IsabelleDecl is imported by: IsabelleAST.
module IsabelleDecl where import IsabelleType(Type,Sort,TypePattern,DomainType,showSort,showInstance) import IsabelleTerm(HBind(..)) import IsabelleProp(PredDecl,PropDecl) import Mixfix import Char(isAlpha) -- For top level declarations: data IsaDecl = IsaTypes TypePattern Type | IsaDomain [DomainType] | IsaConsts [TypeSig] | IsaInfix String [String] | IsaFixrec [HBind] | IsaTypeSig [String] Type | IsaClass String Sort [HBind] | IsaInstance Type [HBind] | IsaPredDecl PredDecl | IsaPropDecl PropDecl | IsaComment String data Module = Module (String, [String]) [IsaDecl] data TypeSig = TypeSig String Type ------------------------------------------------------------ showHBind x = case x of HBindPat e -> showLine e HBindFun ms -> showAll (map showLine ms) where showLine = showIndentLine . showQuotes . showHBrackets . shows showFixity f i = showIndentLine $ showQuotes (showString ("_hs_" ++ encode_op i)) . showString (" :: hs_qop" ++ f) . showSpace . showParens (showQuotes (showString i)) showTranslation (TypeSig name _) | isAlpha (head name) = id | otherwise = showString "translations\n" . showIndentLine ( showString "\"_HsQ (_HsVarSym _hs_" . showString (encode_op name) . showString ")\" == " . showQuotes (showString ("hs_" ++ encode_op name))) instance Show TypeSig where showsPrec _ (TypeSig name typ) = if isAlpha (head name) then showString name . showString " :: " . showType typ else showString ("hs_" ++ encode_op name) . showString " :: " . showType typ where showType = showQuotes . showHBrackets . shows instance Show IsaDecl where showsPrec p x = case x of IsaTypes lhs rhs -> mixfix "types _ = _\n" [shows lhs, showQuotes (showHBrackets (shows rhs))] 1000 p IsaDomain ds -> showString "domain\n" . showSep (showString "and\n") (map (showIndentLine . shows) ds) IsaConsts sigs -> showString "consts\n" . showAll (map (showIndentLine . shows) sigs) . showAll (map showTranslation sigs) IsaFixrec bs -> showString "fixrec\n" . showSep (showString "and\n") (map showHBind bs) IsaTypeSig is t -> id -- showLR "(*\n" "\n*)" (shows (is, t)) IsaClass c s _ -> showString "axclass " . showString c . showString " < " . showSort s . showString "\n" IsaInstance t _ -> showString "instance " . showInstance t . showString " ..\n" IsaPropDecl d -> shows d IsaPredDecl d -> shows d IsaInfix f is -> showString "syntax\n" . showAll (map (showFixity f) is) IsaComment s -> showLR "(*\n" "*)\n" (showString s) instance Show Module where showsPrec p (Module (name,imports) decls) = showString "theory " . showString name . showString "\nimports " . showSpaceSep (map showString imports) . showString "\nbegin\n\n" . showSep (showString "\n") (map shows decls) . showString "\nend\n" ------------------------------------------------------------ -- for testing {- a' = tVar "a" b' = tVar "b" c' = tVar "c" d' = tVar "d" -} --a' = TVar "a" (Sort ["cpo"]) {- domain 'a tree = Leaf (value :: "'a") | Node (children :: "'a forest") and 'a forest = Empty | Trees (head :: "'a tree") (tail :: "'a forest") -} {- tree_forest :: IsaDecl tree_forest = IsaDomain [tree, forest] where a_tree = TType "tree" [a'] a_forest = TType "forest" [a'] tree = DomainType a_tree [leaf, node] leaf = DomainCons "Leaf" [DomainArg Lazy "value" a'] node = DomainCons "Node" [DomainArg Lazy "children" a_forest] forest = DomainType a_forest [empty, trees] empty = DomainCons "Empty" [] trees = DomainCons "Trees" [DomainArg Lazy "" a_tree, DomainArg Strict "" a_forest] -}
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