module MenuBarF(
) where
import Control.Monad((<=<))
import AllFudgets hiding (menuF)
import HbcUtils(mapFst)
--import MonadUtil((@@))
import DynRadioGroupF
import KeyGfx
-- Syntax for existential quantification varies:
tr x = ctrace "menubar" x x
--- Top level calls, eta expanded because of the monomorphism restriction
menu = menuListF Horizontal menu
menu = menuListF Vertical menu
type a = Menu a
type a = [MenuItem' a]
type Keys = [(ModState,KeySym)]
type a = Item (MenuItem a)
data Item a = Item a Gfx Keys
item i = item' [] i -- eta expanded because of the monomorphism restriction
item' k i g = Item i (G g) k
itemValue (Item a _ _) = a
key (Item a g _) k = Item a (G (keyGfx g k)) [([metaKey],k)]
-- this creates some unnecessary nested G (G ..)
instance Graphic (Item a) where
measureGraphicK (Item _ gfx _) = measureGraphicK gfx
instance Eq a => Eq (Item a) where
Item x _ _ == Item y _ _ = x==y
cmdItem x = item . MenuCommand $ x -- eta expanded because of the monomorphism restriction
toggleItem tr = item . MenuToggle tr
tr = item . SubMenu False tr
tr = item . SubMenu True tr
radioGroupItem tr items = item . MenuRadioGroup tr items
dynRadioGroupItem tr items = item . MenuDynRadioGroup tr items
sepItem = item MenuLabel (padD 3 $ g $ hFiller 1)
data a
= MenuCommand a
| (Transl Bool a) Bool
| forall b . (Eq b) => (Transl b a) [Item b] b
| forall b . (Eq b) => (Transl ([Item b],b) a) [Item b] b
| forall b . (Eq b) => Bool (Transl b a) (Menu b)
-- eta expanded because of the monomorphism restriction:
t = SubMenu False t
type MMsg a = Either MenuState a
type MF a b = F (MMsg a) (MMsg b)
data Transl l g = Transl (l->g) (g->Maybe l)
menuItemF :: Eq a => LayoutDir -> MenuItem' a -> MF a a
dir (Item item gfx keys) =
case item of
MenuCommand a -> translF (click a) (buttonF' (setAlign aLeft . pm) gfx)
MenuToggle tr init ->
translF tr (delayItF>==<startupF [init] (toggleButtonF' pm gfx))
MenuRadioGroup tr items init ->
translF tr (delayItF>==<gfx `labAboveF` radioGroupF' pm alts init)
where alts = [(a,g)|Item a g _<-items]
pm = setFont menuFont .
setPlacer (verticalP' 0) -- (the default is verticalLeftP' 0)
MenuDynRadioGroup tr items init ->
translF tr' (delayItF>==<gfx `labAboveF` dynRadioGroupF' pm alts init)
where alts = [(a,g)|Item a g _<-items]
pm = setFont menuFont .
setPlacer (verticalP' 0) -- (the default is verticalLeftP' 0)
tr' = compT tr dynRadioT
dynRadioT = Transl f g
f (alts,alt) = ([Item i g []|(i,g)<-alts],alt)
g (items,alt) = Just ([(a,g)|Item a g _<-items],alt)
SubMenu d tr m -> translMenuF tr (btnMenuF d dir gfx ({-delayF' d $-} subMenuF m))
MenuLabel -> graphicsLabelF gfx
-- MenuDelayed item' -> delayF' $ menuItemF dir (Item item' gfx keys)
--pm = setKeys keys . setFont menuFont
-- becuase of the mononorphism restriction:
pm x = setKeys keys . setFont menuFont $ x
delayF' delayed =
if delayed
then delayF''
else id
delayF'' fud =
if argFlag "teemenu" False
then delayF fud >==< idRightF (teeF show "menuItemF: ")
else delayF fud
btnMenuF :: Bool -> LayoutDir -> Gfx -> F (MMsg a) a -> MF a a
delayed dir gfx mF =
buttonMenuF' delayed dir menuFont agfx [] mF >=^< mapEither id Right
agfx = hboxcD' 3 [g gfx,g menuIcon]
translF (Transl f g) fud =
Right . f >^=< fud >=^^< mapFilterSP (either (const Nothing) g)
(Transl f g) fud =
mapEither id f >^=< fud >=^^< idLeftSP (mapFilterSP g)
click a = Transl (const a) (\b->if a==b then Just Click else Nothing)
idT = Transl id (const Nothing)
--idT = Transl id Just -- why not this?
compT (Transl f1 g1) (Transl f2 g2) = Transl (f1 . f2) (g2 <=< g1)
-- There should be only one grabberF outside the top level menu.
menuListF :: Eq a => LayoutDir -> Menu a -> F a a
dir menu = grabberF (menuKeys menu) $ menuListF' dir menu
menuKeys :: Menu a -> [(a,Keys)]
menuKeys = concatMap itemKeys
itemKeys (Item m _ keys) =
case m of
SubMenu _ (Transl f _) menu -> mapFst f (menuKeys menu)
MenuRadioGroup (Transl f _) items init ->
[(f a,ks)|Item a _ ks<-items]
--MenuCommand cmd -> [(cmd,keys)]
--MenuToggle (Transl f _) init -> [(f init,keys)] -- hmm
_ -> []
subMenuF :: Eq a => Menu a -> F (MMsg a) a
menu = filterRightSP >^^=< menuListF' Vertical menu
menuListF' :: Eq a => LayoutDir -> Menu a -> MF a a
dir m =
loopLeftF $
concatMapSP post >^^=< placerF (linearP dir 0) (listF nms)
>=^^< concatMapSP pre
nms = [(i,menuItemF dir e) | (i,e) <- number 0 m]
ns = map fst nms
post (i,Right x) = [Right $ Right x]
post (i,Left b) = [Right $ Left b,Left (i,b)]
pre (Right (Right x)) = ctrace "menubar" "got input" [(i,Right x) | i<-ns]
pre (Right (Left b)) = [(i,Left b) | i<-ns]
pre (Left (j,b)) = [(i,Left b) | i<-ns, i/=j]
delayItF = idF
delayItF = loopThroughRightF (absF idleSP) timerF
idleSP = getSP $ either (const idleSP) delaySP
delaySP x = putSP (Left (Just (0,delay))) $ waitSP x
waitSP x = getSP $ either doneSP waitSP
where doneSP _ = putSP (Left Nothing) $ putSP (Right x) idleSP
delay = argReadKey "delay" 200
--- temporary hack:
--subMenuF gfx mF = menuPopupF mF >==< throughF (buttonF agfx>=^^<nullSP)
menuPopupF mF =
post >^=<
inputPopupF "Menu" (inputMsg>^=<mF>=^^<filterRightSP) Nothing
>=^< pre
pre cmd = (Nothing,Just cmd)
post = snd
FixD 12 [
DrawRectangle (rR 1 0 8 10),
DrawLine (lL 4 3 6 3),
DrawLine (lL 4 5 6 5),
DrawLine (lL 4 7 6 7),
DrawLine (lL 3 11 10 11),
DrawLine (lL 10 2 10 11)]