TiClasses is imported by: TI, TiBySuper, TiContextReduction, TiGeneralize, TiUtil, DerivingUtils, RemoveListComp, SimpFieldLabels, SimpFunBind, SimpPatMatch, StrategoCmds, TiProp2Stratego2, PFEdeps, IsabelleCmds, PfePropCmds.
This module defined various classes and auxiliary types that are used throughout the type checker.
module TiClasses where import TiMonad(IM,KEnv) import TiSolve(TypeConstraint) import TiTypes import HsLiteral(HsLiteral) --import HasBaseStruct(hsIf) --import DefinedNames(DefinedNames) import TiKinds(KindConstraint) import TiInstanceDB(Instance) --import List(nub) import MUtils import AccList --import Substitute --import SrcLoc type TypedDecls i ds = Typing ds (DeclsType i) type TypedTopDecls i ds = Typing ds ([Instance i],DeclsType i) type DeclsType i = ([TAssump i],[Assump i]) type TAssump i = Typing (HsIdentI i) (Kind,TypeInfo i) nilDeclsType = ([],[]) -- ::DeclsType i --(+++) :: DeclsType i->DeclsType i->DeclsType i (xs1,ys1)+++(xs2,ys2) = (xs1++xs2,ys1++ys2) concDeclsType = foldr (+++) nilDeclsType class AddDeclsType i d | d->i where addDeclsType :: DeclsType i -> d -> d rmDeclsType :: d -> d addDeclsType _ d = d rmDeclsType = id {- Although their syntax are different, and they are type checked differently, the base syntax uses *the same* type for, top level declarations, local declarations, declarations in class definitions and declarations in instance definitions. Obviously we can't use the same overloaded function for type checking all of them... -} type CheckDecls i s r = s -> TI i (TypedDecls i r) type CheckTopDecls i s r = s -> TI i (TypedTopDecls i r) type CheckInstDecls i s r = [Assump i] -> s -> TI i r class TypeCheckDecls i s r {-| s->r-} where tcTopDecls :: (s->s) -> CheckTopDecls i s r tcInstDecls :: CheckInstDecls i s r --,tcLocalDecls' --, tcClassDecls --tcLocalDecls' = tcTopDecls tcLocalDecls ds = fmap (snd.snd) # tcTopDecls id ds -- discard instance db and kind env class TypeCheckDecl i s r where tcDecl :: [Typed i (HsIdentI i)] -> s -> TI i r class CheckRecursion i d where checkRecursion :: [d] -> TI i () type TI i = IM i (TypeConstraint i) type KI i = IM i KindConstraint class TypeCheck i s r {-| s->r-} where tc :: s -> TI i r class KindCheck i t r | t->r where kc :: t -> KI i r class DeclInfo i d | d->i where explicitlyTyped :: [Kinded (HsIdentI i)] -> [Typing (HsIdentI i) (TypeInfo i)] -> [Pred i] -> d -> DeclsType i --isTypeDecl :: d -> Bool isUnrestricted :: Bool -> d -> Bool keepAmbigTypes :: d -> Bool keepAmbigTypes d = False class HasMethodSigs ds where splitMethodSigs :: ds -> (ds,ds) {- class GetSigs i c tp ds | ds->i c tp where getSigs :: ds -> [(SrcLoc,[i],c,tp)] -} {- instance KindCheck t r=> KindCheck [t] [r] where kc = mapM kc instance (KindCheck t1 r1, KindCheck t2 r2) => KindCheck (t1,t2) (r1,r2) where kc (t1,t2) = (,) # kc t1 <# kc t2 -} --instance TypeCheck i s r => TypeCheck i [s] [r] where tc = mapM tc class HasId i e | e->i where ident :: HsIdentI i -> e isId :: e -> Maybe (HsIdentI i) var x = ident (HsVar x) con c = ident (HsCon c) isVar e = do HsVar x <- isId e return x --class HasLit e where lit :: HsLiteral -> e class HasId i e => HasCoreSyntax i e | e->i where app :: e -> e -> e tuple,list :: [e] -> e --paren :: e -> e class HasTypeAnnot i e | e->i where typeAnnot :: e -> Type i -> e typeAnnot e t = e -- default: no decoration --typedIf t cnd thn els = typeAnnot (hsIf cnd thn els) t class HasCoreSyntax i e => HasTypeApp i e | e->i where spec :: HsIdentI i -> Scheme i -> [Type i] -> e spec x sc ts = ident x -- default: no decoration class HasAbstr i e | e->i where abstract :: [i] -> e -> e class (HasAbstr i s) => HasLocalDef i e s | s->e i where letvar :: Typing i (Type i) -> e -> s -> s {- smartLetvar x@(i:>:_) e = case isId e of Just _ -> esubst1 var e i _ -> letvar x e -} --letvar x e1 e2 = abstract [x] e2 `app` e1 instance HasAbstr i e => HasAbstr i [e] where abstract = map . abstract instance HasLocalDef i e s => HasLocalDef i e [s] where letvar x e1 = map (letvar x e1) infixr 5 `consDef` class HasDef ds d | ds->d where nullDef :: ds -> Bool noDef :: ds consDef :: d -> ds -> ds appendDef :: ds -> ds -> ds filterDefs :: (d->Bool) -> ds -> ds toDefs :: [d] -> ds toDefs = foldr consDef noDef concatDefs ds = foldr appendDef noDef ds oneDef d = consDef d noDef class HasDefs ds d | ds->d where fromDefs :: ds -> [d] instance HasDefs [d] d where fromDefs = id --class Decorate s i where decorate :: i -> s -> s class EnvFrom ds env | ds->env where accEnv :: ds -> env -> env envFrom ds = accEnv ds nilDeclsType instance EnvFrom d env => EnvFrom [d] env where accEnv = accList accEnv
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