ParseUtil is imported by: HsParser.
{- Utilities for the parser. Author(s): Simon Marlow 1997, 1998; Emir Pasalic, Bill Harrison, Andrew Moran 2001 Thomas Hallgren 2001, 2002 -} module ParseUtil (chkTypeLhs, -- ([HsType],HsType) -> m ([HsType],HsType) splitTyConApp, -- HsType -> m (HsName, [HsType]) mkValDef, -- HsExp -> SrcLoc -> HsRhs HsExp -- -> [HsDecl] -> m HsDecl mkFunDef, -- HsExp -> SrcLoc -> HsRhs HsExp -- -> [HsDecl] -> m HsDecl mkFunDef', expToPat, -- HsExp -> m HsPat hsName2modName) -- HsName -> ModuleName -- Monad m => ... -- The monad is used for error handling only where --import HsAssoc import Syntax --import SyntaxUtil(isConE) import HsName import SourceNames import PrettyPrint --import HsConstants(plus_name) import MUtils -- The LHSs of data/newtype/class declaration is parsed like a ctype (c=>t), -- so this additional check is needed to ensure that they are well formed. chkTypeLhs ct@(ctx,t) = do (c,as) <- splitTyConApp t if all isTyVar as then return ct else fail "bad lhs in data/newtype/class declaration" where isTyVar (Typ (HsTyVar _)) = True isTyVar _ = False --splitTyConApp :: HsType -> m (HsName, [HsType]) splitTyConApp t = split t [] where --split :: HsType -> [HsType] -> m (HsName, [HsType]) split (Typ (HsTyApp t u)) ts = split t (u:ts) split (Typ (HsTyCon t)) ts = return (t, ts) split _ _ = fail "illegal data/newtype declaration" --mkValDef :: HsExp -> SrcLoc -> HsRhs HsExp -> [HsDecl] -> m HsDecl mkValDef lhs sloc (HsBody b) wheres = do { lpat <- expToPat lhs ; return $ hsPatBind sloc lpat (HsBody b) wheres } mkValDef lhs sloc (HsGuard gds) wheres = do { lpat <- expToPat lhs ; return $ hsPatBind sloc lpat (HsGuard gds) wheres } --mkFunDef :: HsExp -> SrcLoc -> HsRhs HsExp -> [HsDecl] -> m HsDecl mkFunDef lhs sloc rhs wheres = do { (fnamePat, ps) <- getFundefPats lhs ; case fnamePat of Pat (HsPId (HsVar nm)) -> return $ hsFunBind sloc [HsMatch sloc nm ps rhs wheres] _ -> fail $ "invalid function name in:\n\n" ++ pp lhs } mkFunDef' (nm,ps) sloc rhs wheres = hsFunBind sloc [HsMatch sloc nm ps rhs wheres] --getFundefPats :: HsExp -> m (HsPat, [HsPat]) getFundefPats (Exp pexp) = case pexp of HsId (HsVar nm) -> return (hsPVar nm, []) HsApp l r -> do { (pv, ps) <- getFundefPats l ; p <- expToPat r ; return (pv, ps ++ [p]) } HsInfixApp l (HsVar n) r -> do { lp <- expToPat l ; rp <- expToPat r ; return (hsPVar n, [lp, rp]) } HsInfixApp l (HsCon n) r -> do { lp <- expToPat l ; rp <- expToPat r ; return (hsPCon n, [lp, rp]) } HsParen e -> getFundefPats e _ -> fail $ "cannot use\n\n" ++ pp pexp ++ "\n\nas a function definition pattern." expToPat l@(Exp lhexp) = case lhexp of HsId (HsVar n) -> return $ hsPVar n HsId (HsCon n) -> return $ hsPCon n HsLit s literal -> return $ hsPLit s literal HsNegApp s e -> do p <- expToPat e case p of Pat (HsPLit s l) -> return (hsPNeg s l) _ -> fail "only literals can be negated in patterns" HsLambda _ _ -> fail "lambdas not allowed in patterns." HsList es -> do { ps <- sequence (map expToPat es) ; return $ hsPList loc0 ps -- !! loc0 } HsTuple es -> do { ps <- sequence (map expToPat es) ; return $ hsPTuple loc0 ps -- !! loc0 } HsWildCard -> return hsPWildCard HsIrrPat e -> do { p <- expToPat e ; return $ hsPIrrPat p } HsAsPat nm e -> do { p <- expToPat e ; return $ hsPAsPat nm p} HsApp (Exp (HsId (HsCon n))) r -> do { rp <- expToPat r ; return $ hsPApp n [rp] } HsApp l r -> do { lp <- expToPat l ; rp <- expToPat r ; case lp of Pat (HsPApp n ps) -> return $ hsPApp n (ps ++ [rp]) _ -> fail $ "Cannot use:\n\n" ++ pp lhexp ++ "\n\n as a pattern." } HsInfixApp l (HsCon n) r -> do { lp <- expToPat l ; rp <- expToPat r ; return $ hsPInfixApp lp n rp } HsInfixApp ne (HsVar (SN op _)) ke | op==UnQual "+" -> -- n+k patterns!!! do np <- expToPat ne kp <- expToPat ke case (np,kp) of (Pat (HsPId (HsVar n)),Pat (HsPLit s l)) -> return $ hsPSucc s n l _ -> fail$ pp $ "Mailformed n+k pattern:"<+>lhexp HsParen e -> expToPat e HsRecConstr s con fields -> do { pfs <- mapM fieldToPat fields ; return $ hsPRec con pfs } _ -> fail $ "ParseUtil.expToPat: not a valid/supported pattern:\n\n" ++ pp lhexp where fieldToPat (HsField f e) = HsField f # expToPat e
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