module HelpBubbleF(helpBubbleF) where import AllFudgets data BubbleState = Idle | Armed | Up helpBubbleF help fud = if useBubbles then loopCompThroughLeftF $ groupF startcmds ctrlK0 ((timerF>+<bubbleF) >+< fud) else fud where bubbleF = bubbleRootPopupF (labelF' lblpm help) lblpm = setBgColor "white" . setFont helpFont eventmask = [EnterWindowMask,LeaveWindowMask] startcmds = [XCmd $ ChangeWindowAttributes [CWEventMask eventmask], XCmd $ ConfigureWindow [CWBorderWidth 0]] ctrlK0 = ctrlK 0 0 Idle toTimer = High . Left toBubble = High . Right ctrlK size pos bubbleState = getK $ message event (either fromTimer fromBubble) where same = ctrlK size pos bubbleState idle = ctrlK size pos Idle newSize size' = ctrlK size' pos bubbleState timerOff s = putK (toTimer Nothing) $ ctrlK size pos s timerOn pos' = putK (toTimer (Just (0,500))) $ ctrlK size pos' Armed fromBubble _ = same fromTimer Tick = case bubbleState of Armed -> putK (toBubble (Popup (pos+offset) ())) $ timerOff Up where offset = pP (xcoord size `div` 2) 3 _ -> same event e = --echoK (show e) $ case e of XEvt EnterNotify { pos=pos,rootPos=rootPos } -> timerOn (rootPos-pos) XEvt LeaveNotify { } -> case bubbleState of Idle -> same Armed -> timerOff Idle Up -> putK (toBubble Popdown) $ idle LEvt (LayoutSize size') -> newSize size' _ -> same useBubbles = argFlag "helpbubbles" True helpFont = argKey "helpfont" "-*-new century schoolbook-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"