(Draft) Tuesday Seminar
10 December 2002
by Thomas Hallgren
Highlights from the Workshop on Termination and Type Theory
Tuesday Seminar at OGI on 12 December, 2002.
by Thomas Hallgren
Workshop on Termination and Type Theory
A session is about to start
Some interesting talks
I pick three talks that I liked and talk about them.
Conor McBride: Seeing and Doing
or Termination for Free
- A common programming style:
- Pick a simple data structure.
- Describe your algorithm by saying
first do this, then do that.
- A better style:
- Understand the structure of your computation and design
your data structures to match.
- This allows you to see
the structure of the computation, since it follows the data structure.
Conor McBride: Seeing and Doing
- In the former approach (doing),
you typically need general recursion, and termination has to be proved
"after the fact".
- In the latter (seeing), structural recursion is enough!
You get a termination proof for free!
- The more powerful the type system, the better your data structure
can can capture the structure of the computations. Dependent types
are powerful.
Next: examples in Haskell.
Seeing and Doing :
Example: sorting by structural recursion
Sorting is easy to define with structural recursion:
insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
insert x [] = [x]
insert x (y:ys) = if x<=y then x:y:ys else y:insert x ys
sort [] = []
sort (x:xs) = insert x (sort xs)
However, there are more efficient sorting algorithms...
Seeing and Doing : Example :
Sorting efficiently
Resorting to general recursion, we can define a better sorting function:
quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort (filter (<x) xs)++
quicksort (filter (>=x) xs)
But this is almost structurally recursive. We only need to
get rid of the call to filter
in the recursive call to
Seeing and Doing : Example :
Sorting efficiently with structural recursion
We combine quicksort
and filter
into one function:
qsf p xs = quicksort (filter p xs)
By simple transformations, we obtain:
qsf p [] = []
qsf p (x:xs) = if p x
then qsf (\x'->p x' && x'<x) xs++
qsf (\x'->p x' && x'>=x) xs
else qsf p xs
We used the law:
filter p1 . filter p2 === filter (\x->p2 x && p1 x)
Seeing and Doing : Example :
Sorting efficiently with structural recursion
- In this case, it is fairly easy transform the generally recursive function
into a structurally recursive function.
- Next: an example of a more generally applicable approach.
Seeing and Doing :
From doing to seeing
- How does the computation proceed? What is the structure?
- For quicksort, in what state is the machine that executes quicksort
after each step?
quicksort [3,5,2,4]
Seeing and Doing :
From doing to seeing
The structure that emerges is a binary search tree. This reveals the
following alternative formulation of quicksort
treesort xs = flatten (foldr insert Empty xs)
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
insert a Empty = Node a Empty Empty
insert a (Node b l r) = if a<=b
then Node b (insert a l) r
else Node b l (insert a r)
flatten t = flatten' t []
flatten' Empty = id
flatten' (Node a l r) = flatten' l . (a:) . flatten' r
Ana Bove: Modelling General Recursion in Type Theory
- Based on a practical approach to handling general recursion in type theory.
- Defines a small functional language (called FP), with general
- Defines a mechanical translation from FP to type theory.
- The method allows for general recursion, including mutual recursion and
nested recursion.
- The translated functions look very similar to the original functions.
- Termination proofs are kept apart from the function definitions. This means
- You can prove things about functions without first having to prove
that they terminate.
- Partial functions can be handled.
- Non-trivial example: unification.
Modelling General Recursion in Type Theory :
General recursion in type theory
The old way
- Any total, generally recursive function can be represented in type theory
by using the accessibility predicate,
provided you have a size measure that
decreases in the recursive calls. [Acz77,Nor88]
- The method can be cumbersome, since termination proofs becomes intertwined
with the function definition.
Modelling General Recursion in Type Theory :
General recursion in type theory
The new way
- Each generally recursive function is translated into two parts:
- A special purpose accessibility predicate, or
domain predicate. It is inductively defined, based on the
structure of the original function.
- A translated function that instead of general recursion on
the original domain uses only structural recursion over the proof
that the argument satisfies the domain predicate.
Modelling General Recursion in Type Theory :
An example
- The original function:
quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort (filter (<x) xs)++
quicksort (filter (>=x) xs)
- The domain predicate:
Dqs :: [a] -> Prop
QsNil :: Dqs []
QsCons :: (x::a)->(xs::[a])->
Dqs (filter (<x) xs)->
Dqs (filter (>=x) xs) ->
Dqs (x:xs)
Modelling General Recursion in Type Theory :
An example
- The original function:
quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort (filter (<x) xs)++
quicksort (filter (>=x) xs)
- The translated function
quicksort :: Ord a => (xs::[a]) -> Dqs xs -> [a]
quicksort [] QsNil = []
quicksort (x:xs) (QsCons x xs p q) =
quicksort (filter (<x) xs) p ++
quicksort (filter (>=x) xs) q
Modelling General Recursion in Type Theory :
An example
Assuming you have a termination proof,
qsAll :: (xs::[a]) -> Dqs xs
you can define
qs :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
qs xs = quicksort xs (qsAll xs)
with the same type as the original function.
Modelling General Recursion in Type Theory :
What about mutual recursion?
- Mutually recursive functions give rise to
- simultaneously defined inductive domain predicates,
- mutually recursive translated functions.
- No problem!
Modelling General Recursion in Type Theory :
What about nested recursion
Modelling General Recursion in Type Theory :
What about nested recursion
General Recursion in Type Theory :
A non-trivial example: Unification
Part 1: data types
type Var = Int
type Fun = Int
data Term = Var Var | Fun Fun [Term]
type Assignment = (Var,Term)
type Substitution = [Assignment]
type Equation = (Term,Term)
type Equations = [Equation]
General Recursion in Type Theory :
Part 2: the unification function
unify :: Equations -> Maybe Substitution
unify eqs = unify' eqs []
unify' :: Equations -> Substitution -> Maybe Substitution
unify' [] s = Just s
unify' ((Var x,Var y):eqs) s | x==y = unify' eqs s
unify' ((Var x,t):eqs) s | x `elem` vars t = Nothing
| not (x `elem` vars t) =
unify' (substEqs x t eqs)
((x,t):substS x t s)
unify' ((Fun f ts,Var x):eqs) s = unify' ((Var x,Fun f ts):eqs) s
unify' ((Fun f ts1,Fun g ts2):eqs) s
| f/=g || length ts1/=length ts2 = Nothing
| f==g && length ts1==length ts2 = unify' (zip ts1 ts2++eqs) s
unify' structurally recursive?
General Recursion in Type Theory : Unification :
- Fortunately, there is a measure that allows us to prove that unify'
terminates for all arguments.
- ...
General Recursion in Type Theory : Unification :
Domain predicate
General Recursion in Type Theory : Unification :
Ana's thesis contains formal proofs of the following:
- unify is total, .e.g., all lists satisfy UniAcc.
- unify returns
only if the equations
aren't unifiable.
- The domain of the resulting substitution is a subset of the variables that
occur in the equations.
- The resulting substitution is idempotent.
- The resulting substitution is a most general unifier.
Yves Bertot: Type-theoretic functional semantics
- Defines a little imperative language IMP
(from [Winskel 1993]).
- Gives an operational semantics,
represented as an inductively defined relation in Coq.
- Gives a denotational semantics, represented as functions
in Coq. Resolves problems
with general recursion and nontermination.
- Formally proves that the operational semantics is equivalent to the
functional semantics.
- Extracts an interpreter (as OCaml code) from the denotational semantics.
Type-theoretic functional semantics :
The language IMP
- Arithmetic expressions:
a ::= n | X
| a₀ + a₁
| a₀ - a₁
| a₀ * a₁
- Boolean expressions:
b ::= true | false
| a₀ = a₁
| a₀ ≤ a₁
| ¬b
| b₀ ∧ b₁
| b₀ ∨ b₁
- Commands:
c ::= skip | X := a
| c₀ ; c₁
| if b then c₀ else c₁
| while b do c
Type-theoretic functional semantics :
Operational Semantics
No surprises here.
- For arithmetic expressions: relates an expression and a state to a number.
- For boolean expressions: relates an expression and a state to a boolean.
- For commands: relates a command and a state to the new state.
- Examples:
Type-theoretic functional semantics :
Denotational Semantics
- For arithmetic expressions: Expr -> State -> Nat
- For boolean expressions: BExpr -> State -> Bool
- For commands: Command -> State -> State
But there is a problem with a naive definition of the denotation function
for commands...
Type-theoretic functional semantics : Denotational Semantics :
Denotation of Commands
Naive attempt
Type-theoretic functional semantics : Denotational Semantics :
Denotation of Commands
Untie the recursive knot!
Type-theoretic functional semantics :
Relating the two semantics
- Fk is just
iter F k
, where iter
iterated function composition, defined by structural recursion on k.
- Usually fix-point iteration starts from ⊥. Here it is instead
shown that you can start from an arbitrary function g.
Type-theoretic functional semantics :
Relating the two semantics
- Proof of the implication in the opposite direction requires the
formulation of a domain predicate,
for the denotation function.
- An extra complication arises because
of nested recursion and the absence of Dybjer's simultaneous
inductive-recursive definitions in Coq.
- The equivalence of the operational and the denotational semantics is
now stated as follows:
Type-theoretic functional semantics :
Program extraction
Extraction of function
F is simple, since it doesn't contain any
proof components. The interpreter is then obtained by
interp :: Command -> State -> State
interp = fix F
- It could be that the most groundbreaking talk was one of the talks I
didn't understand...