module SuperMenuF (superMenuF, MenuItem (..)) where
--module SuperMenuF where
import AllFudgets
import Data.Maybe(fromJust) --,fromMaybe
import HbcUtils(breakAt)
data a =
Item a
| (String, [MenuItem a])
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data a =
ItemTag a
| SubTag String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data =
| PopdownSub
mainTag = SubTag "Joost Bossuyt"
modstate = []
mousebutton = Button 1
gcs optrect text =
let mask =
[EnterWindowMask, LeaveWindowMask, ButtonPressMask, ButtonReleaseMask,
startcmds =
[XCmd $ ChangeWindowAttributes [CWEventMask mask, CWBackingStore Always]]
optsize = fmap rectsize optrect
in swindowF startcmds
(buttonDisplayK gcs optsize text)
lxcmd = Low . XCmd
buttonDisplayK (drawGC,invertGC,fs) opsize text =
let Rect spos ssize = string_rect fs text
margin = Point 3 1
size =case opsize of
Just s -> s
Nothing -> padd ssize (padd margin margin)
invertitif b size' =
if b then [Low (wFillRectangle invertGC (Rect origin size'))]
else []
drawit state size' =
let textpos = psub margin spos
in [lxcmd ClearWindow, Low (wDrawImageString drawGC textpos text)]
++ invertitif (state == BMInverted) size'
buttonproc bstate size' =
let same = buttonproc bstate size'
cont b = buttonproc b size'
redraw b s = putsK (drawit b s) (buttonproc b s)
in getK $ \bmsg ->
case bmsg of
Low (XEvt (Expose _ 0)) -> redraw bstate size'
Low (LEvt (LayoutSize size'')) -> redraw bstate size''
Low (XEvt (ButtonEvent _ _ _ _ Released _)) ->
putsK (invertitif (bstate == BMInverted) size'
++ [High (BMClick, Nothing)])
(cont BMNormal)
Low (XEvt (EnterNotify {pos=winpos,rootPos=rootpos})) ->
let width = Point (xcoord size') (-1)
pos = padd (psub rootpos winpos) width
in putsK (invertitif (bstate /= BMInverted) size'
++ [High (BMInverted, Just pos)])
(cont BMInverted)
Low (XEvt (LeaveNotify {})) ->
putsK (invertitif (bstate /= BMNormal) size') (cont BMNormal)
_ -> same
in putsK [Low (layoutRequestCmd (plainLayout size True True))]
(buttonproc BMNormal size)
gcs alts show_alt =
let --show_MenuTag :: MenuTag a -> String
show_MenuTag x =
case x of
ItemTag a -> show_alt a
SubTag s -> s
altButton alt = (alt, menuButtonF1 gcs Nothing (show_MenuTag alt))
in listLF (verticalP' 0) (map altButton alts)
gcs optrect alts show_alt =
let wattrs = [CWEventMask [], CWSaveUnder True, CWOverrideRedirect True]
startcmds = [lxcmd $ ChangeWindowAttributes wattrs,
lxcmd $ ConfigureWindow [CWBorderWidth 1]]
fudget = menuListF gcs alts show_alt
in delayF $
loopCompThroughRightF $
shellKF' (setMargin 0.setVisible False) (putsK startcmds subMenuK) fudget
let popdown = map lxcmd [UnmapWindow]
popup p = map lxcmd [moveWindow p, MapRaised]
downK =
getK (\msg ->
case msg of
High (Right (PopupSub p )) -> putsK (popup p) upK
_ -> downK)
upK =
getK (\msg ->
case msg of
High (Right PopdownSub) -> putsK popdown downK
High (Left (alt, (bm, pos))) ->
putsK [High (Right (alt, (bm, pos)))] upK
_ -> upK)
in setFontCursor 110 downK
controlF list = loopCompThroughRightF (kernelF controlK >+< listF list)
controlK ::
(Eq a) =>K (Either (MenuTag a,(MenuTag a,(BMevents,Maybe Point))) PopupSubMenu)
(Either (MenuTag a,PopupSubMenu) a)
controlK =
let proc active =
getK (\msg ->
case msg of
High (Left (tag, (SubTag s, (bm, opoint)))) ->
(case bm of
BMClick ->
let oldlist = map (\x -> High (Left (x, PopdownSub))) active
in putsK oldlist (proc [])
BMInverted ->
let (olist, nlist) = breakAt tag active
newlist = [SubTag s, tag] ++ nlist
oldlist = map (\x -> High (Left (x, PopdownSub))) olist
pos = fromJust opoint
in putsK (oldlist ++ [High(Left(SubTag s, PopupSub pos))])
(proc newlist)
_ -> proc active)
High (Left (tag, (ItemTag a, (bm, opoint)))) ->
(case bm of
BMClick ->
let oldlist = map (\x -> High (Left (x, PopdownSub))) active
in putsK (oldlist ++ [High (Right a)]) (proc [])
BMInverted ->
let (olist, nlist) = breakAt tag active
newlist = [tag] ++ nlist
oldlist = map (\x -> High (Left (x, PopdownSub))) olist
in putsK oldlist (proc newlist)
_ -> proc active)
High (Right (PopupSub pos)) ->
putsK [High (Left (mainTag, PopupSub pos))] (proc [mainTag])
High (Right PopdownSub) ->
let oldlist = map (\x -> High (Left (x, PopdownSub))) active
in putsK oldlist (proc [])
_ -> proc active)
in proc []
clickF1 gcs optrect name =
let topopup = High . Left
routeClick = Left
optsize = fmap rectsize optrect
proc (Low (XEvt (ButtonEvent _ winpos rootpos [] Pressed (Button 1)))) =
topopup (True, PopupSub (psub rootpos winpos))
proc (Low (XEvt (ButtonEvent _ _ _ _ Released (Button 1)))) =
topopup (False, PopdownSub)
proc (Low (XEvt (LeaveNotify {mode=NotifyUngrab}))) =
topopup (False, PopdownSub)
proc (Low msg) = Low msg
proc (High hi) = High (Right hi)
wattrs =
[CWEventMask [ExposureMask, ButtonPressMask, ButtonReleaseMask,
OwnerGrabButtonMask, LeaveWindowMask, EnterWindowMask]]
startcmds = [XCmd $ ChangeWindowAttributes wattrs,
XCmd $ ConfigureWindow [CWBorderWidth 1]]
K cdisp = clickDisplayK gcs optsize name
in swindowF startcmds
(K $ preMapSP cdisp proc)
clickDisplayK (drawGC,invertGC,fs) optsize name0 =
let Rect spos ssize = string_rect fs name0
strsize = string_box_size fs
margin = Point 3 1
size = fromMaybe (padd ssize (padd margin margin)) optsize
invertitif b size' =
if b
then [Low (wFillRectangle invertGC (Rect origin size'))]
else []
drawname name hi size =
let textpos = scalePoint 0.5 (size `psub` strsize name) `psub` spos
in [lxcmd ClearWindow, Low (wDrawImageString drawGC textpos name)]
++ invertitif hi size
buttonproc highlighted size' name =
let fixpos (PopupSub p) =
PopupSub (p `padd` pP (-1) (ycoord size'))
fixpos msg = msg
same = buttonproc highlighted size' name
cont b = buttonproc b size' name
contn n = buttonproc highlighted size' n
redraw b s = putsK (drawname name b s) (buttonproc b s name)
newname name' = putsK (drawname name' highlighted size')
(contn name')
in getK $ \bmsg ->
case bmsg of
Low (XEvt (Expose _ 0)) -> redraw highlighted size'
Low (LEvt (LayoutSize size'')) -> redraw highlighted size''
Low (XEvt (LeaveNotify {})) ->
putsK (invertitif highlighted size') (cont False)
Low (XEvt (EnterNotify {})) ->
putsK (invertitif (not highlighted) size') (cont True)
High (Left (hi, msg)) ->
putsK (invertitif (hi /= highlighted) size' ++
[High (fixpos msg)])
(cont hi)
High (Right name') -> newname name'
_ -> same
in putsK [Low (layoutRequestCmd (plainLayout size True True))]
(buttonproc False size name0)
superMenuF :: (Eq a) => (Maybe Rect) -> FontName -> String -> [MenuItem a]
-> (a -> String) -> F String a
oplace fname text alts show_alt =
safeLoadQueryFont fname $ \fs ->
allocNamedColorPixel defaultColormap "black" $ \ black ->
allocNamedColorPixel defaultColormap "white" $ \ white ->
wCreateGC rootGC [GCFunction GXcopy, GCFont (font_id fs)] $ \drawGC ->
wCreateGC drawGC (invertColorGCattrs black white) $ \invertGC ->
let gcs = (drawGC,invertGC,fs)
parse tag source current done =
if source == []
then if current == []
then done
else done ++ [(tag, subMenuF gcs Nothing current show_alt)]
else let (x : xs) = source
in case x of
Item y -> parse tag
(current ++ [ItemTag y])
Submenu (s, z) -> parse tag
(current ++ [SubTag s])
(parse (SubTag s) z [] done)
in controlF (parse mainTag alts [] []) >==< clickF1 gcs oplace text