
Plain source file: ParseLex.hs (Oct 18, 2000)

ParseLex is imported by: Parse, Parse2, ParseI.

module ParseLex where

import Lex
import Lexical
import Syntax(Lit(..),Boxed(..),Exp(..),Alt,Pat(..),Decls,Context,Type,Stmt,Field)
import ParseLib
import TokenId(TokenId,isUnit,t_Bang,tprefix,tas,tunboxed,tprimitive,t_Tuple,

lit a = literal (a::Lex)

eof :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
eof = lit L_EOF

unboxed = 
  True `parseChk` k_unboxed 
  parse False
lbrack :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
lbrack = lit L_LBRACK
rbrack :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
rbrack = lit L_RBRACK
lpar :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
lpar   = lit L_LPAR
rpar :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
rpar   = lit L_RPAR
lannot :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
lannot   = lit L_LANNOT
rannot :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
rannot   = lit L_RANNOT

notRannot :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
notRannot = token (\pos t -> case t of L_RANNOT -> Left "/= #-}";  x -> Right pos )

bang :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
bang = lvarop t_Bang "!"

-- "special" identifiers which are *not* language keywords.
k_unit = lconid (t_Tuple 0) "()"
k_primitive = lvarid tprimitive "primitive"
k_prefix = lvarid tprefix "prefix"
k_unboxed = lvarid tunboxed "unboxed"
k_as = lvarid tas "as"
k_forall = lvarid tforall "forall"
k_dot = lvarop tdot "dot"

-- "special" identifiers for FFI which are not (all) language keywords.
k_foreign = lvarid t_foreign "foreign"
k_import = lit L_import
k_export = lvarid t_export "export"
k_ccall = lvarid t_ccall "ccall"
k_stdcall = lvarid t_stdcall "stdcall"
k_unsafe = lvarid t_unsafe "unsafe"
k_noproto = lvarid t_noproto "noproto"
k_cast = lvarid t_cast "cast"

lvarop :: TokenId -> String -> Parser Pos [PosToken] c
lvarop tid str = token (\pos t -> case t of L_AVAROP v | v == tid -> Right pos;  x -> Left str)
lvarid :: TokenId -> String -> Parser Pos [PosToken] c
lvarid tid str = token (\pos t -> case t of L_AVARID v | v == tid -> Right pos;  x -> Left str)
lconid :: TokenId -> String -> Parser Pos [PosToken] c
lconid tid str = token (\pos t -> case t of L_ACONID v | v == tid -> Right pos;  x -> Left str)

lcurl :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
lcurl  = lit L_LCURL' `orelse` lit L_LCURL
larrow :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
larrow = lit L_LessMinus
rarrow :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
rarrow = lit L_MinusGreater
impl :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
impl   = lit L_EqualGreater
comma :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
comma  = lit L_COMMA
semi :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
semi   = lit L_SEMI' `orelse` lit L_SEMI
equal :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
equal  = lit L_Equal
pipe :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
pipe   = lit L_Pipe
dotdot :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
dotdot = lit L_DotDot
coloncolon :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
coloncolon = lit L_ColonColon
backtick :: Parser Pos [PosToken] c
backtick = lit L_BACKTICK

rational :: Parser (Pos,Lit Boxed) [PosToken] c
rational  = token (\pos t -> case t of L_RATIONAL x -> Right (pos, LitRational Boxed x) ; _ -> Left "<rational>")
integer :: Parser (Pos,Lit Boxed) [PosToken] c
integer = token (\pos t -> case t of L_INTEGER x -> Right (pos, LitInteger Boxed x) ; _ -> Left "<integer>")
int :: Parser (Pos,Lit Boxed) [PosToken] c
int = token (\pos t -> case t of L_INTEGER x -> Right (pos, LitInt Boxed (fromInteger x)) ; _ -> Left "<int>")
intPrim = token (\pos t -> case t of L_INTEGER x -> Right ((fromInteger x) :: Int) ; _ -> Left "<intPrim>")

-- double :: Parser (Pos,Lit Boxed) [PosToken] c
-- double  = token (\pos t -> case t of L_DOUBLE x -> Right (pos, LitDouble Boxed x) ; _ -> Left "&lt;double>")
char :: Parser (Pos,Lit Boxed) [PosToken] c
char   = token (\pos t -> case t of L_CHAR x   -> Right (pos, LitChar Boxed x) ; _ -> Left "<char>")
string :: Parser (Pos,Lit Boxed) [PosToken] c
string = token (\pos t -> case t of L_STRING x -> Right (pos, LitString Boxed x) ; _ -> Left "<string>")

tuple0 = token (\pos t -> case t of L_ACONID x | isUnit x -> Right (pos,x) ; _ -> Left "()")

aconid = token (\pos t -> case t of L_ACONID x -> Right (pos,x) ; _ -> Left "<conid>")
aconop = token (\pos t -> case t of L_ACONOP x -> Right (pos,x) ; _ -> Left "<conop>")
avarid = token (\pos t -> case t of L_AVARID x -> Right (pos,x)
--			            L_primitive -> Right (pos,tprimitive)  -- Not a Haskell 1.3 reserved word
--			            L_prefix   -> Right (pos,tprefix)  -- Not a Haskell 1.3 reserved word
--			            L_unboxed  -> Right (pos,tunboxed) -- Not a Haskell 1.3 reserved word
--			            L_as       -> Right (pos,tas)      -- Not a Haskell 1.3 reserved word
				    _ -> Left "<varid>")
avarop = token (\pos t -> case t of L_AVAROP x -> Right (pos,x) ; _ -> Left "<varop>")

varid = avarid
        lpar `revChk` avarop `chk` rpar
conid = aconid
        lpar `revChk` aconop `chk` rpar

varop = avarop
        backtick `revChk` avarid `chk` backtick

conop = aconop
        backtick `revChk` aconid `chk` backtick

anyop = (uncurry ExpConOp) `parseAp` conop
        (uncurry ExpVarOp) `parseAp`  varop

anyid = (uncurry ExpCon) `parseAp`  conid
        (uncurry ExpVar) `parseAp`  varid

aanyid = (uncurry ExpCon) `parseAp` aconid
         (uncurry ExpVar) `parseAp` avarid

aanyop = (uncurry ExpConOp) `parseAp` aconop
         (uncurry ExpVarOp) `parseAp` avarop


(HTML for this module was generated on May 15, 2003. About the conversion tool.)