PropPosSyntax is imported by: PropParser, PropPlogic.
module PropPosSyntax(module PropPosSyntax,module PosName,module Hs,SN) where import PropSyntax as Hs hiding (ModuleName,HsName,Id{-,HsIdent,HsField(),HsImportDecl(),HsConDecl(),HsExportSpec,HsImportSpec-},hsTyTuple) import qualified PropSyntax as Hs import HsConstants as Hs(main_mod,tuple,mod_Prelude') import qualified HsConstants as Hs --import PrettyPrint import SourceNames import PosName --import SpecialNames as Hs import QualNames(isQual) --import Entity() pos i p = SN i p type HsExp = HsExpI HsName type HsPat = HsPatI HsName type HsDecl = HsDeclI HsName type HsType = HsTypeI HsName type HsQualType = HsQualTypeI HsName type Assertion = AssertionI HsName type Predicate = PredicateI HsName type HsField = Hs.HsFieldI HsName type HsImportDecl = Hs.HsImportDeclI ModuleName HsName type HsConDecl = Hs.HsConDeclI HsName type HsExportSpec = Hs.HsExportSpecI ModuleName HsName type HsImportSpec = Hs.HsImportSpecI HsName type HsModuleR = Hs.HsModuleI ModuleName HsName [HsDecl] qualid (p,s) = pos (splitQualName (srcFile p) s) p unqualid (p,s) = pos (Hs.UnQual s) p qualify m n = pos (Hs.Qual m n) --qualified_name = pos Hs.qualified_name
The special syntax for function types, tuples and list should always refer to the entities defined in the Prelude, even if the corresponding names are not in scope. But the AST output from the parser can only refer to things that are in scope, and things that have special representation in the AST. Some type constructors currently do not have a special representation in the AST, so to be able to refer to them we deviate from Haskell 98 by including 'import qualified Prelude' in all modules and refering to these entities by qualified names.
unit_con_name = qualify mod_Prelude' "()" tuple_con_name arity = qualify mod_Prelude' $ tuple arity unit_tycon_name = unit_con_name list_tycon_name = qualify mod_Prelude' "[]" fun_tycon_name = qualify mod_Prelude' "->" tuple_tycon_name arity = tuple_con_name arity list_tycon = Hs.hsTyCon . list_tycon_name :: Hs.SrcLoc -> HsType tuple_tycon n = hsTyCon . tuple_tycon_name n :: SrcLoc -> HsType qtuple n pos = qualify mod_Prelude' (tuple n) pos qunit = qualify mod_Prelude' "()" hsTyTuple p ts = foldl hsTyApp (tuple_tycon (length ts-1) p) ts isQualified = isQual :: HsName -> Bool tupleTypeToContext t = tupleTypeToContext' is_unit_tycon_name is_tuple_tycon_name t is_tuple_tycon_name arity n = n==tuple_tycon_name arity undefined is_unit_tycon_name n = n==unit_tycon_name undefined -- An omitted module header is equivalent to module Main(main) where ... hsMainModule loc body = hsModule loc (pos (main_mod (srcFile loc)) loc) (Just [exportVar (main_name loc)]) body main_name = pos Hs.main_name
(HTML for this module was generated on 2009-01-04. About the conversion tool.)