealFloat a) => a -> ShowS

showEFloat d x =  showString (formatRealFloat FFExponent d x)
showFFloat d x =  showString (formatRealFloat FFFixed d x)
showGFloat d x =  showString (formatRealFloat FFGeneric d x)
showFloat      =  showGFloat Nothing 

-- These are the format types.  This type is not exported.

data FFFormat = FFExponent | FFFixed | FFGeneric

formatRealFloat :: (RealFloat a) => FFFormat -> Maybe Int -> a -> String
formatRealFloat fmt decs x = s
  where base = 10
        s = if isNaN x then 
            else if isInfinite x then 
                if x < 0 then "-Infinity" else "Infinity"
            else if x < 0 || isNegativeZero x then 
                '-' : doFmt fmt (floatToDigits (toInteger base) (-x))
                doFmt fmt (floatToDigits (toInteger base) x)
        doFmt fmt (is, e) =
            let ds = map intToDigit is
            in  case fmt of
                FFGeneric -> 
                    doFmt (if e < 0 || e > 7 then FFExponent else FFFixed)
                          (is, e)
--{ -
                FFExponent ->
                    case decs of
                    Nothing ->
                        case ds of
                         ['0'] -> "0.0e0"
                         [d]   -> d : ".0e" ++ show (e-1)
                         d:ds  -> d : '.' : ds ++ 'e':show (e-1)
                    Just dec ->
                        let dec' = max dec 1 in
                        case is of
                         [0] -> '0':'.':take dec' (repeat '0') ++ "e0"
                         _ ->
                          let (ei, is') = roundTo base (dec'+1) is
                              d:ds = map intToDigit
                                         (if ei > 0 then init is' else is')
                          in d:'.':ds  ++ "e" ++ show (e-1+ei)
                FFFixed ->
                    case decs of
                    Nothing ->
                        let f 0 s ds = mk0 s ++ "." ++ mk0 ds
                            f n s "" = f (n-1) (s++"0") ""
                            f n s (d:ds) = f (n-1) (s++[d]) ds
                            mk0 "" = "0"
                            mk0 s = s
                        in  f e "" ds
                    Just dec ->
                        let dec' = max dec 0 in
                        if e >= 0 then
                            let (ei, is') = roundTo base (dec' + e) is
                                (ls, rs) = splitAt (e+ei) (map intToDigit is')
                            in  (if null ls then "0" else ls) ++ 
                                (if null rs then "" else '.' : rs)
                            let (ei, is') = roundTo base dec'
                                              (replicate (-e) 0 ++ is)
                                d : ds = map intToDigit
                                            (if ei > 0 then is' else 0:is')
                            in  d : '.' : ds

roundTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> (Int, [Int])
roundTo base d is = case f d is of
		     (x, is)
			 | x==0 -> (0, is)
			 | x==1 -> (1, 1 : is)
  where b2 = base `div` 2
        f n [] = (0, replicate n 0)
        f 0 (i:_) = (if i >= b2 then 1 else 0, [])
        f d (i:is) = 
            let (c, ds) = f (d-1) is
                i' = c + i
            in  if i' == base then (1, 0:ds) else (0, i':ds)

-- Based on "Printing Floating-Point Numbers Quickly and Accurately"
-- by R.G. Burger and R. K. Dybvig, in PLDI 96.
-- This version uses a much slower logarithm estimator.  It should be improved.

-- This function returns a list of digits (Ints in [0..base-1]) and an
-- exponent.

floatToDigits :: (RealFloat a) => Integer -> a -> ([Int], Int)

floatToDigits _ 0 = ([0], 0)
floatToDigits base x =
    let (f0, e0) = decodeFloat x
        (minExp0, _) = floatRange x
        p = floatDigits x
        b = floatRadix x
        minExp = minExp0 - p            -- the real minimum exponent
        -- Haskell requires that f be adjusted so denormalized numbers
        -- will have an impossibly low exponent.  Adjust for this.
        (f, e) = let n = minExp - e0
                 in  if n > 0 then (f0 `div` (b^n), e0+n) else (f0, e0)

        (r, s, mUp, mDn) =
           if e >= 0 then
               let be = b^e in
               if f == b^(p-1) then
                   (f*be*b*2, 2*b, be*b, b)
                   (f*be*2, 2, be, be)
               if e > minExp && f == b^(p-1) then
                   (f*b*2, b^(-e+1)*2, b, 1)
                   (f*2, b^(-e)*2, 1, 1)
        k = 
            let k0 =
                    if b==2 && base==10 then
                        -- logBase 10 2 is slightly bigger than 3/10 so
                        -- the following will err on the low side.  Ignoring
                        -- the fraction will make it err even more.
                        -- Haskell promises that p-1 &lt;= logBase b f &lt; p.
                        (p - 1 + e0) * 3 `div` 10
                        ceiling ((log (fromInteger (f+1)::Double) + 
                                 fromIntegral e * log (fromInteger b)) / 
                                  log (fromInteger base))
                fixup n =
                    if n >= 0 then
                        if r + mUp <= expt base n * s then n else fixup (n+1)
                        if expt base (-n) * (r + mUp) <= s then n
                                                           else fixup (n+1)
            in  fixup k0

        gen ds rn sN mUpN mDnN =
            let (dn, rn') = (rn * base) `divMod` sN
                mUpN' = mUpN * base
                mDnN' = mDnN * base
            in  case (rn' < mDnN', rn' + mUpN' > sN) of
                (True,  False) -> dn : ds
                (False, True)  -> dn+1 : ds
                (True,  True)  -> if rn' * 2 < sN then dn : ds else dn+1 : ds
                (False, False) -> gen (dn:ds) rn' sN mUpN' mDnN'
        rds =
            if k >= 0 then
                gen [] r (s * expt base k) mUp mDn
                let bk = expt base (-k)
                in  gen [] (r * bk) s (mUp * bk) (mDn * bk)
    in  (map fromIntegral (reverse rds), k)

-- This floating point reader uses a less restrictive syntax for floating
-- point than the Haskell lexer.  The `.' is optional.

readFloat     :: (RealFloat a) => ReadS a
readFloat r    = [(fromRational ((n%1)*10^^(k-d)),t) | (n,d,s) <- readFix r,
                                                       (k,t)   <- readExp s]
                 where readFix r = [(read (ds++ds'), length ds', t)
                                        | (ds,d) <- lexDigits r,
                                          (ds',t) <- lexFrac d ]

                       lexFrac ('.':ds) = lexDigits ds
                       lexFrac s        = [("",s)]        

                       readExp (e:s) | e `elem` "eE" = readExp' s
                       readExp s                     = [(0,s)]

                       readExp' ('-':s) = [(-k,t) | (k,t) <- readDec s]
                       readExp' ('+':s) = readDec s
                       readExp' s       = readDec s

lexDigits        :: ReadS String 
lexDigits        =  nonnull isDigit

nonnull          :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadS String
nonnull p s      =  [(cs,t) | (cs@(_:_),t) <- [span p s]]


(HTML for this module was generated on May 15, 2003. About the conversion tool.)