{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module AutoLayout(autoLayoutF,autoLayoutF',nowait) where --import Prelude hiding (IO) import LayoutRequest(LayoutMessage(..),LayoutResponse(..),LayoutRequest(minsize),LayoutHint,Spacer,Placer(..),Placer2,unS) import LayoutDoNow import PathTree hiding (pos) import Geometry(Rect) import Fudget --import Spops --import FudgetIO import NullF(getK,putK,putsK) --,F,K import Loops(loopThroughRightF) import UserLayoutF --import Xtypes --import Event --import Command import FRequest --import Path import Direction --import Placers --import LayoutDir(LayoutDir) --import CompOps import IoF(ioF) import CmdLineEnv(argFlag) --import EitherUtils() import Data.Maybe(isJust) import HbcUtils(apFst,apSnd) import Spacers(idS,compS,spacerP) import AutoPlacer(autoP) import SizingF import qualified Sizing(Sizing(..)) --import ContinuationIO(stderr) -- debugging: import StdIoUtil(echoStderrK) --import NonStdTrace(trace) --import Maptrace(ctrace) --import SpyF debugK :: String -> K hi ho -> K hi ho debugK = if dbg then \ msg -> echoStderrK ("AutoLayout: "++msg) else const id where dbg = argFlag "ad" False type LayoutTree = PathTree LayoutInfo mapLT lf nf = mapPathTree (mapLayoutInfo lf nf) top0 = Node (NodeInfo (Just "top",NoPlacerInfo)) Tip Tip data LayoutInfo = NodeInfo NodeInfo | LeafInfo LeafInfo -- only in leaves deriving (Show) mapLayoutInfo lf nf n = case n of NodeInfo n -> NodeInfo (nf n) LeafInfo l -> LeafInfo (lf l) type LeafInfo = (LayoutRequest,Maybe Rect) -- (Layout s fh fv,Nothing) : received layout req, layout not computed -- (Layout s fh fv,Just rect) : rect is current placement. type NodeInfo = ((Maybe LayoutHint), PlacerInfo) data PlacerInfo = NoPlacerInfo | JustSpacer Spacer | SpacerPlacer Spacer Placer (Maybe Placer2) Spacer deriving (Show) data PlacementState = Placed (Rect->Rect) | Waiting deriving (Show) autoLayoutF = autoLayoutF' nowait Sizing.Dynamic nowait = argFlag "nowait" False autoLayoutF' :: Bool -> Sizing.Sizing -> F a b -> F a b autoLayoutF' nowait sizing fud = loopThroughRightF (userLayoutF (layoutDoNow fud)) ({- spyF -} (sizingF sizing (ioF (autoLayoutMgrK0 state0 top0)))) -- Note that the sizingF filter is not wrapped around fud and hence -- does not have to examine all commands and events! where state0 = if nowait then Placed id else Waiting autoLayoutMgrK0 pstate ltree = debugK "autoLayoutMgrK" $ autoLayoutMgrK pstate ltree autoLayoutMgrK pstate ltree = --echoK (show (pstate,ltree)) $ getK $ \ msg -> case msg of High (path,layoutmsg) -> case layoutmsg of LayoutDoNow -> debugK "LayoutDoNow" $ debugK (show ltree) $ newPlace ltree LayoutRequest req -> debugK (show path ++ " Layout "++show (minsize req)) $ debugK (show ltree') $ changePlacement ltree' where ltree' = updateLeaf path req ltree'' ltree'' = if newBox ltree path then forgetPlaces ltree else ltree -- LayoutHint & LayoutPlacer are only sent during initialisation. -- They will be received before any child Layout requests. LayoutHint hint -> debugK (show path ++ " LayoutHint "++ show hint) $ updnode (insertHint hint) LayoutPlacer placer -> debugK (show path ++ " LayoutPlacer ...") $ updnode (insertPlacer placer) LayoutSpacer spacer -> debugK (show path ++ " LayoutSpacer ...") $ updnode (insertSpacer spacer) -- LayoutReplaceSpacer is sent by dynSpacerF. LayoutReplaceSpacer spacer -> debugK (show path ++ " LayoutReplaceSpacer ...") $ replnode (replaceSpacer spacer) LayoutReplacePlacer placer -> debugK (show path ++ " LayoutReplacePlacer ...") $ replnode (replacePlacer placer) LayoutDestroy -> debugK (show (path,ltree) ++ " LayoutDestroy") $ -- should check if the subtree contains anything but hints. if newBox ltree path then debugK ("not in tree") same else changePlacement (forgetPlaces (pruneLTree path ltree)) -- !! forgetPlaces should be called when the structure changes, -- but not when an existing fudget requests a new size... LayoutMakeVisible _ _ -> putK (Low (LCmd layoutmsg)) $ same LayoutScrollStep _ -> putK (Low (LCmd layoutmsg)) $ same _ -> same -- !!! handle other layout requests?! where updnode u = newTree (updateLNode path u ltree) replnode u = changePlacement (forgetPlaces (updateLNode path u ltree)) Low (LEvt (LayoutPlace rect)) -> debugK ("splitting 1 Place into "++show (length msgs)) $ putsK (map High msgs) $ newTree ltree' where (ltree',msgs) = doLayout (s2 rect) ltree s2 = case pstate of Placed s2 -> s2 _ -> id Low _ -> debugK "Ignored low level msg" same where same = autoLayoutMgrK pstate ltree newTree t' = newState pstate t' newState p' t' = autoLayoutMgrK p' t' changePlacement ltree' = case pstate of Placed _ -> newPlace ltree' Waiting -> newTree ltree' newPlace ltree = let ltree' = chooseLayout ltree in case collectReqs ltree' of ([],_) -> debugK "newPlace without any requests in ltree" same ((req,s2):_,ltree2) -> putK (Low (layoutRequestCmd req)) $ newState (Placed s2) ltree2 updateLNode path i t = updateNode id emptyNode t path $ \(NodeInfo ni) -> NodeInfo (i ni) insertHint hint (_,pi) = (case pi of SpacerPlacer _ _ _ _ -> Nothing _ -> Just hint,pi) insertPlacer placer (hint,pi) = (Nothing,case pi of NoPlacerInfo -> SpacerPlacer idS placer Nothing idS JustSpacer s -> SpacerPlacer s placer Nothing idS SpacerPlacer s1 p _ s2 -> SpacerPlacer (s1 `compS` s2) (p `compP` placer) Nothing idS) where compP :: Placer -> Placer -> Placer compP (P p1) (P p2) = P $ \ reqs -> let (req1,p1r) = p1 [req2] (req2,p2r) = p2 reqs in (req1,p2r.head.p1r) insertSpacer spacer (hint,pi) = (hint,case pi of NoPlacerInfo -> JustSpacer spacer JustSpacer s -> JustSpacer (s `compS` spacer) SpacerPlacer s1 p p2 s2 -> SpacerPlacer s1 p p2 (s2 `compS` spacer)) replaceSpacer spacer (hint,pi) = (hint,pi') where pi' = case pi of NoPlacerInfo -> JustSpacer spacer JustSpacer s -> JustSpacer spacer SpacerPlacer s1 p p2 s2 -> SpacerPlacer spacer p p2 s2 -- hmm replacePlacer placer (hint,pi) = (hint,pi') where pi' = case pi of NoPlacerInfo -> SpacerPlacer idS placer Nothing idS JustSpacer s -> SpacerPlacer s placer Nothing idS SpacerPlacer s1 p p2 s2 -> SpacerPlacer s1 placer Nothing s2 updateLeaf path l t = updateNode invalid emptyNode t path (const (LeafInfo (l,Nothing))) pruneLTree path t = pruneTree invalid emptyNode t path forgetPlaces = mapLT (apSnd (const Nothing)) id newBox x = subTree (const False) True x invalid (NodeInfo i) = NodeInfo (invalid' i) where invalid' (hi,SpacerPlacer s p p2 s2) = (hi,SpacerPlacer s p Nothing s2) invalid' ni = ni emptyNode = NodeInfo (Nothing,NoPlacerInfo) hasPlacer (Nothing,SpacerPlacer _ _ _ _) = True hasPlacer _ = False -- strip hints below placer, insert autoP where there are hints left chooseLayout = snd . attrMapLT lf nf False where lf strip _ i = (strip,(),i) nf strip _ n = (strip',(),n') where strip' = case n of (Nothing,SpacerPlacer _ _ _ _) -> True _ -> strip -- n' = if strip then n else choosePlacer n choosePlacer i = case i of (hi@(Just _),pi) -> (hi,case pi of NoPlacerInfo -> SpacerPlacer idS autoP Nothing idS JustSpacer s -> SpacerPlacer s autoP Nothing idS p -> p) i -> i attrMapLT lf nf = attrMapPathTree f where f i s a = case a of LeafInfo li -> a3 LeafInfo $ lf i s li NodeInfo ni -> a3 NodeInfo $ nf i s ni a3 c (i,s,b) = (i,s,c b) collectReqs = apFst (flip compose []) . attrMapLT lf nf idS where lf s _ i@(req,oplace) = (s,reqf,i) where reqf = (unS s lr:) lr = case oplace of {- -- You can use static sizing of shell windows instead of this: Just (Rect _ currentsize) -> -- use current size, not originally requested size --ctrace "spacer" ("current",i) $ mapLayoutSize (const currentsize) req -} _ -> --ctrace "spacer" ("nocurrent",i) req nf s reqfs n@(hi,pi) = case pi of NoPlacerInfo -> (s,reqf,n) JustSpacer s1 -> --ctrace "spacer" (fst ((s `compS` s1) (Layout origin False False))) $ (s `compS` s1,reqf,n) SpacerPlacer s1 p orp2 s2 -> --ctrace "spacer" (n,fst (compp $ [Layout origin False False])) $ (inherS,syntreq,n') where rp2@(req2,p2) = compp `spacer2P` reqfl reqfl = reqf [] compp = if hashint then p else sl `spacerP` p inherS = if hashint then sl `compS` s2 else s2 syntreq = if null reqfl then id else (unS idS req2:) sl = s `compS` s1 hashint = isJust hi orp2' = if null reqfl then Nothing else Just rp2 n' = (hi,SpacerPlacer s1 p orp2' s2) -- Just (req,_) -> ctrace "spacer" (n,req) (s2,(idS req:),n) where reqf = compose reqfs compose = foldr (.) id doLayout rect tree = runIO (doLayoutIO tree []) [rect] spacer2P (P p) reqfs = (req,s2f.p2) where (reqs,s2s) = unzip reqfs s2f rs = [s2 r | (s2,r) <- zip s2s rs] (req,p2) = p reqs doLayoutIO t path = case t of Tip -> returnIO t Node (LeafInfo (l,maybeOldRect)) _ _ -> getIO `bindIO` \ r -> putIO (reverse path,r) `thenIO` -- check if r is different from old rect? returnIO (Node (LeafInfo (l,Just r)) Tip Tip) Dynamic dt -> returnIO Dynamic `ap` dynDoLayoutIO dt path 0 1 Node ni@(NodeInfo (_,pi)) lt rt -> case pi of SpacerPlacer s1 p orp2 s2 -> case orp2 of Just (req,placer2) -> getIO `bindIO` \ r -> ungetIO (placer2 r) `thenIO` doBranches Nothing -> returnIO t -- no requests in this tree _ -> doBranches where doBranches = returnIO (Node ni) `ap` doLayoutIO lt (L:path) `ap` doLayoutIO rt (R:path) dynDoLayoutIO dt path n i = case dt of DynTip -> returnIO dt DynNode t lt rt -> returnIO DynNode `ap` doLayoutIO t (Dno (unpos n):path) `ap` dynDoLayoutIO lt path n (2*i) `ap` dynDoLayoutIO rt path (n+i) (2*i) -- type IO' a i o = i -> o -> (a,(i,o)) runIO io i = let (a,(_,o)) = io i [] in (a,o) returnIO a i o = (a,(i,o)) putIO o1 is os = ((),(is,o1:os)) getIO (i:is) os = (i, (is,os)) --getIO (i:is) os = (Just i, (is,os)) --getIO [] os = (Nothing,(is,os)) ungetIO is' is os = ((),(is'++is,os)) bindIO io1 xio2 i0 o0 = let (x,(i1,o2)) = io1 i0 o1 (y,(i2,o1)) = xio2 x i1 o0 in (y,(i2,o2)) thenIO f1 f2 = f1 `bindIO` const f2 fIO `ap` xIO = fIO `bindIO` \ f -> xIO `bindIO` \ x -> returnIO (f x)