DerivingOrd is imported by: Deriving.
module DerivingOrd where import Maybe(mapMaybe) import DerivingUtils deriveOrd stdnames src t@(_,TypeInfo{constructors=cs}) = do let pv = stdvalue stdnames mod_Prelude pt = stdtype stdnames mod_Prelude HsVar compare <- pv "compare" lexOrder <- pv "lexOrder" -- nonstandard entity! int <- hsTyId # pt "Int" let branches = mapMaybe eqbranch cs `asTypeOf` def n = length cs def = if n<2 && length branches==n then [] else [alt x y cmpcno] where x = var (localVal "x") y = var (localVal "y") cmpcno = hsLet cnodef (compareE (cnoE x) (cnoE y)) cnodef = oneDef (fun src (zipWith cnoalt [0..] cs)) cno = localVal "cno" cnoE a = var cno `app` a cnoalt i ConInfo{conName=c0,conArity=n} = alt1 src cno (hsPApp c xs) (l i) where xs = replicate n wild c = convCon t c0 l 0 = intlit 0 -:: int -- add type restriction to the first branch l i = intlit i intlit = hsLit src . HsInt eqbranch ConInfo{conName=c0,conArity=n} = if n==0 then Nothing else Just (alt (p xs) (p ys) rhs) where c = convCon t c0 p = hsPApp c rhs = conj comps conj = foldr1 (opapp lexOrder) comps = zipWith compareE xs ys xs = take n (vars "x") ys = take n (vars "y") compareE = opapp (HsVar compare) alt = alt2 src compare return [fun src (branches++def)]
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