SimpleGraphs is imported by: TiD, PFE0, PFE4, Pfe0Cmds, PfeDepCmds, TiPropStruct, PfePropCmds.
-- Graphs, with minimal assumptions about the nodes
module SimpleGraphs where import List(nub) import Maybe(fromMaybe) import MUtils(collectByFst,swap) type Graph a = [(a,[a])] type Reachable a = [a] graph :: [(a,[a])] -> Graph a reachable :: Eq a => Graph a -> [a] -> Reachable a isReachable :: Eq a => Reachable a -> a -> Bool listReachable :: Reachable a -> [a] neighbours :: Eq a => Graph a -> a -> [a] nodes :: Graph a -> [a] -- may exclude nodes without edges edges :: Graph a -> [(a,a)] reverseGraph :: Ord a => Graph a -> Graph a graph = id -- The set of reachable nodes from a given node in a graph: reachable graph = r [] where r reached [] = reached r reached (s:ss) = if s `elem` reached then r reached ss else r (s:reached) (push (neighbours graph s) ss) push [] ss = ss push (x:xs) ss = push xs (x:ss) -- nonreflexive: reachable' g = reachable g . nub . concatMap (neighbours g) isReachable xs x = x `elem` xs listReachable = id neighbours g n = fromMaybe [] (lookup n g) reverseGraph g = collectByFst . map swap . edges $ g edges g = [(from,to)|(from,ns)<-g,to<-ns] nodes = map fst
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