TiP is imported by: TiBaseStruct.
module TiP where import HasBaseStruct import BaseSyntaxStruct import TI import TiLit(tcLit) import TiFields(tcFieldsPat) --import TiPrelude import MUtils instance HasId i (PI i p) where ident = HsPId isId (HsPId x) = Just x isId _ = Nothing {- instance (Fresh i,TypeId i,ValueId i, TypeCheck i inp (Typed i outp),HasLit outp, HasTypeApp i outp, HasBaseStruct outp (PI i outp)) => TypeCheck i (PI i inp) (Typed i outp) where tc = tcP -} tcP p = case p of HsPId n -> inst n -- HsPLit l -> emap hsPLit # tcLit0 l HsPLit s l -> tcLitP s l HsPNeg s l -> instPrel_srcloc s "negate" `tapp` tcLitP s l HsPSucc s n l -> instPrel_srcloc s "+" `tapp` inst (HsVar n) `tapp` tcLitP s l HsPInfixApp x op z -> instCon op `tapp` tc x `tapp` tc z HsPApp nm ps -> tcPApp nm ps HsPTuple s ps -> typedTuple =<< mapM tc ps HsPList s ps -> tcList =<< mapM tc ps HsPParen p -> emap hsPParen # tc p HsPRec c fields -> tcFieldsPat c fields HsPAsPat nm p -> tcAsPat nm p HsPWildCard -> (hsPWildCard:>:) # tfresh HsPIrrPat p -> emap hsPIrrPat # tc p where tcLitP s = tcLit (hsPLit s) s tcPApp con ps = foldl tapp (instCon con) (map tc ps) instCon c = inst (HsCon c) tcAsPat x p = do tx <- varinst x p' :>: tp <- tc p tx =:= tp hsPAsPat x p' >: tp -- binary version of HsPApp (only for constructor applications): pApp p1 p2 = case p1 of HsPId (HsCon c) -> HsPApp c [p2] HsPApp c ps -> HsPApp c (ps++[p2]) -- _ -> error ("pApp "++show p1)
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