module Font(CharStruct(CharStruct,char_width,char_rbearing), FontStruct(..),FontStructList(..), FontStructF(FontStruct,font_id,font_ascent,font_descent,font_prop), FontDirection(..), FontProp(..), update_font_id, font_range, split_string, string_len, -- string_rect_mono, string_rect, string_box_size, string_bounds, next_pos, poslist, linespace,fsl2fs) where import Geometry(Point(..), Rect(..), Size, pP, rR, rectsize, xcoord) import Xtypes(Atom,FontId) --import Utils(aboth) --import HbcUtils(mapFst) import Data.List(mapAccumL) import Maptrace(ctrace) -- debugging import Data.Array --import qualified Data.Array as LA --import qualified LA -- GHC bug workaround, can't use LA.! default(Int) data CharStruct = CharStruct {char_lbearing, char_rbearing, char_width, char_ascent, char_descent :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data FontDirection = FontLeftToRight | FontRightToLeft deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum) data FontProp = FontProp Atom Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) -- Only 8-bit characters and 2-byte matrixes. See fsl2fs too! type FontStruct = FontStructF (Array Char CharStruct) data FontStructF per_char = FontStruct {font_id :: FontId, font_dir :: FontDirection, first_char, last_char :: Char, font_complete :: Bool, -- all chars exist default_char :: Char, font_prop :: [FontProp], max_bounds, min_bounds :: CharStruct, per_char :: Maybe per_char, font_ascent, font_descent :: Int -- ^ logical extent above/below baseline for spacing } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) {- font_id (FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) = fid font_ascent (FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) = asc font_descent (FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) = de per_char (FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) = ca max_bounds (FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) = maxb min_bounds (FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) = minb font_range (FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) = (fc,lc) default_char (FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) = dc font_prop (FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) = fps -} font_range fs = (first_char fs,last_char fs) --update_font_id (FontStruct _ fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) fid = -- FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de update_font_id fs fid = fs{font_id=fid} linespace fs = font_ascent fs + font_descent fs char_struct default' fs c = case per_char fs of Nothing -> default' fs Just ca -> --ca ! c ca ! (if inRange (font_range fs) c -- or: bounds ca then -- debugging if inRange (bounds ca) c then c else ctrace "fontrange" (font_range fs,bounds ca,c) (default_char fs) else let c' = default_char fs in if inRange (bounds ca) c' then c' else ctrace "fontrange" (font_range fs,"default char",c') ' ') lbearing fs = char_lbearing . char_struct min_bounds fs rbearing fs = char_rbearing . char_struct max_bounds fs poslist :: FontStruct -> String -> [Int] poslist fs = map (char_width . char_struct max_bounds fs) next_pos :: FontStruct -> String -> Int next_pos fs = sum . poslist fs -- string_bounds gives enclosing rect with respect to first character's origin string_bounds :: FontStruct -> String -> Rect string_bounds fs [] = Rect (Point 0 0) (Point 0 0) string_bounds fs s = let cs = char_struct max_bounds fs x = lbearing fs (head s) y = -(maximum . map (char_ascent . cs)) s width = next_pos fs (take (length s - 1) s) + rbearing fs (last s) height = (maximum . map (char_descent . cs)) s - y in Rect (Point x y) (Point width height) string_len :: FontStruct -> String -> Int string_len fs s = (xcoord . rectsize . string_bounds fs) s string_rect :: FontStruct -> String -> Rect string_rect fs s = rR 0 (-font_ascent fs) (string_len fs s) (linespace fs) string_box_size :: FontStruct -> String -> Size string_box_size fs s = pP (next_pos fs s) (linespace fs) split_string:: FontStruct -> String -> Int -> (String,String,Int) split_string fs s x = -- find the first char that ends to the right of the wanted x position case dropWhile (\(_,_,xr)->xr<x) nxs of (n,xl,xr):_ -> -- xl<=x<=xr, wanted x position is inside the nth character if x-xl<xr-x then split n -- left edge of nth char is closer else split (n+1) -- right edge of nth char is closer [] -> (s,[],n) -- x position is after the last char of the string where split n = case splitAt n s of (s1,s2) -> (s1,s2,n) --n=length s, nxs= string & screen positions of all characters in the string ((n,_),nxs) = mapAccumL (\(n,x) w -> ((n+1,x+w),(n,x,x+w))) ((0,0)::(Int,Int)) ws -- Width of all characters: ws = poslist fs s {- old: let dist s' = abs (next_pos font s' - x) nearer (pre1, _, _) (pre2, _, _) = dist pre1 <= dist pre2 better x y = if nearer x y then x else y in foldr1 better (allsplits s) --allsplits s = [(take n s, drop n s, n) | n <- [0 .. length s]]) allsplits [] = [([],[],0)] allsplits xxs@(x:xs) = ([],xxs,0): map (\(xs,ys,n)->(x:xs,ys,n+1)) (allsplits xs) -} -------- -- This is a temporary fix until we know how to construct Haskell arrays from C type FontStructList = FontStructF [CharStruct] {- data FontStructList = FontStructList FontId FontDirection Char -- first character Char -- last character Bool -- all chars exist Char -- default char [FontProp] CharStruct -- min bounds CharStruct -- max bounds (Maybe [CharStruct]) Int -- logical extent above baseline for spacing Int -- logical extent below baseline for spacing deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) -} --fontl_prop (FontStructList fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb ca asc de) = fps fontl_prop = font_prop fsl2fs (FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb optclist asc de) = FontStruct fid fd fc lc all' dc fps minb maxb optca asc de where optca = fmap l2a optclist l2a clist = array (fc, lc) (zip ixs clist) -- !! This assumes single byte font, or 2 byte matrix font. -- !! Linear 16-bit fonts will not work. -- ! Using a linear array for a 2 byte matrix font wastes space! ixs = [toEnum (256*byte1+byte2) | byte1<-range (min_byte1,max_byte1), byte2<-range (min_byte2,max_byte2)] (min_byte1,min_byte2) = fromEnum fc `divMod` 256 (max_byte1,max_byte2) = fromEnum lc `divMod` 256 {- -- hack to circumvent limitation in generational garbage collector data Array a b = Arr (a,a) (LA.Array Int (LA.Array Int b)) deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read) array :: (Ix a, Enum a) => (a,a) -> [(a,b)] -> Array a b array bds l = Arr bds (LA.listArray (0,dix b2i-dix b1i) [LA.array rng (filter (inRange rng.fst) (mapFst fromEnum l)) | offs <- [b1i,b1i+maxsize..b2i], rng <- [(offs,(offs+maxsize-1) `min` b2i)]]) where (b1i,b2i) = aboth fromEnum bds (!) :: (Ix a, Enum a) => Array a b -> a -> b (!) (Arr (b1,b2) a) i = (a `LA.sub` dix (ii-fromEnum b1)) `LA.sub` ii where ii = fromEnum i bounds :: (Ix a, Enum a) => Array a b -> (a,a) bounds (Arr bds a) = bds maxsize = 255 dix i = i `div` maxsize -}