FieldSelectors is imported by: SimpFieldLabels.
-- Generate selector functions for data constructors with labelled fields
module FieldSelectors where import List(nub) import HsDeclStruct import HasBaseStruct(hsPApp,hsPVar,hsPWildCard,hsEVar,hsFunBind) import HsGuardsStruct(HsRhs(..)) import TiNames(localVal')
Haskell 98 Report, section 3.15.1 Field Selection
fieldSelectors noDef cds = map selector fields where conFields = nub [((src,c),[n|(ns,_)<-fs,n<-ns])|HsRecDecl src _ _ c fs<-cds] fields = nub [(src,n)|((src,_),ns)<-conFields,n<-ns] selector (src,field) = hsFunBind src [HsMatch src field [hsPApp c (map pat fs)] (HsBody (hsEVar x)) noDef |((src,c),fs)<-conFields,field `elem` fs] where x = localVal' "x" (Just src) pat f = if f==field then hsPVar x else hsPWildCard
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