UTF8Util is imported by: PPU.
module UTF8Util where import IO(isUserError,ioeGetErrorString) import UTF8 utf8 = encodeUTF8 -- . arrows {- -- Convert \ and -> into lambda and arrow arrows ('-':'>':s) = '\x2192':arrows s arrows ('\\':' ':s) = '\x03bb':' ':arrows s arrows (c:cs) = c:arrows cs arrows [] = [] -} -- Smileys happy = ['\x263a'] sad = ['\x2639'] -- Note: GHC <=5.02.2 silently truncates Unicode characters in string literals -- Encode error output utf8err e = if isUserError e then fail (utf8 (ioeGetErrorString e++"\n"++sad)) else ioError e
(HTML for this module was generated on 2009-01-04. About the conversion tool.)