-- Thomas' misc utils (things that are missing in the standard libraries)
module MUtils where import Monad(ap,unless,when) import List(groupBy,sortBy,sort) --import ExceptM() -- all eta expansions because of the stupid monomorphism restriction infixl 1 #,#.,<#,@@, >#< -- Infix versions of two essential operators: f # x = fmap f x mf <# mx = ap mf mx --Kleisli composition, another essential operator, sadly lacking from the --Haskell 98 libraries: m1 @@ m2 = \ x -> m1 =<< m2 x f #. m = \ x -> f # m x done :: Monad m => m () done = return () unlessM m1 m2 = do b <- m1 unless b m2 whenM m1 m2 = do b <- m1 when b m2 ifM bM tM eM = do b <- bM; if b then tM else eM aM &&& bM = ifM aM bM (return False) andM ms = foldr (&&&) (return True) ms allM p = andM . map p seqMaybe m = maybe (return Nothing) (Just # ) m -- Property: f # x == return f <# x (f >#< g) (x,y) = (,) # f x <# g y mapFstM f = mapM (apFstM f) apFstM f (x,y) = flip (,) y # f x mapSndM f = mapM (apSndM f) apSndM f (x,y) = (,) x # f y concatMapM f xs = concat # mapM f xs mapFst f = map (apFst f) mapSnd f = map (apSnd f) apSnd f (x,y) = (x,f y) apFst f (x,y) = (f x,y) mapBoth f = map (apBoth f) apBoth f (x,y) = (f x,f y) dup x = (x,x) pairWith f x = (x,f x) -- pairWith f = apSnd f . dup mapPartition f [] = ([],[]) mapPartition f (x:xs) = case f x of Left y -> apFst (y:) (mapPartition f xs) Right z -> apSnd (z:) (mapPartition f xs) collectBySnd x = map pick . groupBy eqSnd . sortBy cmpSnd $ x where pick xys@((_,y):_) = ({-sort $-} map fst xys,y) collectByFst x = map swap . collectBySnd . map swap $ x onFst f (x1,_) (x2,_) = f x1 x2 onSnd f (_,y1) (_,y2) = f y1 y2 cmpFst x = onFst compare x cmpSnd x = onSnd compare x eqFst x = onFst (==) x eqSnd x = onSnd (==) x swap (x,y) = (y,x) mapEither f g = either (Left . f) (Right . g) seqEither x = either (Left # ) (Right # ) x -- squeezeDups removes adjacent duplicates (cheaper than nub): squeezeDups (r1:rrs@(r2:_)) = if r1==r2 then squeezeDups rrs else r1:squeezeDups rrs squeezeDups rs = rs usort xs = squeezeDups (sort xs) --instance Functor ((->) a) where fmap = (.)
instance Functor (Either err) where
fmap = mapEither id
instance Monad (Either err) where
return = Right
Left err >>= _ = Left err
Right ans >>= m = m ans
(HTML for this module was generated on 2005-02-11. About the conversion tool.)