NameMapsDecorate is imported by: BaseStruct2Alfa, NameMapsPropDecorate.
module NameMapsDecorate where import NameMaps import TiDecorate import TiTypes import TiKinds --import NameMapsBase(bothtype,bothval) import HsIdent(mapHsIdent2) import HsDeclMaps(mapFunDeps) import MapDeclM import MapDeclMBaseStruct() import MUtils instance AccNames i (TiDecls i) where accNames f (Decs ds (ks,ts)) = accNames f ds . accNames f ts -- hmm, ks? instance AccNames i (TiDecl i) where accNames f (Dec d) = accNames f d instance AccNames i (TiExp i) where accNames f (Exp e) = accNames f e accNames f (TiSpec i _ ts) = accNames f i . accNames f ts accNames f (TiTyped e t) = a e . a t where a x = accNames f x instance AccNames i (TiPat i) where accNames f (Pat p) = accNames f p accNames f (TiPApp p1 p2) = accNames f p1 . accNames f p2 accNames f (TiPSpec i _ ts) = accNames f i . accNames f ts accNames f (TiPTyped p t) = accNames f p . accNames f t instance AccNames i t => AccNames i (Typing x t) where accNames f (x:>:t) = accNames f t -- hmm, x? instance AccNames i (Scheme i) where accNames f (Forall _ _ qt) = accNames f qt instance AccNames i t => AccNames i (Qual i t) where accNames f (ps:=>t) = accNames f ps . accNames f t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance MapNames i1 (TiDecls i1) i2 (TiDecls i2) where mapNames2 c f (Decs ds (ks,ts)) = Decs (m ds) (mks ks,mts c f ts) where m x = mapNames2 c f x mks = map mk mk (i:>:(k,ti)) = bothtype mapHsIdent2 f i:>:(k,m ti) instance MapNames i1 (TiDecl i1) i2 (TiDecl i2) where mapNames2 c f (Dec d) = Dec (mapNames2 c f d) instance MapNames i1 (TiExp i1) i2 (TiExp i2) where mapNames2 c f (Exp e) = Exp (mapNames2 c f e) mapNames2 c f (TiSpec i sc ts)= TiSpec (bothval mapHsIdent2 f i) (m sc) (m ts) where m x = mapNames2 c f x mapNames2 c f (TiTyped e t) = TiTyped (m e) (m t) where m x = mapNames2 c f x instance MapNames i1 (TiPat i1) i2 (TiPat i2) where mapNames2 c f (Pat p) = Pat (mapNames2 c f p) mapNames2 c f (TiPApp p1 p2) = TiPApp (mapNames2 c f p1) (mapNames2 c f p2) mapNames2 c f (TiPSpec i sc ts) = TiPSpec (bothval mapHsIdent2 f i) (mapNames2 c f sc) (mapNames2 c f ts) mapNames2 c f (TiPTyped p t) = TiPTyped (mapNames2 c f p) (mapNames2 c f t) instance MapNames i1 (Scheme i1) i2 (Scheme i2) where mapNames2 c f (Forall as vs qt) = Forall (mktvs f as) (mktvs f vs) (mapNames2 c f qt) mtvs (vf,_) = map (vf (Def Local,ClassOrTypeNames)) mktvs (vf,_) = map (emap (vf (Def Local,ClassOrTypeNames))) mts c f = map mt where mt (i:>:t) = bothval mapHsIdent2 f i:>:mapNames2 c f t instance MapNames i1 (TypeInfo i1) i2 (TypeInfo i2) where mapNames2 c f ti = case ti of Data -> Data Newtype -> Newtype Class ps vs fdeps as -> Class (m ps) (mktvs f vs) ({-mapFunDeps tvarf-} fdeps) (mts c f as) Synonym vs t -> Synonym (mtvs f vs) (m t) Tyvar -> Tyvar where m x = mapNames2 c f x tvarf = fst f usetype instance MapNames i1 t1 i2 t2 => MapNames i1 (Qual i1 t1) i2 (Qual i2 t2) where mapNames2 c f (ps:=>t) = m ps:=>m t where m x = mapNames2 c f x {- instance MapNames i1 Kind i2 Kind where mapNames2 c f k = k mapNames f k = k -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance MapDeclM (TiDecls i) (TiDecls i) where mapDeclM f (Decs ds dt) = flip Decs dt # mapDeclM f ds instance MapDeclM (TiDecl i) (TiDecls i) where mapDeclM = std_mapDeclM instance MapDeclM (TiExp i) (TiDecls i) where mapDeclM f (Exp e) = Exp # mapDeclM f e mapDeclM f (TiTyped e t) = flip TiTyped t # mapDeclM f e mapDeclM f e@(TiSpec{}) = return e
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