BetaReduce is imported by: PfeTransformCmds.
module BetaReduce where import HasBaseStruct(hsApp,hsLambda,hsEVar,hsParen) import Substitute(subst,mapExp) import HsExpStruct import HsExpUtil(exposeE) import HsPatUtil(isPVar) import Maybe(fromMaybe)
Find outermost beta redexes and reduce them. Beta redexes are expressions of the form
(\ x1 ... xn -> e) e1 ... en.
Pattern matching is not implemented.
beta e = case isLambda fun of Just (ps, body) -> substArgs [] ps args body _ -> mapExp beta e where (fun,args) = flatApp e [] substArgs s (p:ps) (arg:args) body = case isPVar p of Just x -> substArgs ((x,arg):s) ps args body _ -> keep s (p:ps) (arg:args) body substArgs s ps args body = keep s ps args body keep s ps args body = pApps (hsLambda' ps (subst f body)) args where f y = fromMaybe (hsEVar y) (lookup y s) flatApp e args = case exposeE e of Just (HsApp fun arg) -> flatApp fun (arg:args) --Just (HsInfixApp e1 i e2) -> can not be a beta redex _ -> (e,args) pApps fun [] = fun pApps fun args = apps (hsParen fun) args apps fun [] = fun apps fun (arg:args) = apps (hsApp fun arg) args isLambda e = case exposeE e of Just (HsLambda ps body) -> Just (ps,body) _ -> Nothing -- Don't create arity 0 lambda asbtractions. hsLambda' [] e = e hsLambda' ps e = hsLambda ps e
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