HsTokens is imported by: HsLayoutPre, HsLexMerge, HsLexUtils, HsLexer, ParseMonad, HsParser, HLex2html, HLexTagModuleNames, Pfe1Cmds, PropParser, PropLexer.
module HsTokens where -- Haskell token classifications: data Token = Varid | Conid | Varsym | Consym | Reservedid | Reservedop | Specialid | IntLit | FloatLit | CharLit | StringLit | Qvarid | Qconid | Qvarsym | Qconsym | Special | Whitespace | NestedCommentStart -- will cause a call to an external function | NestedComment -- from the external function | LiterateComment -- not handled by the lexer | Commentstart -- dashes | Comment -- what follows the dashes | ErrorToken | GotEOF | TheRest | ModuleName | ModuleAlias -- recognized in a later pass -- Inserted during layout processing (see Haskell 98, 9.3): | Layout -- for implicit braces | Indent Int -- <n>, to preceed first token on each line | Open Int -- {n}, after let, where, do or of, if not followed by a "{" deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
(HTML for this module was generated on 2006-08-12. About the conversion tool.)