TiPretty is imported by: TI, TiContextReduction.
module TiPretty where import TiTypes hiding (forall') import TiNames import TiKinds import PrettyPrint import SpecialNames import PrettySymbols(forall',imp,el) import Syntax(hsTyVar) import HsDeclPretty(ppFunDeps,ppContext) import MUtils(( # ),ifM) instance (TypeId i,ValueId i) => Printable (Scheme i) where ppi (Forall [] [] qt) = ppi qt ppi (Forall aks vks qt@(_:=>t)) = ppIfUnicode (ppForall varnames) (ppForall asciinames) where ppForall names = sep [forall' <+> vs'' <+> ".",letNest qt''] where qt'' = ifM (debugInfo # getPPEnv) (ppi qt) (ppi qt') vs'' = ifM (debugInfo # getPPEnv) (asep (k vs)) (asep (k vs')) where k vs = map ppKinded (zipTyped (vs:>:ks)) vs' = map snd s qt' = apply (S s) qt s = [(v,hsTyVar (ltvar name) `asTypeOf` t) | (v,name) <- zip vs names] vs:>:ks = unzipTyped (aks++vks) -- hmm n = length aks asep avs = if null as then fsep vs else braces (fsep as)<+>fsep vs where (as,vs) = splitAt n avs -- Infinite supplies of variables names: varnames = map single [alpha..omega]++asciinames where alpha='\x03b1'; omega='\x03c9' asciinames = map single letters++[a:show n|n<-[1..],a<-letters] single x = [x] letters = ['a'..'z'] ppKinded (x:>:k) = if k==kstar then ppi x else parens (x<>el<>k) instance (IsSpecialName i,Printable i,Printable t) => Printable (Qual i t) where ppi ([]:=>t) = ppi t ppi (ps:=>t) = sep [ppiFTuple ps <+> imp, letNest t] instance (Printable x,Printable t) => Printable (Typing x t) where ppi (x:>:t) = sep [wrap x <+> el,letNest t] ppiList xts = vcat xts instance (ValueId i,TypeId i) => Printable (TypeInfo i) where ppi i = case i of Data -> ppi "data" -- <+> o Newtype -> ppi "newtype" -- <+> o Class super ps fundeps methods -> "class" <+> sep [ppi (ppContext super<+>"_"<+>fsep (map ppKinded ps)), ppFunDeps fundeps, ppi "where", letNest methods] Synonym ps t -> "type" <+> appv (p:ps) <+> "=" <+> letNest t Tyvar -> ppi "type variable" where p = localVal "_" appv = asType . appT . map tyvar asType = id :: Type i -> Type i instance (IsSpecialName i,Printable i) => Printable (Subst i) where ppi (S s) = ppi s
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