{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module StringF( stringF'',StringF, {-HasBorderWidth(..),HasAllowedChar(..),HasShowString(..),-} getAllowedChar,setAllowedChar,getShowString,setShowString, setInitStringSize, getCursorPos,setCursorPos,getInitString,setInitString, generalStringF, oldIntF, oldPasswdF, oldStringF, bdStringF, oldGeneralStringF ) where import BgF(changeGetBackPixel) --import Color import Command import DrawInWindow import CompOps((>=^<), (>^=<)) --import Utils(bitand) import HbcWord import Cursor import Defaults(defaultFont, inputFg, inputBg, metaKey) import CmdLineEnv(argKey, argKeyList) import Dlayout(windowF) import Event import Font(split_string,font_ascent,next_pos,linespace,font_id,string_box_size,font_range) import Fudget --import FudgetIO import FRequest import Xcommand import Gc import Xtypes import Geometry(Point(..), pP, rR,pmax) import LayoutRequest(plainLayout,LayoutResponse(..)) --import LoadFont --import Message(Message(..)) import NullF --import Spops import StringEdit import InputMsg(InputMsg(..),mapInp,inputLeaveKey) import InputF(InF(..)) import SelectionF import Loops(loopThroughRightF) import Sizing -- Some versions of HBC fail if you mention a constructor class in an import spec. --import FDefaults hiding (HasInitSize) import FDefaults(cust,getpar,getparMaybe,HasBorderWidth(..),HasSizing(..),HasBgColorSpec(..),HasFgColorSpec(..),HasFontSpec(..),Customiser(..),PF(..)) import Data.Char(isPrint,isDigit) import GCAttrs --(ColorSpec,colorSpec,convColorK) -- + instances default(Int) -- chr/ord are defined in *some* versions of the library module Char... chr' = toEnum . wordToInt :: (Word->Char) ord' = fromIntegral . fromEnum :: (Char->Word) {- HBC uses "cpp -C -traditional" which causes all the to be left behind when the macro definitions are processed. That is why the definitions are inside a comment. -} newtype StringF = Pars [Pars] setAllowedChar p = cust (\ (Pars ps) -> Pars (AllowedChar p:ps)); getAllowedChar (Pars ps) = getpar (\x->case x of AllowedChar p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps; getAllowedCharMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of AllowedChar p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps setShowString p = cust (\ (Pars ps) -> Pars (ShowString p:ps)); getShowString (Pars ps) = getpar (\x->case x of ShowString p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps; getShowStringMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of ShowString p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps setCursorPos p = cust (\ (Pars ps) -> Pars (CursorPos p:ps)); getCursorPos (Pars ps) = getpar (\x->case x of CursorPos p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps; getCursorPosMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of CursorPos p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps setInitString p = cust (\ (Pars ps) -> Pars (InitString p:ps)); getInitString (Pars ps) = getpar (\x->case x of InitString p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps; getInitStringMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of InitString p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps instance HasBorderWidth (StringF) where { setBorderWidth p (Pars ps) = Pars (BorderWidth p:ps); getBorderWidthMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of BorderWidth p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps } instance HasFgColorSpec (StringF) where { setFgColorSpec p (Pars ps) = Pars (FgColorSpec p:ps); getFgColorSpecMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of FgColorSpec p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps } instance HasBgColorSpec (StringF) where { setBgColorSpec p (Pars ps) = Pars (BgColorSpec p:ps); getBgColorSpecMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of BgColorSpec p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps } instance HasFontSpec (StringF) where { setFontSpec p (Pars ps) = Pars (FontSpec p:ps); getFontSpecMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of FontSpec p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps } instance HasSizing (StringF) where { setSizing p (Pars ps) = Pars (Sizing p:ps); getSizingMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of Sizing p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps } --instance HasInitSize (StringF) where { setInitSize p (Pars ps) = Pars (InitSize p:ps); getInitSizeMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of InitSize p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps } -- StringF has wrong kind for this setInitSize p = cust (\ (Pars ps) -> Pars (InitSize p:ps)); getInitSize (Pars ps) = getpar (\x->case x of InitSize p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps; getInitSizeMaybe (Pars ps) = getparMaybe (\x->case x of InitSize p -> Just p; _-> Nothing) ps setInitStringSize = setInitSize -- avoid name clash data Pars = BorderWidth Int | FgColorSpec ColorSpec | BgColorSpec ColorSpec | FontSpec FontSpec | AllowedChar (Char->Bool) | ShowString (String->String) | InitSize String | Sizing Sizing | CursorPos Int -- puts cursor after the nth character | InitString String isTerminator key = key `elem` ["Escape", "Return", "KP_Enter", "Tab", "Up", "Down"] isBackSpace (c : _) = c == '\BS' || c == '\DEL' isBackSpace _ = False ctrl c = chr' (bitAnd (ord' c) (65535-96)) isCtrl c (c':_) = c' == ctrl c isCtrl _ _ = False isKill = isCtrl 'u' modchar mods c0 = if metaKey `elem` mods then chr' (ord' c0 `bitOr` 128) else c0 cursorBindings' = [(([], "Left"), moveCursorLeft), (([], "Right"), moveCursorRight), (([], "Home"), moveCursorHome), -- (([], "Up"), moveCursorHome), (([], "End"), moveCursorEnd), -- (([], "Down"), moveCursorEnd), -- (([Shift],"Control"), moveCursorHome), -- ??? -- (([Shift],"Control"), moveCursorEnd), -- ??? (([Shift],"Left"), extendCursorLeft), (([Shift],"Right"), extendCursorRight), (([Shift],"Home"), extendCursorHome), (([Shift],"Up"), extendCursorHome), (([Shift],"End"), extendCursorEnd), (([Shift],"Down"), extendCursorEnd)] ++ emacsBindings emacsBindings = [(([Control], "b"), moveCursorLeft), (([Control], "f"), moveCursorRight), (([Control], "e"), moveCursorEnd), (([Control], "a"), moveCursorHome)] cursorKey' mods key = lookup (filter (<=Mod5) mods,key) cursorBindings' hmargin = 3 vmargin = 2 placecursor font (Point x _) field = case getField field of [] -> field cs -> let (lcs, rcs, _) = split_string font cs (x - hmargin) in createField2 (lcs, rcs) showinputfield gc gcinv font show' = showinputfield' where drimstr = if snd (font_range font) > '\xff' then wDrawImageString16 else wDrawImageString showinputfield' active field = let y = font_ascent font + 1 draw x s = if null s then [] else [drimstr gc (pP x y) s] showpart gc' s0 (x, cmds) = let s = show' s0 in (x + next_pos font s, draw x s ++ cmds) showcursor s (x1, cmds) = let (x2, cmds') = showpart gc s (x1, cmds) cmd = if active then [wFillRectangle gcinv (rR (x1 - 1) 1 (x2 - x1 + 1) (linespace font))] else [] in (x2, cmds' ++ cmd) in snd (showField (showpart gc) showcursor field (hmargin, [])) createField' pos s = if pos<0 then createField s else createField2 (splitAt pos s) stringK bw initsize sizing bgcolor fgcolor fontspec allowedchar show' cursor defaultText active = setFontCursor 152 $ xcommandK (ConfigureWindow [CWBorderWidth bw]) $ changeGetBackPixel bgcolor $ \bg -> convColorK fgcolor $ \fg -> convFontK fontspec $ \ fd -> fontdata2struct fd $ \ font -> wCreateGC rootGC [GCFunction GXcopy, GCFont (font_id font), GCForeground fg, GCBackground bg] $ \drawGC -> wCreateGC rootGC (invertColorGCattrs bg fg) $ \invertGC -> let drawit field active = map Low (XCmd ClearWindow : drawcmds) where drawcmds = shinpf active field shinpf = showinputfield drawGC invertGC font show' stringproc size' field active = let redraw f = putsK (drawit f active) (stringproc size' f active) nochange = stringproc size' field active newsize s = stringproc s field active changeactive a = putsK (drawit field a) $ stringproc size' field a emit msg f a = putsK (drawit f a ++ [High (Right msg)]) $ stringproc size' f a emitchange f = let gf = getField f in updlayout size' gf (emit (InputChange gf) f active) emitdone key f = emit (InputDone key (getField f)) f active emitleave = emit (InputDone inputLeaveKey (getField field)) field False paste = putK (High (Left PasteSel)) nochange copy = putK (High (Left (Sel (getField field)))) nochange in getK $ \msg -> case msg of Low (XEvt event) -> case event of Expose _ _ -> redraw field KeyEvent _ _ _ mods Pressed _ key ascii -> case ascii of c0 : _ | allowedchar c -> ec (insertItem field c) where c = modchar mods c0 _ | isTerminator key -> emitdone key (createField (getField field)) | isBackSpace ascii -> ec (deleteItemLeft field) | isCtrl 'd' ascii -> ec (deleteItemRight field) | isCtrl 'k' ascii -> ec (deleteToEnd field) | isCtrl 'y' ascii -> paste | isCtrl 'c' ascii -> copy | isCtrl 'w' ascii -> copy -- should acutally be cut | isKill ascii -> ec (createField "") | otherwise -> case cursorKey' mods key of Just ed -> redraw (ed field) _ -> case key of "SunPaste" -> paste "SunCopy" -> copy _ -> --putK (Low (Bell 0)) $ nochange where ec = emitchange ButtonEvent {pos=p, button=Button 1} -> redraw (placecursor font p field) ButtonEvent {button=Button 2} -> paste FocusIn {} -> changeactive True FocusOut {} -> emitleave _ -> nochange Low (LEvt (LayoutSize nsize)) -> newsize nsize High (Right (Right newtext)) -> if newtext/=getField field then emitchange (createField newtext) --else updlayout size' newtext (redraw (createField newtext)) else nochange High (Right (Left customiser)) -> reconfigure customiser field active High (Left (SelNotify cs)) -> emitchange (insertItemsSelected field s) where s = filter allowedchar cs _ -> nochange reconfigure pmod field active = -- !! unload fonts, free GCs & colors... stringK bw' initsize' sizing' bgcolor' fgcolor' fontspec' allowed' show'' cursor' txt' active -- !!! Bad: active will be reset to False. -- !! A new layout request will be output (useful if font changed). where ps = pmod (Pars [BorderWidth bw, BgColorSpec bgcolor, FgColorSpec fgcolor, FontSpec fontspec, AllowedChar allowedchar, ShowString show', CursorPos (-1), -- !! InitSize initsize, Sizing sizing]) bw' = getBorderWidth ps initsize' = txt' --getInitSize ps -- hmm !! sizing' = getSizing ps bgcolor' = getBgColorSpec ps fgcolor' = getFgColorSpec ps fontspec' = getFontSpec ps allowed' = getAllowedChar ps show'' = getShowString ps txt' = getField field cursor' = getCursorPos ps sizetext text = pP (2*hmargin) (2*vmargin) + string_box_size font text size = pmax (sizetext defaultText) (sizetext initsize) updlayout curSize gf = let reqSize = sizetext gf nsize = newSize sizing curSize reqSize in if nsize /= curSize then putlayoutlims nsize else id putlayoutlims size' = putK (Low (layoutRequestCmd (plainLayout size' False True))) in putlayoutlims size $ stringproc size (createField' cursor defaultText) active generalStringF bw initsize sizing bg fg fontspec allowedchar show' cursor txt = loopThroughRightF winF selectionF where eventmask = [ExposureMask, KeyPressMask, ButtonPressMask, EnterWindowMask, LeaveWindowMask -- to be removed ] startcmds = [XCmd $ ChangeWindowAttributes [CWBitGravity NorthWestGravity, CWEventMask eventmask {-,CWBackingStore Always-}] ] winF = windowF startcmds (stringK bw initsize sizing bg fg fontspec allowedchar show' cursor txt False) stringF'' :: (Customiser StringF) -> PF StringF String (InputMsg String) stringF'' pmod = generalStringF bw initsize sizing bg fg font allowed show cursor initstring where ps = pmod (Pars [BorderWidth 1, BgColorSpec inputbg, FgColorSpec inputfg, FontSpec stringfont, AllowedChar isPrint', ShowString id, InitSize "xxxxx", Sizing Growing, CursorPos (-1), InitString ""]) bw = getBorderWidth ps bg = getBgColorSpec ps fg = getFgColorSpec ps font = getFontSpec ps allowed = getAllowedChar ps show = getShowString ps --initsize = "xxxxx" initsize = getInitSize ps sizing = getSizing ps cursor = getCursorPos ps initstring = getInitString ps oldGeneralStringF bw sizing font allowed show txt = generalStringF bw "xxxxx" sizing inputbg inputfg font allowed show (-1) txt >=^< Right bdStringF bw dyn font = oldGeneralStringF bw dyn font isPrint' id oldStringF :: String -> InF String String oldStringF = bdStringF 1 Growing stringfont oldPasswdF :: String -> InF String String oldPasswdF = oldGeneralStringF 1 Static stringfont isPrint' (map (const '*')) oldIntF :: Int -> InF Int Int oldIntF default' = mapInp read >^=< oldGeneralStringF 1 Static stringfont isDigit id (show default') >=^< show stringfont = fontSpec (argKey "inputfont" defaultFont) inputbg = colorSpec (argKeyList "stringbg" [inputBg]) inputfg = colorSpec (argKeyList "stringfg" [inputFg]) -- Workaround limitations of HBC's Char.isPrint to allow Unicode input. isPrint' c = c>'\xff' || isPrint c