module DragF(containerGroupF,hPotF,hPotF',vPotF,vPotF',PotRequest(..),PotState(..)) where import Command import CompOps((>=^<), (>^=<)) import CompFfun(prepostMapHigh) import Cursor import Dlayout(groupF,groupF') import Sizing(Sizing(..)) import Event --import Color import Fudget --import FudgetIO import FRequest import NullF import Geometry import GreyBgF import Border3dF(border3dF) import LayoutRequest(LayoutResponse(..)) import LayoutF(holeF') import Spacers(hvMarginS) import DynSpacerF(dynSpacerF) import Spacer(noStretchF) import Alignment import Loops(loopCompThroughRightF,loopLeftF) --import Message(Message(..)) import EitherUtils(stripEither) import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe) import CmdLineEnv(argReadKey) import Xtypes --import Maptrace(ctrace) data PotRequest = ResizePot Int Int -- frame size, total size | MovePot Int -- new position | PotMkVisible Int Int (Maybe Alignment) -- pos, length, alignm | PotInput (ModState, KeySym) -- remote control type PotState = (Int,Int,Int) -- position, frame size, total size knobS knob@(Rect kp ks) box@(Rect bp bs) = --ctrace "knobS" (knob,box) $ hvMarginS (kp+margin) (bs+margin-kp-ks) knobK box knob pabs = let cont knob' pabs' = knobK box knob' pabs' newbox box' knob' = knobK box' knob' pabs same = cont knob pabs output knob = putK (High (Right knob)) repos knob box = putK (High (Left (knobS knob box))) in getK $ \msg -> case msg of Low (XEvt (MotionNotify {rootPos=pabs',state=mods})) -> let knob' = moverect knob (psub pabs' pabs) knob'' = confine box knob' pabs'' = padd pabs' (rsub knob'' knob') in repos knob'' box $ (if Shift `elem` mods then id else output knob'') $ cont knob'' pabs'' Low (XEvt (ButtonEvent {rootPos=pabs',type'=Pressed})) -> cont knob pabs' Low (XEvt (ButtonEvent {type'=Released})) -> output knob $ same High (newknob, box') -> let knob' = confine box' newknob msgs = (if knob'/=knob || box'/=box then repos knob' box' else id) . (if knob'/=knob -- was: knob/=newknob then output knob' else id) in msgs $ newbox box' knob' _ -> same -- New version, using new more general containterGroupF -- containterGroupF should be replaced. containerGroupF knob box cursorshape buttons modifiers fudget = loopLeftF $ prepostMapHigh pre post $ dynSpacerF $ groupF initcmds (setFontCursor cursorshape (knobK box knob origin)) fudget where attrs = [CWEventMask []] initcmds = map XCmd [ChangeWindowAttributes attrs, GrabButton False buttons modifiers [PointerMotionMask, ButtonReleaseMask]] --MapRaised] pre = id post = either (either Left (Right. Left)) (Right. Right) knobF cursor box knob = (stripEither >^=< containerGroupF knob box cursor (Button 1) [] vF ) >=^< Left where vF = raisedF (holeF' s) s = rectsize knob staticBorder3dF down fud = border3dF down 2 fud >=^< Right raisedF = staticBorder3dF False loweredF = staticBorder3dF True --topleft = diag 2 --margin = diag 6 topleft = diag 0 margin = diag (argReadKey "potmargin" 0) absknobpos size (pos, frame, tot) = if tot == 0 then (0, max 1 size) else ((pos * size + tot `div` 2) `quot` tot, max 1 (frame * size `quot` tot)) newkpos :: PotState -> (Int,Int) -> PotState newkpos (_, frame, tot) (pos, size) = (pos * tot `quot` size, frame, tot) knobup d (pos, frame, tot) = (0 `max` (pos - d), frame, tot) knobdown d (pos, frame, tot) = ((tot - frame) `min` (pos + d), frame, tot) pageup knob@(_, frame, _) = knobup frame knob pagedown knob@(_, frame, _) = knobdown frame knob stepup len knob = knobup (stepsize len knob) knob stepdown len knob = knobdown (stepsize len knob) knob stepsize size (_,_,tot) = (tot+size-1) `quot` size knobhome (_, frame, tot) = (0, frame, tot) knobend (_, frame, tot) = (tot - frame, frame, tot) resizePot (pos,_,_) frame tot = (pos,frame,tot) -- !! should adjust pos if necessary movePot (_,frame,tot) pos = (pos,frame,tot) -- !! should keep pos within boundaries --and adjkpos (pos,frame,tot) frame' tot' = (min (tot'-frame') (pos*tot'/tot),frame',tot') keyAction mods s len = case s of s | s == "space" || s == "Next" -> Just (shift knobend pagedown) s | s `elem` pageupKeys -> Just (shift knobhome pageup) s | s == "Home" -> Just knobhome s | s == "End" -> Just knobend s | s == "Down" || s == "Right" -> Just (stepdown len) s | s == "Up" || s == "Left" -> Just (stepup len) _ -> Nothing where shift = if Shift `elem` mods then const else const id pageupKeys = ["Delete","BackSpace","Prior"] mkVisible (pos,frame,tot) first last optAlign = case optAlign of Just a -> Just (max 0 (min (tot-frame) pos'),frame,tot) where pos' = first+truncate (a*fromIntegral (last-first-frame)) _ -> if first<pos || last-first>frame then Just (first,frame,tot) else if last>pos+frame then Just (last-frame,frame,tot) else Nothing potF hori par ort vect shape grav acceptFocus optsize = loopCompThroughRightF potGroupF where potGroupF = noStretchF (not hori) hori $ loweredF $ groupF' Static startcmds (darkGreyBgK potK0) (knobF shape box0 (knob length0 kpos0)) where wattrs = [CWEventMask eventmask] alwayseventmask = [ButtonPressMask,Button2MotionMask] focuseventmask = [EnterWindowMask, LeaveWindowMask, KeyPressMask] eventmask = alwayseventmask ++ if acceptFocus then focuseventmask else [] startcmds = [--XCmd $ LayoutMsg (Layout wsize (not hori) hori), XCmd $ ChangeWindowAttributes wattrs] wsize = fromMaybe (vect 50 11) optsize boxsize0 = psub wsize margin length0 = par boxsize0 boxwidth = ort boxsize0 knob length' kpos' = let (pos, size) = absknobpos length' kpos' in Rect (padd topleft (vect pos 0)) (vect size boxwidth) box0 = Rect topleft boxsize0 potK0 = potK1 --allocNamedColorPixel defaultColormap "white" potK1 potK1 = potK kpos0 length0 where potK kpos len = let cont kpos' = potK kpos' len newlen kpos' len' = potK kpos' len' same = cont kpos report kpos' = --ctrace "report" kpos' $ High (Right kpos') changeknob len' kpos' = High (Left (knob len' kpos', Rect topleft (vect len' boxwidth))) moveknob kpos' = --ctrace "moveknob" kpos' $ putsK [changeknob len kpos'{-,report kpos'-}] $ -- Rely on the knob to report the new position, -- after it has been confined to the box. This -- is a fix for button2Action that result in -- positions outside the box... same -- cont kpos' keyInput mods key = maybe same act (keyAction mods key len) where act action = moveknob (action kpos) button2Action p = newkpos kpos (par p, len) buttonAction (Button 2) mods p = button2Action p buttonAction b mods p = case (par p < par (rectpos (knob len kpos)), Shift `elem` mods || Control `elem` mods) of (True, False) -> pageup kpos (True, True ) -> knobhome kpos (False,False) -> pagedown kpos (False,True ) -> knobend kpos in getK $ \msg -> case msg of Low (XEvt (ButtonEvent {button=b,pos=p,state=mods,type'=Pressed})) -> moveknob (buttonAction b mods p) Low (XEvt (MotionNotify {pos=p,state=mods})) | Button2 `elem` mods -> moveknob (button2Action p) Low (LEvt (LayoutSize size')) -> let len' = par size' - par margin in if len'/=len then putsK [changeknob len' kpos] (newlen kpos len') else same Low (XEvt (KeyEvent _ _ _ mods Pressed _ key _)) -> keyInput mods key Low (XEvt (FocusIn {detail=d})) | d /= NotifyInferior -> lightGreyBgK same Low (XEvt (FocusOut {detail=d})) | d /= NotifyInferior -> darkGreyBgK same High (Right (PotInput (mods,key))) -> keyInput mods key High (Right (ResizePot frame tot)) -> let kpos' = resizePot kpos frame tot in putK (changeknob len kpos') (cont kpos') High (Right (MovePot pos)) -> let kpos' = movePot kpos pos in putK (changeknob len kpos') (cont kpos') High (Right (PotMkVisible pos size optAlign)) -> case mkVisible kpos pos (pos+size) optAlign of Just kpos' -> moveknob kpos' Nothing -> same High (Left newknob) -> --ctrace "newknob" newknob $ let kpos' = newkpos kpos (par (rsub newknob box0), len) in if kpos'==kpos -- False then same else putK (report kpos') (cont kpos') _ -> same kpos0 = (0,1,1) vPotF' = potF False ycoord xcoord (\x -> \y -> Point y x) 116 NorthEastGravity hPotF' = potF True xcoord ycoord Point 108 SouthWestGravity vPotF = vPotF' True Nothing hPotF = hPotF' True Nothing