HsTypePretty is imported by: BaseSyntaxPretty.
--- Pretty printing for the T functor ------------------------------------------
module HsTypePretty where import HsTypeStruct --import HsIdent import PrettySymbols(rarrow,forall') import PrettyPrint import PrettyUtil instance (Printable i,Printable t,PrintableApp t t) => Printable (TI i t) where ppi (HsTyFun a b) = sep [ wrap a <+> rarrow, ppi b ] ppi (HsTyApp f x) = ppiApp f [x] ppi (HsTyForall xs ts t) = forall' <+> hsep (map ppi xs) <> kw '.' <+> ppContext ts <+> t ppi t = wrap t -- wrap (HsTyTuple ts) = ppiTuple ts wrap (HsTyApp f x) = wrapApp f [x] wrap (HsTyVar v) = wrap v wrap (HsTyCon c) = tcon (wrap c) wrap t = parens $ ppi t instance (PrintableApp i t,PrintableApp t t) => PrintableApp (TI i t) t where ppiApp (HsTyApp tf ta) ts = ppiApp tf (ta:ts) ppiApp (HsTyCon c) ts = ppiApp c ts ppiApp t ts = wrap t<+>fsep (map wrap ts) wrapApp (HsTyApp tf ta) ts = wrapApp tf (ta:ts) wrapApp (HsTyCon c) ts = wrapApp c ts wrapApp t ts = parens (wrap t<+>fsep (map wrap ts))
(HTML for this module was generated on 2009-01-04. About the conversion tool.)