
-- Based on
-- | Lazy natural numbers
module PreludeNatural(Integer(..),Natural,doubleFromNatural,readDigits,six,showNat,baseDigits,
                      isZeroN,zeroN,oneN,zero,natFromInt,intFromNatural) where
import Char(isDigit,ord,digitToInt)
import Ratio((%))
import Numeric(showInt)
import PreludeBuiltin(primDoubleZero,primDoubleFromInt)
import qualified Builtin as B
--import Debug.Trace

data Integer = Pos Natural | Neg Natural --deriving Show

newtype Natural = N {digits::Digits} --deriving Show
type Digits  = [Int] -- sequence of unsigned "digits", least significant first
unN (N n) = n
zeroN = N []
oneN = N [one]

-- Avoid using overloaded numeric literals (i.e. fromInteger)
digit c = B.ord c B.- B.ord '0'
zero = digit '0'
one  = digit '1'
two  = digit '2'
six  = digit '6'
nine = digit '9'
ten  = digit ':'

instance Show Natural where show = showNat

showNat (N ds) =
  case dropWhile (=='0') $ concatMap (pad . show) $ reverse ds of
    [] -> "0"
    s -> s

pad s = replicate (baseDigits-length s) '0'++s

instance Read Natural where
  readsPrec _ = readParen False readsNatural

readsNatural s =
  case lex s of
    (ds,r):_ | all isDigit ds -> [(readDigits ds,r)]
    _ -> []

readDigits [d] = N [digit d]
readDigits "10" = N [ten]
readDigits s= N . map rd . chunksOf baseDigits . reverse . dropWhile (=='0') $ s
    rd [] = zero
    rd (d:ds) = digit d+ten*rd ds

chunksOf n [] = []
chunksOf n s  = take n s:chunksOf n (drop n s)

instance Num Natural where
  (+) = addNatural
  (-) = subNatural
  (*) = mulNatural
  abs = id
  fromInteger = toNatural
  signum n = if isZeroN n then zeroN else oneN
  negate n = if isZeroN n then zeroN else error "Natural.negate"

-- | Choose the largest base such that (base-1)^2 <= (maxBound::Int)
-- so that we can multiply digits without overflowing. Use a power of ten
-- for efficient conversion to and from decimal representation.
base, baseDigits :: Int
base = ten^baseDigits --foldr1 (B.*) (replicate baseDigits ten)
baseDigits = pred intDigits `B.quot` two

intDigits = countDigits B.maxInt
countDigits n = if n `B.eqInt` zero then zero else one B.+ countDigits (n `B.quot` ten)

toNatural (Pos n) = n
toNatural (Neg n) | isZeroN n = zeroN
                  | otherwise = error "Natural.fromInteger: negative number"

doubleFromNatural (N as) =  fromNat as
    fromNat [] = primDoubleZero
    fromNat (n:ns) = primDoubleFromInt n+dbase*fromNat ns
    dbase = primDoubleFromInt base

intFromNatural (N as) = intFromNat as
intFromNat [] = zero
intFromNat (n:ns) = n+base*intFromNat ns

natFromInt n | n<zero = error $ "PreludeNatural.natFromInt: negative number: "
                                ++show n
             | otherwise = N (fromInt n)
    fromInt n | n==zero = []
              | otherwise = (n `rem` base):fromInt (n `quot` base)

addNatural (N as) (N bs) = N (add as bs)
add [] bs = bs
add as [] = as
add (a:as) (b:bs) = case a+b of
                      ab | ab<base   -> ab:add as bs
                         | otherwise -> ab-base:succN (add as bs)

addSmall a [] = small a
addSmall a (b:bs) = case a+b of
                      ab | ab<base   -> ab:bs
                         | otherwise -> ab-base:succN bs

succNatural (N as) = N (succN as)
succN []     = [one]
succN (a:as) = succN' (a+one) as

succN' b as | b<base    = b:as
            | otherwise = b-base:succN as

subNatural (N as) (N bs) = N (sub as bs)
sub [] bs = if isZeroN (N bs) then [] else error "Natural.-: negative result"
sub as [] = as
sub (a:as) (b:bs) | b==zero   = a:sub as bs
                  | otherwise = if a>=b
                                then a-b:sub as bs
                                else a+base-b:predN (sub as bs)

predNatural (N as) = N (predN as)
predN [] = error "Natural.-: negative result"
predN (a:as) | a==zero   = base-one:predN as
             | otherwise = pred a:as

-- (a+10b)(c+10d) = ac+10*(ad+bc+10*bd)
mulNatural (N as) (N bs) = N (mul as bs)
mul ab@(a:b) cd@(c:d) | a==zero = zero:mul b cd
                      | c==zero = zero:mul ab d
                      | otherwise = 
    ac:(small q `add` mulSmall a d `add` mulSmall c b `add` mulBase (mul b d))
    (q,ac) = quotRem (a*c) base
mul _ _ = []

small a = if a==zero then [] else [a]

mulSmall a [] = []
mulSmall a (b:bs) = ab:addSmall q (mulSmall a bs)
    (q,ab) = quotRem (a*b) base

mulBase [] = []
mulBase as = zero:as

divBase (N as) = N (drop one as)
modBase e (N as) = N (take e as)

quotRemBase (N (a:as)) = (N as,small a)

instance Eq Natural where
  N [] == b = isZeroN b
  a == N [] = isZeroN a
  N (a:as) == N (b:bs) = a==b && N as==N bs

isZeroN (N ns) = all (==zero) ns

instance Ord Natural where
  compare (N []) b = if isZeroN b then EQ else LT
  compare a (N []) = if isZeroN a then EQ else GT
  compare (N (a:as)) (N (b:bs)) = compare (N as,a) (N bs,b)

instance Enum Natural where
  toEnum i | i>=zero = natFromInt i
  fromEnum = intFromNatural
  succ = addNatural oneN
  pred = predNatural

  enumFrom = iterate succ
  enumFromTo = genericEnumFromTo
  enumFromThen a b = iterate (addNatural (b-a)) a
  enumFromThenTo x y z = enumFromStepTo x (y-x) z
instance Real Natural where
  toRational n = Pos n % Pos oneN

instance Integral Natural where
  toInteger n = Pos n
  quotRem (N a) (N b) = both N (qRemDigits a b)

both f (x,y) = (f x,f y)

-- Special-case some common patterns, to save the expense of doing
-- long division.
qRemDigits :: Digits -> Digits -> (Digits,Digits)
qRemDigits ds [e] | e==one = (ds, [])
qRemDigits [d] [e] = let (q,r) = d `quotRem` e in (small q,small r)
qRemDigits ds  es  | N ds < N es   = ([],ds)
qRemDigits ds  es  = longDivision ds es

longDivision :: Digits -> Digits -> (Digits,Digits)
longDivision ds es =
--  trace ("long division "++show ds++show es) $
    case es of
      []    -> error "Natural: division by zero"
      [e]   -> quotRemSmall ds e
--    [e,f] -> quotRemSmall ds (e+base*f)
      _     -> both decimal (reallyLong (binary ds) (binary es))

quotRemSmall ds e = walk (reverse ds) e ([],zero)
    walk :: Digits -> Int -> (Digits, Int) -> (Digits, Digits)
    walk []     e (quot,rem) = (quot,small rem)
    walk (d:ds) e (quot,rem) = let (q,r) = (rem * base + d) `quotRem` e
                               in walk ds e (q:quot,r)

binary ds | isZeroN (N ds) = []
          | otherwise = case quotRemSmall ds two of (ds',d) -> bit d:binary ds'

bit n = if isZeroN (N n) then O else I

decimal [] = []
decimal (O:bs) = mulSmall two (decimal bs)
decimal (I:bs) = succN (mulSmall two (decimal bs))

reallyLong :: Bits -> Bits -> (Bits,Bits)
reallyLong ds es | p<zero    = ([],ds)
                 | otherwise = reallyLong' (reverse lo) hi es []
    p = length ds - length es
    (lo,hi) = splitAt p ds

-- | Simple but slow
reallyLong' hds ds es qs =
  case subbin ds es of
    Just ds' -> next ds' (I:qs)
    Nothing  -> next ds  (O:qs)
    next ds qs = case hds of
                  d:hds -> reallyLong' hds (d:ds) es qs
                  _ -> (qs,ds)

type Bits = [Bit]
data Bit = O | I deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Show)

double [] = []
double bs = O:bs

subbin as [] = Just as
subbin (O:as) (O:bs) = double <$> subbin as bs
subbin (I:as) (I:bs) = double <$> subbin as bs
subbin (I:as) (O:bs) = (I:) <$> subbin as bs
subbin (O:as) (I:bs) = (I:) <$> (predbin =<< subbin as bs)
subbin _ _ = Nothing

predbin (I:as) = Just (double as)
predbin (O:as) = (I:) <$> predbin as
predbin _  = Nothing