Tree is imported by: TiConstraints, IxOutputM, MT, OutputM.
module Tree where import Monad import Prelude hiding (sequence) -- doesn't work in Hugs. import Control_Monad_Fix data Tree a = Empty | Single { theSingle :: a } | Node { theLeft :: Tree a, theRight :: Tree a } deriving Show merge Empty t = t merge t Empty = t merge t1 t2 = Node t1 t2 fold e s n = f where f Empty = e f (Single a) = s a f (Node l r) = n (f l) (f r) toList x = fold id (:) (.) x [] assertEmpty t = Empty assertSingle t = Single (theSingle t) assertNode t = Node (theLeft t) (theRight t) instance Functor Tree where fmap = liftM instance Monad Tree where return = Single Empty >>= f = Empty Single a >>= f = f a Node x y >>= f = Node (x >>= f) (y >>= f) instance MonadPlus Tree where mzero = Empty mplus = Node instance MonadFix Tree where mfix f = obs result where result = f (theSingle result) obs (Node _ _) = Node (mfix (theLeft . f)) (mfix (theRight . f)) obs x = x -- left to right sequence :: Monad m => Tree (m a) -> m (Tree a) sequence = fold (return Empty) (liftM Single) (liftM2 Node) mapM f = Tree.sequence . fmap f
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