PM is imported by: CmdLineParser3, CmdLineParser4.
This is fairly simple. There is a complication in the error to case get descent error messages.
On success, a parser function returns the result and the remaining input. On error, the parser function returns the list of acceptable tokens at the high water mark, and the remaining input.
newtype PM res = PM {unPM ::[String] -> Either ([String],[String]) (res,[String])} runPM p args = case unPM p args of Right (r,[]) -> r Right (_,args) -> fail $ "Unrecognized arguments: "++unwords args Left (args,errs) -> fail $ ('\n':) $ render $ text "Expected one of:"<+>fsep (map text errs) $$ (if null args then empty else text "Found: "<+>fsep (map text args)) $$ text "" instance Functor PM where fmap = liftM instance Monad PM where fail s = PM $ \ args->Left (args,[s]) return x = PM $ \args->Right (x,args) PM p1>>=xp2 = PM $ \ args->case p1 args of Left err -> Left err Right (x,args') -> unPM (xp2 x) args' instance MonadPlus PM where mzero = fail "no parse" -- Hmm. Error message should say what was expected mplus (PM p1) (PM p2) = PM $ \ args -> case (p1 args,p2 args) of (Right res,_) -> Right res (r1@(Left (a1,errs1)),r2@(Left (a2,errs2))) -> case compare (length a1) (length a2) of LT -> r1 EQ -> Left (a1,errs1++errs2) GT -> r2 (_,r2) -> r2 get = PM $ \ args -> Right (args,args) set args = PM $ \ _ -> Right ((),args) tokenP check errmsg = do args <- get case args of a:as -> maybe (fail errmsg) (\a->set as>>return a) (check a) [] -> fail errmsg manyP p = ((:) `fmap` p `ap` manyP p) `mplus` return []
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