DefinedNamesBaseStruct is imported by: DefinedNamesBase, ScopeNamesBaseStruct.
Instances for extracting defined names from the nonrecursive base language structures.
module DefinedNamesBaseStruct where import BaseSyntax import DefinedNames import HsIdent (getHSName) instance DefinedNames i ds => DefinedNames i (HsModuleI m i' ds) where definedNames = definedNames . hsModDecls -- hmm instance ClassMethods i (DI i e p ds t c tp) where classMethods cname cnt d = case d of (HsTypeSig s nms _ _) -> map (method cname cnt nms) nms _ -> [] instance AddName i (DI i e p ds t c tp) instance (DefinedNames i tp, ClassMethods i ds, ContextSize c, DefinedNames i p) => DefinedNames i (DI i e p ds t c tp) where definedNames d = case d of HsTypeDecl s tp t -> dataNames tp Synonym [] HsNewTypeDecl s ctx tp cd drv -> dataNames tp Newtype [cd] HsDataDecl s ctx tp cds drv -> dataNames tp Data cds HsClassDecl s c tp fd ds -> classNames tp c ds HsInstDecl s optn c tp ds -> [] -- !! HsDefaultDecl s t -> [] HsTypeSig s nms c t -> [] HsFunBind s (match:_) -> [matchName match] HsPatBind s p rhs ds -> definedNames p HsInfixDecl s fixity names -> [] --HsPrimitiveTypeDecl s ctx tp -> definedNames tp HsPrimitiveTypeDecl s ctx tp -> dataNames tp Primitive [] HsPrimitiveBind s nm tp -> [value nm] _ -> [] where dataNames tp defty cds = tcon t tyinfo:cons++fields where tyinfo = TypeInfo { defType = Just defty , constructors = cs , fields = fs } cons = map (con t tyinfo . conName) cs fields = map (field t tyinfo) fs cs = map conNameArity cds fs = concatMap fieldNames cds t = definedType tp conNameArity c = case c of HsConDecl s _ _ n args -> ConInfo {conName=n, conArity=length args, conFields=Nothing} HsRecDecl s _ _ n fields -> ConInfo {conName=n, conArity=length fs, conFields=Just fs} where fs = concatMap fst fields fieldNames c = case c of HsConDecl s _ _ n types -> [] HsRecDecl s _ _ n fields -> concatMap fst fields classNames tp ctx ds = classname c n (map (getHSName . fst) methods) : methods where n = contextSize ctx -- number of superclasses methods = classMethods c n ds c = definedType tp matchName (HsMatch s n _ _ _) = value n -- Limited to function/pattern bindings. It is used to rename default methods... instance MapDefinedNames i p => MapDefinedNames i (DI i e p ds t c tp) where mapDefinedNames f d = case d of HsPatBind s p rhs ds -> HsPatBind s (m p) rhs ds _ -> mapDI2 f id id id id id id id d where m x = mapDefinedNames f x -- Meaningful for type patterns (types on the lhs in definitions) only: instance DefinedNames i tp => DefinedNames i (TI i tp) where -- no need to define classMethods definedNames t = case t of HsTyApp f x -> definedNames f HsTyCon nm -> [ tcon nm blankTypeInfo ] _ -> [] -- hmm, report error?
For patterns, definedNames should return the identifiers that are bound by the pattern, i.e., variables, but not constructors and field labels.
instance DefinedNames i p => DefinedNames i (PI i p) where -- no need to define classMethods definedNames p = case p of HsPRec c fields -> definedNames fields -- (*) _ -> accPI2 ((:).value) (const id) ((++).definedNames) p [] -- (*) This is treated specially, since accPI2 includes fnm in the result instance DefinedNames i p => DefinedNames i (HsFieldI i p) where definedNames (HsField f p) = definedNames p instance MapDefinedNames i p => MapDefinedNames i (PI i p) where mapDefinedNames f p = case p of HsPRec c fields -> HsPRec c (m fields) _ -> mapPI2 f id m p where m x = mapDefinedNames f x instance MapDefinedNames i p => MapDefinedNames i (HsFieldI i p) where mapDefinedNames f (HsField field p) = HsField field (mapDefinedNames f p)
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