This is a small example illustrating how to create a simple command line interface using command-line parsing combinators.
import CmdLineParser4 import MUtils((@@),ifM) import Directory import Time main = run silly
The command line syntax:
silly = cmd "cat" cat <@ files --: "concatenate files" ! cmd "ls" ls <@ flag "-l" <@ files --: "list files (long)" ! cmd "date" date --: "print current date and time" ! cmd "help" help --: "show usage"
A file name is a non-empty argument that doesn't start with a dash.
files = many file file = token check "<filename>" where check "" = Nothing check ('-':_) = Nothing check path = Just path
Implementation of the functionality. Notice in particular how easy it is to implement the help command.
help = putStrLn (usage "silly" silly) date = print =<< getClockTime cat = mapM_ (putStr @@ readFile) ls True _ = fail "ls -l not implemented yet" ls False paths = mapM_ ls1 paths ls1 path = ifM (doesDirectoryExist path) (putStr . unlines =<< getDirectoryContents path) (ifM (doesFileExist path) (putStrLn path) (fail $ "No such file or directory: "++path))