FileUtils is imported by: PFE0, PFE2, PFE4, PFEdeps, ParseAttrs.
module FileUtils where import Prelude hiding (readFile,writeFile, putStr,putStrLn,getLine,readLn,print, catch,ioError) import qualified Prelude import Monad(unless) import MUtils(( # ),done,read'',readAtEnd) import AbstractIO -- Write to the file only if the new contents is different from the old: updateFile path contents = do unchanged <- ((contents==)#readFile path) `catch` const (return False) unless unchanged $ do -- GHC lingering file lock workaround: removeFile path `catch` const done -- grr! writeFile path contents return unchanged -- Write to the file, even if the new contents is the same: updateFile' path contents = do unchanged <- ((contents==)#readFile path) `catch` const (return False) -- GHC lingering file lock workaround: removeFile path `catch` const done -- grr! writeFile path contents return unchanged readFileMaybe path = maybeM (read'' "FileUtils.readFileMaybe" # readFile path) -- lazy error checking for efficiency -- Read a whole file immediately to avoid lingering open file handles readFileNow path = do s <- readFile path seq (readall s) (return s) where readall s | length s>=0 = s readM s = readM' "FileUtils.readM" s readM' msg s = case reads s of [(x,r)] | readAtEnd r -> return x [] -> fail $ msg++": no parse" _ -> fail $ msg++": ambiguous parse" --readLn = readM =<< getLine print x = putStrLn (show x)
(HTML for this module was generated on 2006-08-12. About the conversion tool.)