HsExpUtil is imported by: BaseSyntaxUtil, HsExp, HsExpPretty, BetaReduce.
Auxiliary E structure functions.
module HsExpUtil where import HsExpStruct import HsIdent import SrcLoc(SrcLoc) --import HsAssoc import HsExpMaps(mapEI, accEI) import HasBaseStruct(basestruct) import MUtils(( # )) -- Auxiliary type used during parsing&printing, not part of the abstract syntax: data HsStmtAtom e p ds = HsGeneratorAtom SrcLoc p e | HsQualifierAtom e | HsLetStmtAtom ds | HsLastAtom e deriving (Eq, Show) atoms2Stmt [HsQualifierAtom e] = return (HsLast e) atoms2Stmt (HsGeneratorAtom s p e : ss) = HsGenerator s p e # atoms2Stmt ss atoms2Stmt (HsLetStmtAtom ds : ss) = HsLetStmt ds # atoms2Stmt ss atoms2Stmt (HsQualifierAtom e : ss) = HsQualifier e # atoms2Stmt ss atoms2Stmt _ = fail "last statement in a 'do' expression must be an expression" getStmtList (HsGenerator l p e s) = HsGeneratorAtom l p e : getStmtList s getStmtList (HsQualifier e s) = HsQualifierAtom e : getStmtList s getStmtList (HsLetStmt ds s) = HsLetStmtAtom ds : getStmtList s getStmtList (HsLast e) = [HsLastAtom e] isEVar e = isHsIdVar =<< exposeE e isHsIdVar e = case e of HsId (HsVar n) -> Just n _ -> Nothing -- Expose the E structure of an expression (ignoring parentheses). exposeE e = case basestruct e of Just (HsParen e') -> exposeE e' Just e' -> Just e' _ -> Nothing {- isPatternE iscon isvar pef pe = case pe of HsId (HsVar n) -> True HsTuple es -> all pef es HsWildCard -> True HsApp e1 e2 | iscon e1 -> pef e2 | isvar e1 -> False | otherwise -> pef e1 && pef e2 HsList es -> all pef es HsInfixApp e1 (HsCon op) e2 -> pef e1 && pef e2 HsParen e -> pef e HsAsPat n e -> pef e HsRecConstr con fields -> True _ -> False -} {- isFundefLhsE pef fdf pe p = case pe of HsParen e -> fdf e p HsId (HsVar n) -> p HsApp l r -> pef r && fdf l True HsInfixApp l (HsVar n) r -> pef l && pef r _ -> False -}
Finds all of the free variables in an E structure.
{- freeVarsE fve e = case e of HsId (HsVar n) -> [n] _ -> accEI (const id) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (mapEI id fve (const []) (const []) (const []) (const []) e) [] -} {- Obsolete... reassociateE isinfix make undo rae rap rads env (HsInfixApp a op1 b) = let f = getHSName op1 a' = rae env a in if isinfix a' then let (op2, c, d) = undo a' g = getHSName op2 in if (getPrec env f) > (getPrec env g) || ((getPrec env f == getPrec env g) && (getAssoc env f == HsAssocRight && getAssoc env g == HsAssocRight)) then HsInfixApp c op2 (rae env (make d op1 b)) else HsInfixApp a' op1 (rae env b) else HsInfixApp a' op1 b reassociateE isinfix make undo rae rap rads env e = mapEI id (rae env) (rap env) (rads env) id id e -} {- removeParensE make rp e = case e of HsParen e' -> rp e' _ -> make $ mapEI id rp id id id id e -}
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