HLexTagModuleNames is imported by: HLex2html.
This module exports the lexer postprocessor convModulesNames, which changes the tags of module names and special identifers in imports. (They are just tagged as Conid and Varid by the lexer.)
Real module names are retagged as ModuleName, while module aliases in export lists, and after the as keyword, are retagged as ModuleAlias.
The special identifiers qualified, as and hiding are retagged as Specialid.
This is a simple hack that assumes that the input is syntactically correct.
module HLexTagModuleNames(convModuleNames) where import HsTokens convModuleNames = convh -- At the beginning of a module convh = skipspace convh' convh' (t@(Reservedid,(_,"module")):ts) = t:convm ts convh' ts = conv ts -- no module header -- When "module" has been seen at the beginning of a module: convm = skipspace convm' convm' ((Qconid,ps):ts) = (ModuleName,ps):conv ts convm' ((Conid,ps):ts) = (ModuleName,ps):conv ts convm' ts = conv ts -- syntactically incorrect module header?! -- At various positions conv = skipspace conv' conv' [] = [] conv' (t@(Reservedid,(_,"import")):ts) = t:convi ts conv' (t@(Reservedid,(_,"module")):ts) = t:conve ts conv' (t:ts) = t:conv ts -- a "normal" token, output unchanged -- When "module" has been seen in an export list: conve = skipspace conve' conve' ((Qconid,ps):ts) = (ModuleAlias,ps):conv ts conve' ((Conid,ps):ts) = (ModuleAlias,ps):conv ts conve' ts = conv ts -- syntactically incorrect module export?! -- When "import" has been seen: convi = skipspace convi' convi' ((Varid,ps@(_,"qualified")):ts) = (Specialid,ps):convi ts convi' ((Qconid,ps):ts) = (ModuleName,ps):conva ts convi' ((Conid,ps):ts) = (ModuleName,ps):conva ts convi' ts = conv ts -- syntactically incorrect import declaration?! -- When the module name after "import" has been seen: conva = skipspace conva' conva' (t2@(Varid,ps@(_,"as")):ts) = (Specialid,ps):conva ts conva' (t2@(Varid,ps@(_,"hiding")):ts) = (Specialid,ps):conv ts conva' ((Qconid,ps):ts) = (ModuleAlias,ps):conva ts conva' ((Conid,ps):ts) = (ModuleAlias,ps):conva ts conva' ts = conv ts skipspace f (t@(Whitespace,_):ts) = t:skipspace f ts skipspace f (t@(NestedComment,_):ts) = t:skipspace f ts skipspace f (t1@(Commentstart,_):t2@(Comment,_):ts) = t1:t2:skipspace f ts skipspace f ts = f ts
(HTML for this module was generated on 2006-08-12. About the conversion tool.)