{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Edit(EditStop(..),editF, EditEvt(..), EditCmd(..)) where import BgF import Color import Command import DrawInWindow import XDraw(clearArea) import Defaults(inputFg, inputBg) import CmdLineEnv(argReadKey, argKey) import Dlayout(windowF) import Edtypes import Editfield import Event import Font import Fudget import FRequest import Gc import Geometry import LayoutRequest(plainLayout,LayoutResponse(..)) import Message(message) --Message(..), import NullF import StateMonads import Control.Monad(when) import HbcUtils(apSnd) import Xtypes import UndoStack import TryLayout import Expose import Maptrace import GCAttrs(convFontK,fontdata2struct,FontSpec) -- instances import InputMsg(InputMsg(InputChange)) default (Int) -- mostly for Hugs data EditStop = EditStopFn EditStopFn | EditPoint Point | EditLine EDirection data EditCmd = EditShowCursor Bool | EditMove EditStop IsSelect | EditReplace String | EditGetText | EditGetField | EditGetSelection | EditUndo | EditRedo data EditEvt = EditText String | EditField (String,String,String) | EditCursor Rect | EditChange (InputMsg String) deriving (Eq, Ord) godir wanted current = if wanted < current then ELeft else ERight toedstop :: (a ->String->String->(a,Maybe EDirection)) -> a -> EditStopFn toedstop sf st b a = case sf st b a of (_,Nothing) -> EdStop (st',Just dir) -> EdGo dir (toedstop sf st') notnull = not . null inputbg = argKey "editbg" inputBg inputfg = argKey "editfg" inputFg selectbg = argKey "selectbg" inputfg selectfg = argKey "selectfg" inputbg editF :: FontSpec -> F EditCmd EditEvt editF fontspec = let eventmask = [ExposureMask] startcmds = [XCmd $ ChangeWindowAttributes [CWBitGravity NorthWestGravity, CWEventMask eventmask]] in windowF startcmds (editK fontspec) splitwith c [] = (([], False), []) splitwith c (a : b) = if a == c then (([], True), b) else let ((x, g), y) = splitwith c b in ((a : x, g), y) splitwithnl = splitwith newline tabstop = 8 untab t s = case s of '\t':s -> let t' = (t `div` tabstop + 1) * tabstop in spaces (t'-t) ++ untab t' s c:s -> c:untab (if c == newline then 0 else (t+1)) s [] -> [] spaces n = replicate n ' ' editK fontspec = convFontK fontspec $ \ fd -> fontdata2struct fd $ \ font -> changeGetBackPixel inputbg $ \bg -> allocNamedColorPixel defaultColormap inputfg $ \fg -> allocNamedColorPixel defaultColormap selectbg $ \sbg -> allocNamedColorPixel defaultColormap selectfg $ \sfg -> let fid = font_id font creategcs fg bg cont = wCreateGC rootGC [GCFunction GXcopy, GCFont fid, GCForeground fg, GCBackground bg] $ \gc -> wCreateGC gc [GCForeground bg, GCBackground fg] $ \igc -> cont (gc,igc) in creategcs fg bg $ \drawGCs -> creategcs sfg sbg $ \selectGCs -> wCreateGC rootGC (invertColorGCattrs bg fg) $ \invertGC -> let drawimagestring = if snd (font_range font) > '\xff' then wDrawImageString16 else wDrawImageString getCurp = apSnd (eolx.fst) . getLnoEdge getLCurp = getCurp . setFieldDir ELeft getRCurp = getCurp . setFieldDir ERight npos = next_pos font eolx = npos . reverse . fst . splitnl maxrmargin x s = if null s then x else let (l,r) = splitnl s in ctrace "editF1" (s,l,r,npos l) $ (x + npos l) `max` maxrmargin 0 r lno = fst xp = snd p2line (Point x y) = (y `quot` lheight, x - xoffset) line2p (l, x) = Point (x + xoffset) (l * lheight) lheight = linespace font move issel estop = do field <- loadField lastpos <- loadLastpos invIfShowCursor let curp = getCurp field stoppoint wantp p@(l, x) bef aft = let dircomp = godir wantp dist p' = abs (lno wantp - lno p') + abs (xp wantp - xp p') dir = dircomp p ahead = if dir == ELeft then bef else aft in case ahead of [] -> (p, Nothing) c:cs -> let p' = if c == newline then (dirint dir + l, if dir == ERight then 0 else eolx cs) else (l, x + dirint dir * npos [c]) in (p', if dir == dircomp p' then Just dir else if dist p' < dist p then Just dir else Nothing) mf sf = moveField issel field sf (field', acc) = case estop of EditStopFn stopf -> mf stopf EditPoint p -> let lp = p2line p dir = godir lp curp in mf (toedstop (stoppoint lp) curp) EditLine dir -> let wantp = (dirint dir + lno curp, xp lastpos) in mf (toedstop (stoppoint wantp) curp) storeField field' let ol = lno curp nl = lno $ getCurp field' if issel then showlines (min ol nl) (max ol nl) else if notnull (getSelection field) then showSelLines field >> showlines nl nl else invIfShowCursor showSelLines field = showlines (lno $ getLCurp field) (lno $ getRCurp field) setSize (l,x) = do old@(ol,ox) <- loadTextWidth let new@(_,x') = (l,max x minWidth) when (old /= new) $ do storeTextWidth new mtrace ("before trylayout "++show(x,x',ox)) x <- toMs $ tryLayoutK $ plainLayout (line2p (l,x') `padd` llmargin) True True mtrace "after trylayout" storeSize x where mtrace x = toMsc (ctrace "editF" x) replace' s = do field <- loadField size <- loadSize width <- loadWidth let (ll,lx) = getLCurp field uts = untab (length $ fst $ splitnl $ getBef field) s rl = lno $ getRCurp field field' = replaceField field uts nls = nlines uts nldown = nls - (rl - ll) copy src dest h = let srcp = line2p src r = Rect srcp (pP width h) in when (h>0) $ putLowMs (wCopyArea (fst drawGCs) MyWindow r (line2p dest)) (nlines,tw) <- loadTextWidth let changemarg new f = maxrmargin lx (new ++ fst (splitnl (getAft f))) oldm = changemarg (getSelection field) field newm = changemarg uts field' tw' = if newm >= tw then newm else if oldm < tw then tw else maxrmargin 0 (getField field') ss = (getLastLineNo field' + 1, tw') setSize ss storeField' field' us <- loadUndoStack us' <- doit us (field',ss) return storeUndoStack us' when (nldown /= 0) $ let tleft a = (rl + a + 1, 0) tnl = tleft nldown in copy (tleft 0) tnl (ycoord size - lheight * lno tnl) showlines ll (ll + nls) dolines first last doline = du where du s p@(l,x) = let ((line,nl), rest) = splitwithnl s in if l > last || null s then return p else when (l >= first) (doline p (line,nl)) >> du rest (if nl then (l+1,0) else (l,x+npos line)) showLine (gc,rgc) lp (line, withnl) = do let p = line2p lp d = pP 0 (font_ascent font) when (xp lp == 0) $ putLowMs (clearArea (rR 0 (ycoord p) xoffset lheight) False) when (notnull line) $ putLowMs (drawimagestring gc (p+d) line) when withnl $ do width <- loadWidth let pc = padd p (pP (npos line) 0) size = Point (width - xcoord pc) lheight putLowMs (wFillRectangle rgc (Rect pc size)) showlines first last = do field <- loadField showc <- loadShowCursor let clno = lno $ getLCurp field sel = getSelection field aft = getAft field takenl n s = let (l,r) = splitnl s in if n <= 0 then l else l++newline:takenl (n-1) r bef = reverse $ takenl (clno-first) $ getBef field show gcs = dolines first last (showLine gcs) show drawGCs bef (clno-nlines bef,0) >>= show (if showc then selectGCs else drawGCs) sel >>= show drawGCs (aft++[newline]) >>= \_ -> when (clno >= first && clno <= last) invIfShowCursor showCursor v = do cv <- loadShowCursor when (v /= cv ) $ do field <- loadField storeShowCursor v if null (getSelection field) then invCursor else showSelLines field invIfShowCursor = do cv <- loadShowCursor when cv invCursor invCursor = do field <- loadField let lp = getCurp field sel = getSelection field when (null sel) $ let p = line2p (apSnd ((-1) +) lp) s = pP 1 lheight cur = Rect p s in putLowMs (wFillRectangle invertGC cur) redraw = do --field <- loadField size <- loadSize putLowMs (clearArea (Rect origin size) True) expose r = let Line l1 l2 = rect2line r in showlines (lno (p2line l1)) (lno (p2line l2) + 1) undoredo d = do us <- loadUndoStack case d us of Nothing -> nopMs Just ((field,size),us') -> do storeUndoStack us' storeField' field setSize size redraw storeField' field' = do storeField field' putHighMs (EditChange $ InputChange $ getField field') puttext' f = do field <- loadField putHighMs (f field) puttext f = puttext' (EditText . f) putCursor = do field <- loadField let lastpos = getCurp field putHighMs (EditCursor $ Rect (line2p lastpos `psub` Point xoffset 0) (Point xoffset lheight `padd` llmargin)) handleLow msg = case msg of XEvt (Expose r aft) -> toMs (maxExposeK False r aft) >>= expose XEvt (GraphicsExpose r aft _ _) -> toMs (maxExposeK True r aft) >>= expose LEvt (LayoutSize s) -> storeSize s _ -> nopMs handleHigh cmd = do case cmd of EditShowCursor s -> showCursor s EditMove estop issel -> move issel estop EditReplace s -> replace' s EditGetText -> puttext getField EditGetField -> puttext' (EditField . getField') EditGetSelection -> puttext getSelection EditUndo -> undoredo undo EditRedo -> undoredo redo putCursor field <- loadField let lastpos = getCurp field case cmd of EditMove (EditLine _) _ -> nopMs _ -> storeLastpos lastpos proc = do message handleLow handleHigh =<< getKs proc in stateK initstate (setSize (1,0) >> proc) nullK minWidth = 10 xoffset = 2 llmargin = Point 2 2 defaultuslimit = Nothing uslimit = let ul = argReadKey "undodepth" (-1) in if ul == -1 then defaultuslimit else Just ul data EditState a = S { shocur :: Bool, twidth :: (Int,Int), undostack :: UndoStack a, field :: EditField, size :: Point, lastpos :: (Int,Int) } --initstate = (False,(1,0),undoStack uslimit, createField "", origin, (0, 0)) initstate = S False (1,0) (undoStack uslimit) (createField "") origin (0, 0) loadShowCursor = fieldMs shocur loadTextWidth = fieldMs twidth loadUndoStack = fieldMs undostack loadField = fieldMs field loadSize = fieldMs size loadLastpos = fieldMs lastpos --loadWidth = loadSize >>= \size -> return (xcoord size) loadWidth = fmap xcoord loadSize storeShowCursor = ( \ shocur -> (modMs ( \ s -> s { shocur=shocur } ))) storeTextWidth = ( \ twidth -> (modMs ( \ s -> s { twidth=twidth } ))) storeUndoStack = ( \ undostack -> (modMs ( \ s -> s { undostack=undostack } ))) storeField = ( \ field -> (modMs ( \ s -> s { field=field } ))) storeSize = ( \ size -> (modMs ( \ s -> s { size=size } ))) storeLastpos = ( \ lastpos -> (modMs ( \ s -> s { lastpos=lastpos } )))