{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module TagEvents(tagEventsSP) where import Command import CompSP(preMapSP,serCompSP) import SpEither(mapFilterSP) import Cont(cmdContSP) import CmdLineEnv(argFlag) --import Direction import Event --import Font(FontStruct) import Fudget import FRequest --import Geometry(Line, Point, Rect, Size(..)) import IOUtil(getEnvi) --import LayoutRequest(LayoutRequest) import Loopthrough import Message(stripLow) --Message(..), import Path import WindowF(autumnize) import ShowCommandF import Sockets import Spops import Tables --import Version import Xtypes --import Maptrace --import EitherUtils import Data.Maybe(isNothing) import ShowFailure import DialogueIO import Prelude hiding (IOError) --mtrace = ctrace "tagEvents" mtrace x y = y tagEventsSP :: F i o -> SP (Path, Response) (Path, Request) tagEventsSP mainF = loopThroughRightSP tagEventsCtrlSP (mapFilterSP stripLow `serCompSP` mainFSP `preMapSP` Low) where F mainFSP = traceit mainF openDisplay' cont = if isNothing (getEnvi "DISPLAY") then cont faildisp else cmdContSP (tox $ XRequest (noDisplay, noWindow, OpenDisplay "")) (\e -> case e of Right (_, XResponse (DisplayOpened d)) -> Just d Right (_, Failure f) -> error ("Cannot open the display (the program is probably not linked with the X routines): "++showFailure f) _ -> Nothing) (\disp -> if disp == Display 0 then error "Cannot open display" else putSP (tox $ Select [DisplayDe disp]) $ cont disp) where faildisp = error "the environment variable DISPLAY is not set!" tox x = Right (here,x) tagEventsCtrlSP:: SP (Either TCommand (Path,Response)) (Either TEvent (Path,Request)) tagEventsCtrlSP = openDisplay' tagEventsCtrlSP' where tagEventsCtrlSP' disp = tagSP noSel Nothing path2wid0 wid2path0 where noSel = here tagSP selp grabpath path2wid wid2path = let same = tagSP selp grabpath path2wid wid2path tagSPs = tagSP selp tagSPns s = tagSP s grabpath path2wid wid2path in getSP $ \msg -> case msg of Left (path', cmd) -> let newwindow path'' wid = putSP (Left (path'', XResp (WindowCreated wid))) $ tagAdd path'' wid tox xc = Right (path',xc) convertcmd = convert (lookupWid path2wid path') convert w cmd = putSP (tox (XCommand (disp, w, cmd))) tagAdd p w = tagSPs grabpath (updateWid path2wid p w) (updatePath wid2path w p) in case cmd of XCmd xcmd@(SetSelectionOwner s atom) -> -- currently, different selections are not distinguished convertcmd xcmd $ (if s && selp /= noSel && path' /= selp then putSP (Left (selp,XEvt (SelectionClear atom))) else id) $ tagSPns (if s then path' else noSel) XCmd (ReparentToMe rchild w) -> -- lookup w in table, change path to rchild, emit reparent cmd -- TODO: change subpaths too! let npath' = newChildPath path' rchild npath = autumnize npath' -- used in repTest (?) wpath = lookupPath wid2path w opath = autumnize wpath nparent = lookupWid path2wid path' npath2wid = moveWids path2wid opath npath nwid2path = movePaths wid2path opath npath in convert w (ReparentWindow nparent) $ if null wpath then {-ctrace "rep" (npath',opath,w) $-} tagAdd npath' w else tagSPs grabpath npath2wid nwid2path XCmd (SelectWindow w) -> tagAdd path' w XCmd GetWindowId -> putSP (Left (path',XEvt (YourWindowId wid))) same where wid = lookupWid path2wid path' XCmd DestroyWindow -> putsSP [tox (XCommand (disp, wid, DestroyWindow)) | wid <- subWids path2wid path'] (tagSPs grabpath (pruneWid path2wid path') wid2path) XCmd (GrabEvents toMe) -> mtrace ("Grab",toMe,msg) $ tagSPs (Just (toMe,path',autumnize path')) path2wid wid2path XCmd UngrabEvents -> tagSPs Nothing path2wid wid2path --DoXCommands xcmds -> foldr convertcmd same xcmds XCmd (DrawMany w gcdcmdss) | not optimizeDrawMany -> foldr convertcmd same [Draw w gc dcmd | (gc,dcmds)<-gcdcmdss,dcmd<-dcmds] XCmd xcmd -> convertcmd xcmd same DReq req -> putSP (tox req) same SReq sreq -> putSP (tox (SocketRequest sreq)) same XReq xreq -> case xreq of CreateMyWindow _ -> error "GUI fudget outside a shell fudget" CreateSimpleWindow rchild _ -> createWindow disp xreq (lookupWid path2wid path') (newwindow (newChildPath path' rchild)) CreateRootWindow _ _ -> createWindow disp xreq rootWindow (newwindow path') _ -> putSP (tox (XRequest (disp, lookupWid path2wid path', xreq))) same LCmd _ -> same -- layout pseudo command Right (path', resp) -> case resp of AsyncInput (_, XEvent (wid, event)) -> case event of MappingNotify -> same ButtonEvent {} -> checkGrab KeyEvent {} -> checkGrab MotionNotify {} -> checkGrab SelectionClear atom -> pass $ tagSPns noSel DestroyNotify w -> if argFlag "destroyPrune" False then pass $ tagSPs grabpath path2wid' (prunePath wid2path w) else passame where path2wid' = if null path2' then path2wid else pruneWid path2wid path2' _ -> passame where path2' = lookupPath wid2path wid passto p = putSP (Left (p, XEvt event)) pass = passto path2' passame = pass same checkGrab = case grabpath of Nothing -> passame Just (toMe,kpath,path) -> if path `subPath` path2' then passame else if toMe then passto kpath same else same XResponse xresp -> putSP (Left (path',XResp xresp)) same SocketResponse sresp -> putSP (Left (path',SResp sresp)) same _ -> putSP (Left (path', DResp resp)) same newChildPath parent rchild = absPath (autumnize parent) rchild createWindow disp xreq wid cont = cmdContSP (Right (here, XRequest (disp, wid, xreq))) (\msg -> case msg of Right (_, XResponse (WindowCreated wid')) -> Just wid' _ -> Nothing) cont traceit = showCommandF "debug" optimizeDrawMany = argFlag "optdrawmany" False