PfeAlfaCmds is imported by: Main{-hs2alfa/apfe.hs-}.
module PfeAlfaCmds(pfeAlfaCmds) where import Prelude hiding (putStrLn,writeFile,catch) import Monad(filterM) import Maybe(mapMaybe) import List(intersect) import HsModule import RemovePatBinds(remPats) import RemoveListCompProp(rmAllListComp) import SimpFunBind(simpAllFunBind) import SimpPatMatch(simpAllPatMatch,getSimpPatIds,prelError) --import SimpFieldLabels(simpFieldLabels) import DefinedNames(addName) import PFE4(rewriteAndTypeCheck) import PFE_Rewrites(Rewrite(..),compRw,pmRewrite,pbRewrite,lcRewrite) import PFE0(moduleList,subGraph,newerThan,getSortedSubGraph) import PfeParse(moduleArgs',kwOption,just) import TI((+++)) import TiModule(joinModules,representative) import Prop2Alfa(transModule,modPath) import BaseStruct2Alfa(packageSynonym,joinModuleNames) --import FileConv(printModule) import qualified UAbstract as U import AbstractIO import DirUtils(getModificationTimeMaybe) import MUtils import EnvM(withEnv) pfeAlfaCmds = [--("alfa",(moduleArgs prop2alfa1,"translate modules to Alfa")), ("alfa",(moduleArgs' opt prop2alfa,"translate modules to Alfa"))] where opt = kwOption "-simplepats" prop2alfa simplepats = if simplepats then prop2alfa2 else prop2alfa1 prop2alfa1 = prop2alfa' rewrite1 prop2alfa2 = prop2alfa' rewrite2 rewrite1 = pmRewrite `compRw` rewrite2 rewrite2 = pbRewrite `compRw` lcRewrite `compRw` addNameRw addNameRw = Rewrite "an" (return addName) prop2alfa' rewrite@(Rewrite rwname _) ms = do dir <- getEnv "APFE_DIR" `catch` const (return "alfa") changedsccs <- changedSccs dir =<< getSortedSubGraph (just ms) let ms = concat changedsccs if null ms then done else do tms <- rewriteAndTypeCheck rewrite (Just ms) mapM_ (transSCC dir tms) changedsccs where transSCC dir alltms ms = mapM (writeModule dir . trans1) ms where joinedmn = joinModuleNames ms rm = representative ms tms = [(m,tm)|(m,(_,(tms,_)))<-alltms,m `elem` ms,(rwn,tm)<-tms,rwn==rwname++"fl"] joinedtm = joinModules (map snd tms) trans1 m = (m,U.Module transm) where transm = if m==rm then transds ++ syn else imp:syn U.Module transds = withEnv (ms,env) (transModule joinedtm) syn = if m==joinedmn then [] else packageSynonym m joinedmn imp = U.ImportDecl (U.Import (modPath rm)) env = foldr ((+++).snd.snd.snd.snd) ([],[]) alltms {- prop2alfa1 = mapM_ writeModule.transModules @@ rewriteAndTypeCheck rewrite.Just where transModules ms = mapMaybe transModule' ms where transModule' (n,(_,(optm,_))) = do m <- optm return (n,withEnv ([n],env) (transModule m)) env = foldr ((+++).snd.snd.snd.snd) ([],[]) ms -} writeModule dir (n,U.Module decls) = do let path=dir++"/"++modPath n ePutStrLn ("Updating: "++path) writeFile path ({-printModule-}show m) where m = U.Module (prefix++decls) prefix = [ U.Comment magic, U.ImportDecl (U.Import "Haskell.alfa"), U.Comment "{-# Alfa hidetypeannots on #-}"] magic = "-- Automatically converted from Haskell by hs2alfa..." changedSccs dir g = -- A quick hack to avoid retranslating unchanged modules... do changed <- map (fst.snd) # filterM moduleChanged (concat g) let allsccs = [[m|(f,(m,is))<-scc]|scc<-g] sccs= [scc|scc<-allsccs, not.null $ moduleList (subGraph g scc) `intersect` changed] return sccs where moduleChanged (path,(m,_)) = newerThan # getModificationTime path <# getModificationTimeMaybe (dir++"/"++modPath m)
(HTML for this module was generated on 2006-08-12. About the conversion tool.)